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Hyustus Staget: Dead

Hyustus Staget

The City Watch is Waterdeep's police force, charged with keeping the peace and apprehending criminals. City Watch patrols are usually four to twelve persons strong. A patrol expecting trouble might also have reinforcement in the form of a priest (on loan from one of the local temples) or a mage (from the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors).
Ranks in the City Watch
Members of the City Watch are called officers. Their ranks are, from lowest to highest:
- Constable, Sergeant (armar)
- Lieutenant (civilar)
- Captain (senior civilar; leader of a watch station)
- Major (ward civilar; one per city ward)
- Commander of the Watch
The Watch also includes a Senior Armsmaster, who reports to the Commander of the Watch and is in charge of supplies. The Commander of the Watch reports to the Open Lord, Laeral Silverhand.  

Party business:

Met party at Zhentarim's warehouse.
Was surprised by Renaer presence there.
Took our prisoner a kenku rogue for a night.
Gave us kenku back the next morning.

Was found dead in dungeons where party woke up after was kidnapped by Vincent Trench
His sword and chainmail was found in the torture chamber

A captain of the city watch.

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