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Journal - Season 1

Session 1 - Volo and Floon and Renaer

Party rested after a journey in a Yawning Portal Inn.
A local patron half-orc woman Yagra Stonefist have a dispute with a party of bald tattooed thugs.
Which lead to a fight and Yagra's black out.

After that they become a witness of a troll attack
Helped Durnan the innkeeper with a troll.
Met Volothamp Geddram, and set on a quest to find his associate Floon Blagmar.

After short research get information from Skewered Dragon Inn and Old Xoblob's shop about Floon's destiny.
As well a stash of the local shady organisation was found - a pack of Paper Birds.
Track down a warehouse of Zhentarim in a Candleline alley.
There they found and engage kenku-creatures, that was left there by Xanatar's thugs, after a slaughter of Zhentarim mercs.

After warehouse rummage found Renaer Neverember, who claim that it is he, who was Zhents target.
But instead, Floon was taken by mistake.

The reason is a Stone of Goloor - an artefact that will show the way and allow to open the Vault of a Dragon - a treasury of a Degult Neverember, Renaer's father.

Later to the scene a local watch is arrived with a Hyustus Staget a guards captain of a Dock Ward, but with help and clarification from Renaer leave the warehouse safely and with loot.
Captain Staget takes one alive kenku into his custody on a party's behalf.

Session 2 - Crossbows and Goblins

The captain allows taking some crates from the warehouse, which, apparently, was Zhentarim's armoury.
Crates contain disassembled crossbows, that was sold to a local gnome fixer Halkas.
He gave the party a place to assemble crossbows and bought all the stock.

Then party get kenku from Dock's captain Staget.
With a help of captured kenku found a Xanatar's guild hideout.
Further into sewers a gazer and a party of goblins were found and killed.

Session 3 - Floon and Trollscull Manor

Deeper in Xanatar's hideout party found Floon, half-orc sorcerer and a mindflayer by the name Nihiloor
Nihiloor flees the battle with an intellect devourer.

Floon was beaten but alive safely delivered to Volo.
Volo claims that he is short no coin for a time and propose instead an ownership of an old inn located in a Trollscull Alley with a poltergeist in it - old innkeeper elf Lif.
Quick preparations were done and a deal was sealed by Northern ward magistrate Kylynne Silmerhelve.

Session 4 - Introducing yourselves to locals, shopping and Rickon's Ass

Morgran, Persiphal, Ewin, Lesrook get Lvl 2
Lootik found and persuade a local cartographer Jorge Relock to give him a membership in a guild.

Party meets neighbours: Avi and Embric, Rishal, Fala and Tali.
Morgran, Lootik and Periphal strike a bargain with Embric and Avi and bought some of the inventory.
Lootick asks for improvement of his hand crossbow.
Morgran gives both smiths an idea about explosive bolts, though they too busy to attend to it, due to a big order they had at the time.

Ewin bought some potions from Fala, though not much due to Fala's current big order.

Raenar, Volo and Floon throw a feast in Trollscull Manor with barrels of beer and provisions.

Later in the evening Ewin gets a magical message from a Vajra Blackstaff - local mage.
Vajra asks the party for an audience the next day.

Further in the night Vincent Trench pays a visit and introduces himself.

Party get in trouble, taunted by local golden boys.
They confront them, injured most of them, and set on a run.
Rickon Roznar one of the nobles get his leg chomped by Persi and captured by a party.
Then generously healed, drugged and left sleep on a second floor.

Session 5 - Arrest, Vajra, Hlam, Undercliff, Snobeedle, Boffins Inn

Lootik get lvl 3
Next morning party face an arrest order for the attempted murder of a nobility.
Though with a help of Vincent Trench and Rickon's witness are able to get out of it with minor consequences - no weapons in city borders and a red sleeve mark for 5 days.

Party heads to a Black tower, where they meet Vajra. She tells them that it is Renaer who give her pointers to the party.
She propose a quest - get a prophecy from an old monk Hlam on the top of Waterdeep mountain. Party accepts it.

Hlam was not impressed by the party's arrival and almost refused to speak with them.
Though he finds interest in Lesrook and his knowledge of Abyssal language so he gives his prophecy, which later was delivered to Vajra.

Hlams message is a bad omen by Vajra's judge.
She asks party to visit the Undercliff village and investigate latest troubles.

Persiphal splits with a group and heads to Trollscull Manor.

Discover a story of a Snobeedle family.
Davon Snobeedle tells the party about his uncle's strange behaviour recently.
Snobeedle wealthy farmers that own a great apple orchard and brew the best cider in Waterdeep.
Later a head of a clan Hoon Snobeedle gone mad. He locked up his mansion to everyone. Draw his daughter Sylola away and hire a small army of goblins (where did he get them?!) to guard the perimeter.
Gather rumours at Boffins Inn from an innkeeper Magnus Boffin and his wife that confirm Davon Snobeedle story.
On a way from inn to Snobeedle mansion party met a kid halfling Merry Boffin, son of an innkeep. He, in awe before adventures, gives some local rumours as well. About a strange old woman that lives at Sunset Windmill on the outskirts of Undercliff village.

At Snobeedle mansion party meets a group of goblins, led by one named Imack.
After a short conversation Imack was killed by Lootick in a very spectacular way.
Lootick and Lesrook intimidate and turn goblins into submission. Next in ranks, Goor tells them about a Segurd local sergeant and his connections to a mindflayer Nihiloor.

Session 6 - Escape from Snobeedle mansion, Sunset windmill

Jarlaxl Baenare visit Persiphal at Trollscull manor Inn and sends him with a spell to the rest of the party with a stack of alchemist fire
Party flees from Snobeedle mansion, regroups and follow the trail, by Vajra's quest, of Undercliff unfortunates to the Sunset Mill
Found an old Hag - a fey creature and a group of alive Scarecrows

Session 7 - Segurd Mansion, Yorick, Clues

Yorick joins the party
Party follow the trail of Segurd, sergeant of Undercliff village, again by Vajra's quest
Persiphal splits his way and went to a Dragonborn Ting (gathering of clans with envoys)
Found a group of goblins with strange monk-like goblin with magical abilities, as well as Nihiloor
Nihiloor flees into the catacombs under the mansion

Session 8 - Party get captured be Vincent Trench

Party searches Segurd Mansion, gather clues and set its way to the town
Found a body of Segurd with his brains eaten out, an old diary of his and his former colleague Artemis
On a way to Waterdeep ambushed and taken down by a Vincent Trench

Session THAT WAS AWSOME 9 - Breaking out

Morgran, Persiphal, Ewin, Lesrook get Lvl 3
Party woke up in a prison dungeon
Broke out with a help of Lesrook and his flame hands
Kill a dozen of Kua-toa, find a drow Zebbon Aurvindar and another mindflayer - Kyer'azag
With a help of Zebbon party kills Kyer'azag and flees deeper into dungeons

Session 10 - Breaking out for good

Party was able to escape Xanatar's lair with a help of Zebbon. Get to the sewers and eventually to the streets of Waterdeep.

Session 11 - Aftermath in Waterdeep

Most of the players went on their own adventures, to get supplies, get information or just have fun.

Lesrook - investigate and poke around the Blacktower, was able to overcome Vajra's magic barrier with a ritual, get Rings of Pass, searched for Vajra and\or her belongings. Overall he was able to discover some of the Blacktower features.
Met two Flaming Fist members that drag somewhere a cultist of Xanatar. Was able to intimidate them and get a hold of a cultist. Rozen, the cultist, saw Lesrook as a mysterious agent from afar. He tells about a secret meeting and gives his set of beads to enter.
As well investigates some of the inconsistencies around his patron, that led to a house of Cassalanter.

Persiphal - investigate around the Docks. Get in a brawl with red-berret sailors. Found a brawler ring, the House of Tarmagus and was able to defeat his opponent in a hand-to-hand fistfight.

Lootick - get a memberships in a Bard's Colleague. Get an order in the House of Gems on cutting gems.

Yorick - rest, learning some new tricks. Met an old friend, the caravan master Farhad Regis.
Visists Field of Triumph, the biggest arena in Waterdeep. Have a nice training session with the amateur fistfighters.

Morgran - spent most of his time taming and bonding with his Ram.

Ewin - scout ahead and searches Trollscull manor. Finds kenkus that roaming through the building, stealing a book of Master and some of the belongings. Was able to track them down to one of the hideouts in the City of Dead.

Session 12 - New beginnings and Double Agents

Lesrook get in trouble. Went on his own into Xanatar's cultists gathering.
Disguised as one of the followers he was able to get inside a warehouse at the south base of Mount Waterdeep.
Party was able to get to the warehouse with Renaer to witness that an armed group of men slowly makes their way to storm the building.
Message was sent to Lesrook to get out of there when "it is all starts..''.

Session 13 and 14 - Warehouse siege

Party is waiting for an opportunity to rescue Lesrook.
Witnessed siege that was started by a group of mercenaries in black.
Watched how Arx, a cultist leader, start a ritual of some sort. The little girl vanished in the thin air, after casting Cone of Ice on a wall on fire.
Fight with kenku and cultists.
Face an Oni, that was apparently, disguises as a little girl.
See three winged shadows, that was summoned by Renaer.

Session 15 - Daren

The party been dragged into some kind of vision. A "memory"? as it was described by an elf figure - Daren.
Daren tells you a story about the Sentinels, an order of heroes that preserve peace in Faerun.
He insists that you need to experience his memory, in which group of heroes, your ancestors helps with bury remains of Daurgothoth - ancient Black Dragon that aims to become a Dragolich.

Party met ancestors:
Dardath the Iron - legendary hunter of the shadows. Only known stalker that manages to tame Shadow Hound. The founder of Dardath Clan in the Forlorn Hills.
Ingólfur - great warrior of the Era of Upheaval. Bloodline of a Black Dragon Waervaerendor. The origin of a Svartfjor clan.
Liam Cairbree - the voice of the West. Name known by every bard as a sole entrepreneur who gathers and organised Guilds as they are known now. Legend tells that he is of a Fial Cairbre bloodline.
Flóki - known as the Shining Serpent. A descender of a Tymofarrar, an ancient White Dragon. One of the first planes-walkers. Little to nothing is known about his origin and about his legacy..
Aren of Doomkin - once a soldier of the Wearers of Purple, the order that was a precursor for a Cult of the Dragon. He split his ways with an order and was marked as an apostate and hunted. Nothing certain about his past, except his state and power that can withstand Wearers of Purple.
Tiruma - whispers told that it was the legendary Tirumala - the Queen of Beestlands. But no one knows for sure.
Bushhamster - a mysterious figure. Name that appears in the history of Faerun rarely. Though the figure of that state and appearance is known as a Chosen of a Rillifane Rallathil, an Elven God of Nature.

Session 16 - Meet the Grey Hands

Flee with Renaer uphill and witness charge of Gryphon Cavalry.
Meet Thurl Merosska. Get info about Vajra out of town with a full squad of Griffon Riders. Seems in Baldur's Gates situation is grim.
Regroup to the safehouse. A Gost villa, mansion of Djarrus Gost.
Through the Grinning Lion Inn with a help of its gnome master Jomila Onseta.
Djarrus is one of the Grey Hands, an acquaintance of Renaer and one that works in fancy and noble places of Waterdeep.
Rested and taken care of by Villa's butler Delinth Oberlin.
Pushed by Renaer and Djarrus to take sides. Either they are with Waterdeep and its occupants or not.
Meanwhile a new quest - search warehouse, get information about kenku in the City of Dead or follow captains of local guard.

Search warehouse part gone well - get some clues:
- warehouse owner Horuth Dasher missed;
- get a closer look at a circle that was drawn for some kind of ritual;
- general information that local guard forces do not like Red Fists and their authority.

Kenku and the City of Dead went not so good.. ambush

Session 17 - The City of Kenku

Ambushed? Well, not us.
With caution and stealth party hit hard and firm.
Set fire to the whole place and lost one of the kenkus (mighty one assume its ability to cast spells).
But found out that there are tunnels under City of Dead that lead somewhere in the general direction of Undercliff Village.
And some loot ofc =_=

Session 18 - There..

Some personal affairs and information digging.
Group decision to help Waterdeep.
Vajra is out of order. Grey Hands can't reach her.
Renaer makes a call. He asks party to investigate Undercliff Village based on information about tunnels from the City of Dead and some mighty lore bending from Ewin and Lesrook that assert:
- circle or runes in Warehouse is a teleportation circle;
- runes similar to that party saw at Sunset Windmill.

So here we are going back to Undercliff and its mill (that was destroyed and burned after our last visit).
On their way investigate the Snobeedle mansion. No sight of goblins. Though two figures on the second floor do some writing and reading and talking..
Ambushed.. properly. By some strange dwarf-like creatures that dissolve themselves into stone and summon an earth elemental. Oh! And a bunch of fey dogs as well.
Get out with local drunk halfling Tomwurt.

Session 19 - ..and back again?

Tomwurt lead the party into the woods where he got himself a cozy hole in the ground.
And while everyone analyze what was that, Lesrook got a message from Vajra.
She urges the party to leave Undercliff right there right now and hurry up to the Waterdeep.
Aaand "the dude abide".. But not entirely.
On the way back party investigates Snobeedle Mansion once more.
Because new friend Tomwurt tells strange things about what's going on in Undercliff.
While searching, sniffing and listening Ewin as her spider familiar get to the mansion's second floor and gets yet another clue:
- figure one, seems like demised Sergeant of Undercliff guard Segurd Amnesfield;
- figure two, seems like braindead earlier Hoon Snobeedle.

Rush to Reaner. Tell him everything and find out that he is quite stressed. Vajra reaches out to them, forbids pushing Undercliff's case, and sets a meeting with Zhentarim and Bregan d'Aerthe.
Meeting took place at Gost Villa. Jagra and sketchy looking drow join it and tell the following:
- Zhents and drows are here to help with Xanatar problem;
- If the party agrees to help further then LETS DO IT!!. Otherwise please leave Gost Villa tomorrow and get 200gp each (spoiler alert: party agrees).

Next day plan is cooked and brought to attention. Main bullet points:
- Need to siege Xanatar's base of operation;
- Fast and hard. Xanatar plans a great fighting tournament in 3-4 days that will get him new allies from Scullport and Underdark.
- From Bregan d'Aerthe side map and information about Throvin Twinbeard. A dwarf engineer that hates his master and is afraid for his family.
- Thorwin accumulates a large amount of fire dust under Xanatar's base. That is the main part of a plan.
- Zhents will help with supplies and "on the ground" part of the plan, will hit Xanatar's points of interest and business in Waterdeep.

Good luck..

Session 20 - Into the abyss

Going hard, going deep and wet..
Find a party of halflings?? on the way to Xanatar's Lair that had some goods to deliver to the tournament.
Use that information as well as good old charisma to fool old "friend" Xoblob.
Apparently he is a manager of supply lines here.
He gave some insight about where to go and whom to meet as well as notes for the guard at the bottom of the stairs.
"Guard" (yeah goblin) reads note and orders another "guard" to Noska Ur'gray.
Visit to Noska goes not as planned. Noska is dead.
Next area to investigate is some magical chambers with a small maze in the centre.
"Let's touch it" maybe thought everyone, but only Lootick did the thing and disappear. As well as stuffed 3-meter tall figure of the minotaur.
A door to a large maze opens and party rushes in to help Lootick.
End was a happy one, Lootick is saved :)

Session 21 - Xanatar's shenenigans

- Meet Thorvin Tweenbeard and his albino Gazer familiar;
- Get to know his plan of blowing up lair with a stash of smokepowder;
- Get to Xanatar's Sanktum with Thorvin;
- Stunned by visions;
- Loot some Books;
- Get cornered by Ahmeargo and Booba the giant.

Session 22 - Blowing the abyss

- Kill Ahmeargo and Booba;
- Hear some forces that move to help Ahmeargo;
- Thorvin opens a secret door and helps party to escape, but stays behind to deal with Xanatar's thugs;
- Move to the lower levels;
- Find chamber with secret stash;
- Talk to Nar'l Xibindas, who abides there;
- Kill Grell that controls Nar'l;
- Setup a chain of barrels and initiate explosion;
- Run for your life with no idea what happened to Thorvin, Nar'l, and everyone inside.


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