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Journal - Season 2

Session 1 - Black "friends"

Party gets Lvl 4

- Take a breather at the Gost Villa
- Get ambushed by a group of hooded figures.
- Deal with them and capture one alive. While noticing two of them were mauled by a strange creature with red eyes that appeared out of nowhere.
- Hooded ambushers - a party of Zhentarim's infiltrators.
Their goal - subdue possible opposition from all of the nobility of Waterdeep. To ensure Zhentarim order over the city.

- Left prisoner to Delinth and moved out of the city.
- First stop is the city of Nightstone.
- On a road noticing silent fields of Underhill is way too silent.
- Met a group of refugees from northern regions and point them to the Waterdeep.

Session 2 - Netcracker

- At the Nightsotne met a local mayor, Mr. Tanros Stoutflow.
- He asked the party to deal with some of the troubles that piled up for the last month for 200 gp.
1. Check what happened with 6 Fishermen's party at the delta of the Dessarin river.
2. Check on the Woodcutters crew of 8 that should've returned 4 days ago.

- River's delta first. Party moved with a wagon along the river.
- At the fishing camp discovered a party of Gnolls that siege a hut with fisherman inside.
- Ambush Gnolls. A mage in red robes appeared and tries to Fireball the party.
- Mage is subdued and almost killed, but he pleads for mercy and tells that all of this is a huge misunderstanding.

Mage, by the name Zekhad is one of the Red Wizards of Thay.
His goal is to establish an outpost here to provide magic services and expand Thay network.
Fishermen were afraid of his Gnolls that he uses as a labor force.
Zekhan asks you to escort him to the Nightstone and meet the mayor himself.

Session 3 - Road to Darda

- Party delivers fishermen and Zekhad to the Nightstone, where red wizard and mayor start negotiating.
- Take a break for a day, preparing to move to the Ardent forest.

- Party made preparation and moved to the forest.
- Woodcutter site has a body of an Owlbear and clear signs of fighting with 4 of the woodcutters dead.
- Investigation uncovers a trail of footprints that lead deep into the forest.
- Party founds a lair of an Owlbear that is used by the kobold pack.
- Thanks to Lesook and his knowledge of the dragon language party negotiates with the pack's leader Voks.

Kobolds of Voks:
Smoked out Owlbear with cubs from her lair.
Chase her to the forest order, where she founds a party of woodcutters and kills them.
After the battle kobolds finish her and her cubs.
Did not want to cause trouble and want to spend winter here.
They were drawn from they home after a dragon that they served was chased from its cave in the Forlorn Hills by the forces of Greenskins and their leader Khevrod the Mask.
Volks offer agreement. Kobolds will deliver wood for the Nightstone, while the city will deliver food and a non-violent treaty.

- Party delivers this news to the mayor of Nightstone.
- After short consideration Tanros agrees on that terms and asks the party to deliver his verdict to the Voks.

- During the night all of the Party members see a nightmare:
From the shaky shroud of sleep, you fall into the darkness, so thick that you cannot see an outstretched hand.
Muffled thunderclaps and booming gusts of wind can be heard from the darkness.
Gradually the darkness recedes. The horizon in the east is outlined by the dawn line, replacing the blackness of the night with purple flashes.

You find yourself in on Nightstone square, in front of a black onyx obelisk.
Stand in a semicircle of Aren, Ingolfure, Liam, Floki, Dardath, Tiruma and Bushamster.
Facing East, feeling the touch of the first rays of the sun on your skin.

The thunder doesn't stop and after 10 seconds you don't hear anything but peals, the howling of the wind, and a new sound, an increasing low guttural growl.

In the dawn sky, you can see the shadow of two huge wings rising in the North.
Straightening up, they envelop the west and east back into darkness, obscuring the sun.

The only remaining light source is you, standing in a semicircle, looking to the East.

Yorik - leaning on a long sword and a half, with a fluttering purple cloak behind his back.

Persifal's massive torso - with a one-and-a-half-meter axe on his shoulder.

Lutik is wearing a bright carmine doublet over a silver chain mail.

Lesruk - in a snow-white long-brimmed caftan with gold edging.

Morgran - stroking the withers of a huge mastiff.

Evin is enveloped in an aura of blue light, her eyes and hands shine so brightly that the light flows into white with a gradient.

The last thing you see is a Bushamster figure standing in a red haze. The eyes are burning with scarlet fire, the hands are bare to the forearm and instead of the elven palms, you see a pair of paws with long claws.
You see a blood-stained chin and crimson hands up to the elbow.

The howling of the wind and the roar of the storm reach their apogee, mixing into cacophony and culmination, tearing the eardrums.

And at this moment you wake up to the rooster's cry in the barn behind the tavern.

Session 4 - Secomber

- On the road.
- In the night.
- Gnoll's camp.
- Mine's gate
- Back form the siege.
- Scouts on a tail.
- Secomber.

Session 5 - Secomber's affairs

Party gets Lvl 5
- The City

Session 6 - Heroes for hire

- The City
- On the Road
- Julkoun

Session 7 - Hide on bush

- Julkoun

Session 8 - Morgran's return

- Julkoun
- On the Road
- The City

Session 9 - Alchemist

- The City
- On the Road
- Rento
- Raindeer Inn

Session 10 - Rento

- On the Road
- Rento
- Raindeer Inn
- Springshoot Inn

Session 11 - Cerlyn Kor'Nar

- The Dead Sisters
- Springshoot ruins

Session 12 - Calador's offer

- Cerlyn Kor'Nar

Session 13 - Cerlyn Battle

Party gets Lvl 6
- Cerlyn Kor'Nar

Session 14 - Waterdeep or Rento?

- Cerlyn Kor'Nar
- Rento

Session 15 - Black Helm Tower

- Messager in the woods
- Horsey in trouble
- Looming tower
- Puzzle
- Underground
- Bottom chambers
- Phase spider

Session 16 - Daggerford

- Black Helm's trade
- Goblin raiders ambush
- Daggerford

Session 17 - Daggerford coup

- Guildhouse
- Doubleagent Zira

Session 18 - Rebirth of Raener

- Leaving Daggerford
- On a Road
- Horseshoe Inn
- Nightstone

Session 19 - Zira's bidding

- Mephistopheles
- Waterdeep
- Nightstone

Session 20 - Back to Undercliff

- Undercliff

Session 21 - Back to deep waters

- The City


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