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Letter from Xanatar? to Nihiloor

Letter from apparently Xanatar to mindflayer Nihiloor found in a Segurd's mansion in Undercliff.

Clues found so far:

1. The note is written in a Deep speech.
2. Content of a note:
"I am very pleased to hear about our Fey friends.
We are ready for the flood. Zhents snakes should bend under my will.
Red Dogs are on their way and they are in seek of Zhents blood. It is all in our favour.
We should prevail, but still, be cautious. You serve me well and I remember my pledge to you.
You will take Undercliff after we use Feys.
Burn this after and stop sending me Qualith it gives me headaches!"
3. There are strange scribes at the bottom of the note. While Lesrook tried to read it he felt unwell, like lines of the note tried to attack him.
4. Content of a scribe: - an image in the head that formed a vague idea "Note to me - eat Mad-Prince fish after".


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