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Aelar Galanodel

Aelar Galanodel

Aelar (child name Ara) Galanodel (Moonwhisper) had an average upbringing of a wood elf in the forgotten realms. He had a mundane childhood with nothing out of the ordinary to set his story out from the rest of the elf children he grew up with. This changed when in his late teens he was encouraged by his father to try his family’s lyre. Upon playing his first song to his father, his father was overcome with inspiration of the bardic sort. He soon became the talk of the elvish community in the forgotten realms, who came from all over to hear his songs which could breathe fire into hearts that have long grown cold. Upon reaching maturity, Aelar left the forgotten realms to attend bardic college and fine tune his magical music abilities. It’s there that he learned his magical cantrips and spells, as well as mastery of the Dulcimer, Lyre, and Pan Flute. (This is not the story he tells everyone, however. In his tales he was cast away by his family at birth and raised by an old hag in a swamp, and his only reason to live was the music he made for himself.) After graduating from bardic college, Aelar saw to make his fortune in Baldur’s Gate, which he heard stories of while in college. Upon arriving Aelar got a gig at a local pub in the lower city. After his performance, the crowd was brought to its feet in admiration for this wood elf Aelar. However, after the show and being new to the city, Aelar wondered into an especially bad part of the city and was beaten mercilessly by a group of Kobolds who thought Aelar’s hair was made of gold. After being left for dead, he was saved and revived by Fhauvial Ogrescrush. Fhauvial was a female dwarf who was an assassin turned petty criminal. Fhauvial ran an up and coming coin shaving and document forgery ring in Baldur’s Gate and she needed a front to launder her ill gotten gains. She saw that Aelar had potential to become a star and rise to the upper city, which also would provide an opportunity to expand the business. After bringing Aelar back to health, he was taken under Fhauvial’s wing and taught the ways of the charlatan, and he was even given a (forged) token that would allow Aelar entrance into the upper city without any trouble. Aelar became the second in command of this ring until one night the ring became too big and was lax on it’s payments to the Flaming Fist, which led to the whole operation being busted. Fhauvial was arrested and sentenced to life in prison, but Aelar got away by using his skills of disguise to blend into the night.   Aelar is a fantastic flatterer who is not afraid to shmooze his way to the guest of honour of any party he plays at. Aelar has a serious gambling addiction which he picked up while in the underworld and is constantly in debt because of it, and is unable to pay off his debts due to being a frivolous spender. This addiction is how he became indebted to the Irlentree’s, a powerful shipping company, and became their family musician. Over the decades, Aelar has become quite fond of the Irlentree’s, and claims to owe more than he really does so he can continue to be a part of their court. Despite having no respect for the law, Aelar is good at heart and would never wrong anyone who could not afford to lose anything.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He had a mundane childhood with nothing out of the ordinary to set his story out from the rest of the elf children he grew up with. This changed when in his late teens he was encouraged by his father to try his family’s lyre. Upon playing his first song to his father, his father was overcome with inspiration of the bardic sort. He soon became the talk of the elvish community in the forgotten realms, who came from all over to hear his songs which could breathe fire into hearts that have long grown cold. Upon reaching maturity, Aelar left the forgotten realms to attend bardic college and fine tune his magical music abilities. It’s there that he learned his magical cantrips and spells, as well as mastery of the Dulcimer, Lyre, and Pan Flute. (This is not the story he tells everyone, however. In his tales he was cast away by his family at birth and raised by an old hag in a swamp, and his only reason to live was the music he made for himself.) After graduating from bardic college, Aelar saw to make his fortune in Baldur’s Gate, which he heard stories of while in college. Upon arriving Aelar got a gig at a local pub in the lower city. After his performance, the crowd was brought to its feet in admiration for this wood elf Aelar. However, after the show and being new to the city, Aelar wondered into an especially bad part of the city and was beaten mercilessly by a group of Kobolds who thought Aelar’s hair was made of gold. After being left for dead, he was saved and revived by Fhauvial Ogrescrush. Fhauvial was a female dwarf who was an assassin turned petty criminal. Fhauvial ran an up and coming coin shaving and document forgery ring in Baldur’s Gate and she needed a front to launder her ill gotten gains. She saw that Aelar had potential to become a star and rise to the upper city, which also would provide an opportunity to expand the business. After bringing Aelar back to health, he was taken under Fhauvial’s wing and taught the ways of the charlatan, and Aelar was even given a (forged) token that would allow him entrance into the upper city without any trouble. Aelar became the second in command of this ring until one night the ring became too big and was lax on it’s payments to the Flaming Fist, which led to the whole operation being busted. Fhauvial was arrested and sentenced to life in prison, but Aelar got away by using his skills of disguise to blend into the night.   Aelar currently serves the Erlentry(Spelling?) family due to a crippling gambling addiction putting him in serious debt.   Had a non-cannon relationship with Johan and Sariel's mother, causing them to be born. (Non-Cannon)   Has a serious problem with getting close to death on multiple occasions. This is probably due to subconscious inadequacy issues and delusions of a durability he does not posses.    Aelar had a strange sense of Deja Vu upon arriving at the patriar party.   He owes money to so many people he does not remember who he is in debt to or how much he owes. He doesn't intend to pay any of it back if he can get away with it, mainly because he can't.   Since viewing the fungus ridden tapestry, Aelar cannot shake an overwheming feeling of doom (E1M1 intensifies).

Gender Identity



Have vagina will fuck.


Upon reaching maturity, Aelar left the forgotten realms to attend bardic college and fine tune his magical music abilities. It’s there that he learned his magical cantrips and spells, as well as mastery of the Dulcimer, Lyre, and Pan Flute.   After bringing Aelar back to health, he was taken under Fhauvial’s wing and taught the ways of the charlatan, and Aelar was even given a (forged) token that would allow him entrance into the upper city without any trouble.


Aelar is currently employed/fulfilling a life debt to the Erlentry (spelling?) patriar family and has been for 25 years. He is known to occasionally do gigs around Baldur's Gate and writes his own music.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to shrug off run-ins with death on multiple occasions.    Literally gambled his life away and not a slave just yet.   Slept with a patriar despite being 1) an elf and 2) from the lower city (non-cannon).

Failures & Embarrassments

Has learned nothing from his multiple clashes with death and will probably continue to do so until it finally kills him.   So in debt that he doesn't know what he owes anymore.   Couldn't save Fhauvial or the rest of the forgery ring he was in command of.

Mental Trauma

He still thinks about and blames himself for the raid which did in the forgery ring he and Fhauvial ran. His gambling addiction may have been caused by this shame.   Multiple dates with death give him a loose sense of reality and continue to contribute to his reckless behavior. Each time he almost dies the less he cares.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aelar is probably mildly autistic. His intelligence is average and his wisdom is slightly above so. Aelar is very charismatic and flattery is his preferred trick to getting what he wants.

Morality & Philosophy

Aelar acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.   Aelar will never target people who can't afford to lose a few coins. He is empathetic to the downtrodden and the less well off of society. He is much less so to upper class and those who he sees as doing wrong to others. He enjoys putting them in a little discomfort. However when he feels those upper-class are deserving of help, he will offer.


Aelar (child name Ara) Galanodel (Moonwhisper) had an average upbringing of a wood elf in the forgotten realms. He had a mundane childhood with nothing out of the ordinary to set his story out from the rest of the elf children he grew up with.

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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
188 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish

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