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Chelle Savikas

Chelle Savikas

Chelle was born to a small Tiefling tribe in the wilderness surrounding Baulders Gate. Since the age of 10 she has been a hot-spot for chaotic magic in her community. She was sent to study along side her aunt in Candlekeep to learn the origin of her powers and how to control the damage she can cause.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a small stature and weaker physique.

Body Features

Chelle is quite lanky and petite. She has a medium toned red skin covered in freckles from head to toe. Chelle's slightly oily grey hair falls in a straight bob that frames her face.

Facial Features

Chelle has quite a small, average face. She usually sports a slight frown or a lopsided grin. She has white irises and thick bushy brows that give her a wild appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

She has quite large frontal horns for her age that often get snagged or bumped.

Physical quirks

Chelle can sometimes be quite loud and fidgety. She is quite the stubborn sort and isn't quick to admit when she is wrong.

Special abilities

Her wild magic capabilities are unknown, but even she knows she holds a dangerous amount of uncontrollable power

Apparel & Accessories

Chelle can usually be seen wearing slightly oversized dress and tunic. She commonly borrows he aunts robes to appear larger than she is

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chelle has always been interested in why she was so different from the children around her. She realized quite quickly why adults feared her magical potential. Soon after her 10th birthday both her family and her community became quick aware of the danger she posed if her untamed magic was left unaddressed. Her father made the tough decision to send her away to live with Sylvira Savikas who he believed could help Chelle understand and tame her magic. Sylvira made a vow to Chelle's family to aid her in discovering the origins of her powers and how to control them. Although Sylvira specializes in research surrounding the Outer Planes Chelle finds it hard to listen to Sylvira's teaching. She is quite frustrated and feels that nothing Sylvira has to say applies to her, and is getting impatient that she isn't gaining control of her powers.

Gender Identity

Chelle identifies as female.


She is not interested in any kind of love right now.


Chelle may not at first appear to have much education. In this six years she has lived with Sylvira he has learned the ins and outs of being a sage as well as a wild magic user.


Chelle currently is a wizard's apprentice. She spends much of her time under Sylvira's wing in Candlekeep.

Failures & Embarrassments

Thankfully Chelle doesn't embarrass easily as she is a hot-spot for bursts of unlucky wild magic. She has many memories of her wild magic embarrassing her or harming herself/others that she wishes she could forget.

Mental Trauma

The nature of her powers scares Chelle sometimes. Chelle has been a sinkhole for medical anomalies and is scarred by the multiple wild magic outbursts that have harmed those she loves. She fears what may have "gifted" her these powers.

Morality & Philosophy

Chelle is a firm believer in treating those how she wishes to be treated. She is very loyal to those she trusts and although she may seem self-absorbed she would never hurt those she loves. Chelle often questions the world around her and is quick to judge before she understands.

Personality Characteristics


Chelle is extremely motivated to find out where her magic came from. She has spent many years haunted by the pain she can cause others and how she has no control over this massive part of her life. She is motivated to take control of her wild magical abilities and become a well respected sorcerer to make her aunt and family proud.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is particularly social and prides herself in her ability to strike up a conversation with anyone although she can become quite intolerant to conversation that doesn't benefit her.

Likes & Dislikes

Chelle loves the outdoors and enjoys people watching. She absolutely despises the dark and being alone

Virtues & Personality perks

Chelle is courageous, energetic and charismatic. She prides herself in her ability to talk her way out of (almost) anything.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is extremely impulsive, easily distracted, and a compulsive liar

Personality Quirks

She is extremely superstitious.


Much like any 16 year old, hygiene isn't considered to be THAT important to Chelle. It's not to say she's unkept but... a little nudge from Sylvira usually does the trick to get her in order.


Contacts & Relations

Her mother, father, two brothers and her aunt

Family Ties

Has familial ties to Sylvira, who took her in at 10

Religious Views

No particular religious views, but is quite weary of her infernal origins.

Social Aptitude

Chelle would pride herself in her abilities to be social. She loves to sneak her way out of Candlekeep and mingle with the locals. She is easy to pick up any unknown language and can effortlessly insert herself into overheard conversation.


Chelle can be very fidgety and tends to play with her hair, bite her nails and play with the layers of her clothing when she is not distracted.

Hobbies & Pets

She enjoys reading (about subjects she enjoys), exploring, and loves a good prank


She is quite loud ....

Wealth & Financial state

Back home, she had little to no wealth. Due to Sylvira's status as a well respected archmage and sage, Chelle would consider herself well off.

Chelle Savikas is a 16 year old Tiefling wild magic sorcerer who currently lives with her aunt Sylvira Savikas in Candlekeep.

Current Location
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Date of Birth
12th of Mirtul 1478 DR
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
102 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Elvish, Dwarfish (?)

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