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Zyra Saewiel

Zyra Saewiel (a.k.a. Sneaky)

A practiced thief who made her living cowering the streets for pockets to rob. Although after a brief skirt with death she decided to take up religion. Specifically that of the cult of Tiamat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A child of the streets, Zyra grew up learning the way of the socundrels of society. Sneaking in the shadows, robbing those with coin, sleeping wherever she can manage. After heisting a patriar family with a group of motley characters, Zyra was charged along with them to investigate the Cult of the Dead Three y Captian Darmin Zodge, lest he reveal their secret. But it didn't take Zyra long to leave the group. Wherever she went, she wasn't encountered again until a few days later when she encountered the party with a group of cultists in tow requesting the party hand over the party they had recovered from the Dungeon of the Dead Three, treasure stolen from her new master: Tiamat. She claimed that this help had earned them the grace of Tiamat and Arkhan, whatever that means.


Religious Views

Worships Tiamat and is a part of her cult
Black and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
112 lbs

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