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Ghelin Thelron

Ghelin Thelron

Ghelin Thelron was born and raised in the dock district of baldurs gate with his brother Arashai. He spent most of his childhood working on ships for meager pay and eventually earned enough money to buy his own ship he christened the Veldora when he was 22. He spent the next 11 years working as a Privateer with a crew that he built up and grew to trust. Then 5 years ago his ship was ambushed by a band of pirates called the Leviathan's Raiders (their emblem is of a skeletal serpent coiling around a treasure chest) led by a green dragonborn named Sulasaar Ildresh they slaughtered everyone on the Veldora except Ghelin who Sulasaar ordered to be spared before whispering to him Soon brother our time will come and leaving him alone on his empty ship. Ghelin spent the next years as a bodyguard for hire protecting the crew and passengers from any pirate raids and stuff like that for the promise of coin and any information that could be found of the Raiders whereabouts. Frustratingly he was stuck following the trails of rumors leading only to dead ends or the burned out corpses of a ship or town with the Raiders already long gone. Finally three months ago he got two pieces of vital information 1: His hometown of Baldurs Gate had been captured and occupied by a group called the cult of the dragon and 2: One of the ships seen assisting the cult flew a flag with a skeletal serpent coiling around a treasure chest.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
who knows
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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