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  1. Most observable landmark - temples, guildhalls, stone archways, obsidian spire, quartz monolith
  2. Defining feature - unbelievably nice citizens
  3. Defining sounds - loud talking, festival music
  4. Common smells - beers, wines, fire, perfume
  Harmider is a rich city, benefitting from their exclusive rights to mine the northern mountains for Gold, and the Harmider lake, which is filled with expensive wildlife and fish found nowhere else in the known world. Harmider is known to be the paradise of the Sojusz, the standard of living is excellent for noble and peasant alike, and their rulers, House Polis, are both generous and fair.   Harmider worship the gods of peace and growth, so Polis believe that their people should be allowed to live full and comfortable lives.   The city is famous for strange dreams and opulescent mist. The tree leaves have calming properties.


Races and professions
  • Many humans (any background)
  • Many rock gnomes (mostly artisans and merchants)
  • Mountain dwarfs (soldiers, folk hero)
  • Half-Dragon noble draconic bloodline sorcerers, crystal shard arcane focuses
  • Halflings/Tieflings (charlatan, criminal (spy), entertainer, folk hero, urchin)
  • Half-orc (criminal, gladiator, outlander, urchin)
  • No elves or dragonborn
Greek accent;
  • pinch corners of the mouth
  • lightly roll Rs
  • t & d further forward
  • h = (k)h (wider)
  • emphasised words are higher pitch
  • sh = sss
  • er = ehhhh (aaaa)
Byzantine dress;
  • richly patterned, coloured silk.
  • upper classes; woven and embroidered (using a needle to apply thread)
  • lower classes; resist-dyed (using wax to manipulate dyes) and printed (compressed between patterned wooden blocks)
  • trimming around the edges
  • vertical stripes down the body
  • horizontal stripes around the upper arm, denoting organisations and rank


  • Leaders; House Polis, generous and fair
  • Appointed Lord Mayor - administration
  • Elected city council


  • House Polis Guard - Goldencrawlers
  • Army of the Lake - 40,000 Militia - pikes and shortbows, organised by experienced overseers
  • Towered inner and outer wall
  • Most noble houses are protected by Private Sanctum spells

Industry & Trade

  • Skilled craftsmen
  • Military tutors
  • Magic tutors
  • Fabrics
  • Potions
  • Gold
  • Stone
  • Fish


  • The Temples (marble) and the Guild Halls (limestone) are the most impressive buildings.
  • Magic is used to clean the streets.
  • Harmider bridge to Dusza, crosses the River Harlim, bustling with merchant caravans.


Inner Ward (noble houses
  • Hydra's District - armour workshop, blacksmith
  • Upper Pool Village - weathered stone monument, (Har's Crafters Guildhall)
  • Goldenorb Village - obsidian monument, spectral aqueduct, theatre (Royal College)
  • Weapons Market - expensive weapons and armour
  • General Market - arcane foci, potions, fine clothes (Golden Road)
Northern Outer Ward;
  • North Unicorn's Ward - glowing pool, quartz monument
  • Hill District - minstrel theatre, elegant tavern, weapons workshop (Verrais HQ)
  • General Market - simple weapons and adventuring equipment
  • Ford District - stables, (Explorer's Guild hall), fanciful tavern
  • Throne District - dark stone monument, woodcrafters
Southern Outer Ward;
  • Demon's District - poison merchant,
  • Servant's Ward - troubadour theatre, mystics school
  • Highfair Village - potters workshop,
  • Rogue's Ward - commoner's tavern (White Butterflies)
  • Fish Market - fish have magical effects
  • Charger's Ward - castle ruins (The Hopeless Ones), city park (red herring)
  • Demon's Borough - haunted wall, pewter workshop (The Emerald Knife Posse)
  • Bronzetemple District - woodcarvers, (Grand Temples of Dea Dia and Eirene)


  1. Goldfield Mines of Mt Har
  2. Menlimni Lake

Guilds and Factions

  • Grand Temple of Dea Dia (Growth) - life clerics
  • Grand Temple of Eirene (Peace) - peace clerics
  • Shrines to Hestia, Spes, Fortuna, Honos, Nike, Anapos, Inuus, Orcus, Sors, Phobos, Mars, Minerva
  • Goldfield Miners
  • Menlimni Fishermen
  • Explorer's Guild
  • Mystics School - conjuration wizards
  • Royal College - bards of eloquence
  • Har's Crafters Guild
  • The Golden Road
Nobles Houses
  • House Polis - local lord
  • Covingbard - main patron of the arts
  • Campend - connections with the Golden Road caravans
  • Rainmour - new and entrepreneurial
  • Trooyte - merchant masterminds
Criminal organisations
  • The Emerald Knife Posse - magical arms dealers
  • The White Butterflies - forge identities
  • The Hopeless Ones - mind control - controlled by the High Elf Galinndan Galanodel


Ancient dwarven settlement, with local halflings from Sojusz village. The city itself was built by humans centuries ago, before magic was lost.

  • Limestone (readily available) and marble (even rarer) for notable buildings
  • Timber framework, mudbrick walls, terra cotta clay roofs


Mt Har  (description)
  • Limestone - many erosional landforms (pavements, pot holes, sinkhole, caves & gorges)
  • 3100ft elevation
  • Few streams as water flows down through the rocks
Lake Menlimni (description)
  • Greenish blue
  • Magical fish
  • Tree-lined southern shore
  • Fed by the River Harlim

Natural Resources

  • Goldfield mines
  • Exotic fish from Menlimni


  • Harmider
Owning Organization

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