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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a deep voice, caused by the more monstrous form he has taken, after slaying a dragon. He has large protruding fangs coming from the top of his mouth, and visibly sharp *claws*.

Specialized Equipment

Runic longswords (frostbite spell on hit)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lazarus Ananias is originally from the city of Duzsa, but during his teenage years, he moved to Wodny with his father, fleeing the filth and corruption infecting Dusza. His father was never able to afford a house, and so lived in a shack with Lazarus. They were able to scrape a living together by working on Wodny's docks. Whilst working the seas, Lazarus's father, Damaris, was accused of stealing some of the rare pearls present on the sea bed, and selling them to nobles at a discount. Damaris protested his innocence fiercely, but to no avail; he was exiled for thievery and perjury. Lazarus escaped the same punishment, for he was still only 13; Wodny law prevented the exile of minors. He was instead thrown into the youth soldiery specifically for criminals.     The army was rarely used in Wodny, it had the protection of the Augustyns. Lazarus was restricted to battling small time bandits or the odd goblin attack. That was, until Wodny came under attack from a number of unknown assailants during a night raid of the city. Huge, shrouded figures in thick armour, donning enormous rune etched lances and longswords, atop huge demonic horses flooded the streets, slaughtering any soldier or guard foolish enough to try and stop them. Some of the appeared to "eat" the fallen soldiers in a frenzy. Lazarus was present in the north west barracks during this fight. His barracks was in the centre of the battle, chaos surrounded him, screams of his fellow soldiers echo'd through the alleys around his barracks. Lazarus quickly equipped his leather armour, two swords and his shield, and entered the fray. He quickly came under attack from a particularly large demon-like assailant atop his enormous steed. The demon charged, and thrust his runic lance forwards, shattering the shield upon Lazarus's arm, throwing him back 20 feet. Lazarus threw his shield away and pulled out his 2nd sword.   With no fear, Lazarus charged at lightning pace at the demon, throwing out a devastating flurry of sword swipes directed at the horse. The horse reared up and lashed out with its legs; Lazarus was easily able to roll away and attack the now dismounted demon. Lazarus directed a burst of sword slashes at the demon's lance arm, and was able to disarm him handily. Lazarus was then about to decapitate the demon, but, with frightening speed, the demon grabbed the swords, and snapped the blades off, and then pushed Lazarus back with extreme force, causing him to collide with a cart full of oil. He was in severe pain, but Lazarus was still able to get up and was prepared to fight this demon with his bare fists, to the death; honor compelled him to do so. The demon noticed this raw determination and started to laugh. The demon ran at Lazarus, bellowing a phrase in an unknown language. Lazarus couldn't stop the demon, who proceeded to bite Lazarus in the shoulder and shout once more, clearly enjoying the taste of Lazarus's blood. Just before the demon was about to bite Lazarus in the neck to finish him off, a large red lance pierced the demon through chest, severely wounding him. The demon was able to quickly jump up and rip the head off the man, and tried to pull the lance out. Lazarus had but a moment to save himself. He notice the demon was also covered in the oil from the cart, and so dragged himself to a lantern, grabbed it and threw it at the demon, who was now free of the lance. The glass shattered on the demon's armour, and ignited him instantly. The demon bellowed in pain, but still charged at Lazarus. Lazarus jumped out of the way, and limped to the barracks. The demon then succumbed to the fire, and laid lifeless near the barracks entrance.   Lazarus took a moment to look at the man who saved his life. He could see the emblem present on the back of the mans armour: the symbol of House Augustyn. The next day, Lazarus was seemingly fine, his wounds had almost fully healed, and he felt stronger. Upon exiting the barracks, he noticed the body of the burnt demon was missing, as was the body of any demon who perished that night. Over the next few months, Lazarus started to have a strange urge he couldn't ever satisfy; He longed for the blood of combat. Eventually, he was visited by a man very similar to the demon he had slayed months prior, but this time the man came in peace, offering answers to Lazarus's condition and a better life. Lazarus agreed without much hesitation; he resented Wodny for the death of his father and had nowhere else to go.


For the first year in Wodny, he was harshly drilled each day on swordfighting, archery and many athletics and strength trials. He was well behaved, and an excellent student. Therefore, afterwards, he was designated as a frontline swordsman in the youth army, no longer considered a criminal.   Smith's tools, pan flute


Lazarus was trained as a Knight of Von Krew and was eventually named Lazarus Von Krew, thus completing the complete abandonment of his origins.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Alongside his Von Krew brothers, he was able to slay a young white dragon, earning his first runes. He chose to make his signature dual longswords runic, unique to Lazarus; Von Krew's all traditionally wield a rune etched lance.

Mental Trauma

haunted by memories of war.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dragon scholar

Personality Characteristics


I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success

Likes & Dislikes

Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter.

Virtues & Personality perks

My honor is my life.

Vices & Personality flaws

I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.


Contacts & Relations

Lazarus is a close friend to Stuart Von Krew, parly due to him being an Augustyn, but also because Stuart is a student of Lazarus.    (if Stuart dead then; Upon hearing about the death of his friend, Lazarus furiosly began a quest to find out what had befallen Stuart, and to find out more about Stuarts adventure, whilst taking over what responsibilities Stuart had bound himself to, maintaining Stuarts honor, even in death.)

Family Ties

Exiled father
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
109 SAM 42 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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