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Setting the stage

The date, the world, the weather, the scene, the party, the guide, the quest   The adventurers have been sent on a scouting party to investigate a farmer who has not been into the town lately, after the taxman who was sent to collect his payment never came back. They are accompanied by a friendly halfling servant of Zdeko Senna. Determine marching order. Players describe their characters appearance, servant will be very impressed and interested.   Likely combat; Two wolves are attacking a rabbit warren, and a twig blight surprise attacks the party (300xp). Animal handling can calm them down. Herbs; red mushrooms used to make healing potions, smuggler's root gives user a sorcerer cantrip for one hour.   Social; (traits, ideals, bonds, flaws) On the road four bandits disguised as merchants will attempt to rob the party. Two will distract them asking if they'd like to trade, and taking interest in their characters. The others will attempt to pickpocket as they brush past the richest looking of them (Renee). There is a chance Yllaxina will recognise them (200xp, chance to short rest)   Combat; When almost there, the party will encounter a goblin on its wolf mount (150xp). Goblins recognise Stuart's Von Krew allegiances. He will attempt to escape when low. The goblins will focus on the halfling. The halfling will attempt to flee when he is low.   Two more goblins and a vulture (160xp) will "catch up" with the goblin scout. They will climb trees and shoot with their short bows. The goblins will have orders on them (in dwarvish script) describing that they have been sent to raid the area to test its defences for a planned invasion. The farmhouse is visible from the other side of the trees. There are 10 goblins defending it (one chief, one bard), the tax collector and farmer's bodies are hung up like scarecrows.   Social/combat; Upon returning to Heim they meet Zdeko Senna in the gatehouse, he invites them to an evening buffet banquet and pays them 10gp each. He will be most engaged with Renee. On way out, chance to spot a thug (100xp) following Zdeko. The thug's contract is written in abyssal. If he escapes, the taster at the party will be poisoned, and there may be a trap set to assassinate Zdeko.   Social/combat; The party will have 2 in game hours to prepare for the event (~200xp). They might encounter thugs or overzealous guards on the street. They might go shop for clothes. A man might ask them to help find his daughter (she went off with her lover). There might be a tavern brawl. XP for creating NPC contacts. Yllaxina's street urchin may find them.   Social; At the buffet, Zdeko will explain the guild system and the golden roads trading/banking. He will request the party to get the guilds to pledge assistance against the goblinoid attack. Each of the 18 representatives will be worth (50xp). They will provide further quests. Many will be particularly interested in Cyrus' artificer skills. Pip and Yllaxina will be mistrusted.   Finally, determine where they will stay whilst in Heim.   1500xp

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