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Gruin Sap Bore

Basic Information


Often mistaken for a regular pine tree, the Gruin Sap Bore's leaves are needle-like, 12-16 inches long with two per fascicle. There are fine yellow serrations on the edge of the leaf. Silver vines reach out from the base of each branch, reaching a length of 10 feet. The vines have tiny leaves that are silver and white in color. The trunk is covered in a extremely sticky and viscous sap.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Gruin Sap Bore captures passing animals and creatures with its silver vines. Once a creature is detected, the Gruin pulls itself within range with its vines, coiling them about its prey. Once secured, it pulls the prey item towards its central trunk, eventually coating the hapless victim in the sticky sap on its trunk. Once enough time has passed, the victim is released for it has had its central nervous system supplanted by the spores in the sap, turning it into a mindless shell of its former self. The victim then is doomed to wander, sluffing off seeds that are produced on its skin as it travels.  Eventually, the victim succumbs to starvation and the cycle is complete.    Often the Gruin spreads via forest creatures and ranch animals that have broken free of their pens. It's not uncommon for an unsuspecting humanoid to wander into a grove of Gruin Sap Bores, however, which usually ends up in disaster years later for the local village as the victim tends to wander back home.

Growth Rate & Stages

Starting from a seed pod, sluffed off of a victim of another Gruin Sap Bore, the seed lies dormant until the conditions are just right for it to sprout. No one knows exactly what conditions are needed for the seed to sprout, which at times has caused a population explosion (along with the problems that come with a high number of Gruin Sap Bore being in the area) that no one can predict. Once sprouted, the Gruin looks almost indistinct from a regular pine tree for much of its early life. Once the plant nears maturity, it starts to sprout its tell-tale silvery vines from its central trunk. Not long after, it begins to produce the sticky and viscous sap on its trunk. Once fully developed, the Gruin Sap Bore seeks out groves, in which they gather, as the plant seems to know that they are more effective at capturing victims for its reproduction cycle when there are large numbers together.

Ecology and Habitats

The Gruin Sap Bore is usually found in northern forests, where pines grow. There have been accounts of the plant appearing in other areas, however, likely from a victim who managed to travel a long distance before succumbing to starvation. Usually found in groves clustered together, often times with a corpse of a victim that multiple Gruin have tried to pull into their trunks decaying somewhere in the central area of the grove.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Gruin Sap Bore can sense creatures around it using tremorsense. It also demonstrates the ability to feel things through it's vines.
Scientific Name
Pinus Actinidia Polygama


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