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Edelvas are Elven storytellers and orators, keepers of an ancient oral tradition which began on the plane of Archefyre.The practice was nearly lost after the the cataclysmic destruction of Archefyre but has seen a resurgence across Aberiam.



An Edelvas is a scholar with an immense amount of knowledge and is generally a mage alongside their normal profession. Many Edelvas are talented in a multitude of fields which they study voraciously, spending much of their life gathering stories.

Career Progression

Edelvas in training generally apprentice under a more senior Edelvas in the practice of memorization and listening among other things before a long period during which the Apprentice Edelvas will gather their own stories from senior Edelredners, record keepers, and common folk. After this period, which varies but is generally two hundred years long, the Apprentice Edelvas becomes a true Edelvas.



Edelvas are first and foremost teachers, using the vast amounts of knowledge they have accrued to educate younger generations and to advise leaders.

Social Status

Edelvas typically hold a very high, honourable position in Elven societies.


Most Edelvas are either typical Elves or Wood Elves with the Drow and Eladrin either having lost the practice or simply shunning it themselves. A few Drow and Eladrin who are accepted in normal Elven societies are taught the practice and may be encountered.


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