
Background Name Ability Bonus Skills Perk Summary
Agent Intelligence, Charisma Deception, Perception Although your capabilities might no be much different from those of a smuggler or thief, you learned and practiced them in a very different context: to work as a an espionage agent or spy for a larger faction in the galaxy.
Aristocrat Intelligence, Charisma Culture, Persuasion Coming from a position of affluence, aristocrats may be actual royalty or something akin to it in the galaxy, regardless it is difficult to tell the difference.
Bandit Strength, Dexterity Intimidation, Perception You've lived a life of galactic banditry, robbing drifters anywhere in the galactic sprawl from hive cities to outworlds.
Celebrity Wisdom, Charisma Culture, Persuasion Perhaps a media star, journalist, or entertainer in the galactic sprawl, regardless you've made a name for yourself as a recognizable name in the galaxy.
Charlatan Dexterity, Charisma Deception, Sleight of Hand You've traveled from location to location, peddling false fortunes and cheating citizens out of theirs.
Corporate Intelligence, Wisdom Computers, Insight You are the representative of a mega-corporations in the galaxy, serving their interests (no matter how greedy they may be) across the stars.
Colonist Vigor, Wisdom Culture, Perception Whether it be apart of a planet settlement, station, or distant colony, you are a traditional settler out in the galaxy no different than any other.
Criminal Dexterity, Intelligence Deception, Stealth Coming from a shady background, you seek oppurtunities to break the law for your gain either by your lonesome or apart of a gang.
Drifter Vigor, Wisdom Piloting, Survival You're a nomadic wanderer in the galaxy, either travelling by yourself or with a close band of spacefarers.
Engineer Intelligence, Wisdom Computers, Engineering As either a mechanic or talented inventor, you work as a brilliant engineer constructing new technology.
Explorer Vigor, Intelligence Computers, Science You're set out to explore the uncharted in the galaxy, travelling aboard interstellar vessels to discover the unknown.
Laborer Strength, Vigor Athletics, Engineering You are a working class laborer in the galaxy, and have spent your life working as any a miner, factory worker, or cargo shipwright.
Mercenary Dexterity, Wisdom Athletics, Perception You're a hired gun in a galaxy of wanted men. Whether you work as a bounty hunter or a contracted soldier, no price is to high for your talents.
Merchant Intelligence, Charisma Insight, Persuasion You were raised or came to thrive within the markets and bazaars of many stations and worlds, carrying out the vital commerce the fuels expansion amongst the stars.
Outworlder Strength, Vigor Athletics, Survival You live within a tribe or clan deep within the outworlds of the galaxy; dangerous and primal lands where strength rules above all.
Politician Vigor, Charisma Culture, Persuasion You held an elected office or worked to help someone else hold one, and have a plethora of expierence dealing with bureaucracy and red tape from the inside.
Trooper Strength, Dexterity Athletics, Perception You served one or more tours of duty in a galactic military, working as apart of anything such as a planetary defense force, interstellar army or navy, or local milita.
Scavenger Vigor, Wisdom Engineering, Survival You've spent a great amount of time hopping from planet to planet, wreckage to wreckage, searching for lost valuables or vital components to sell.
Scientist Intelligence, Wisdom Medical, Science You investigate and research the fundamental truths of the universe using any science from biology to astrophysics.
Urchin Dexterity, Vigor Sleight of Hand, Stealth You're the lowest of the low within a station or hive world, scrounging for food and valuables as you try and make something of yourself in dangerous streets.


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