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Carrion Lifestealers

"They are known as Carrion Lifestealers - the thing that took your friend. We cannot comprehend such vile monsters. They cannot tell the sleeping from the dead - and that terrifies us. People say that dying in your sleep is the most peaceful way to pass. Not with them, it is much worse than anything the living can do to you. Agony, torment, it can all be felt in the victim's mind. We know such little information on the Lifestealers, if we actually know anything about them at all," 
- Spirit Hunter Argus, teaching a novice Spirit Hunter about the Carrion Lifestealers. 
[ltr] The Carrion Lifestealers are spectral beings that haunt the overground of Lydgartha, often residing in graveyards, morgues, and battlefields. These harrowing beasts hunt in isolation, feeding off of the corpses and unmoving, devouring their flesh and bone in order to survive. Whilst gaseous, the Carrion Lifestealers can manifest physical body parts, capable of grappling onto the living. From within the smog of their outer body rests a human skull, often being the one from their first victim. Darkness-drenched hands, with skeletal fingers grasp onto either side of the skull, and hold it in place of where a regular creature's heart would reside. They drift along the ground, capable of hovering. Appearance-wise, their bodies have a striking resemblance to a veiled widow at a funeral, with a vague face that holds no resemblance to humanity. These faces do not have any sensory organs. The lifestealers have a different selection of sensory organs, including one that can count the amount of heartbeats a person has had across their entire life. They are also capable of sensing the guilt of an individual. One aspect of their biology that is considered extremely flawed, however, is their inability to tell the dead from the sleeping. 


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