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Euthalia's Trust

"She would've wanted this. Ever wonder why Euthalia was always last to be seated at the dinner table? Or how she'd take just a little longer on her journeys across Graceswift, Father? She was helping the people. No, not us, or our associates. THE people. The ones that are surviving on scraps. And as we gorge ourselves upon the feasts of the many, think about what the common man may have? Euthalia would've helped them all, and I reckon she would be saddened that her aid ends alongside her life. 
  With or without your approval, Father, I will honour her wishes. Do not try to stop me," 
- Moira Grace, to King Marhault. 
  A few months after Euthalia Grace, the heir to the throne of Graceswift, Marhault's youngest child, was murdered, stagnation was seen across Graceswift. Regions would become tarnished with weakness, decay, and depression. Only when this issue became serious enough for the Royals and Syrs of Graceswift to notice, did they realise how influential Euthalia really was. By this time, many of the innocent members of the Grace family line, especially Moira Grace, who had moved to Colmar out of disgust of her Eldest Sister's act. On her first return to the Royal Grounds, one of the areas within the Palaces of the Grace Family, Moira had demanded that her father, King Marhault, enact something to honour her goodness. 
  Initially, Marhault denied these claims. Having been involved in actions such as Fae-Prowling, Marhault had lost the spark found amongst many in Graceswift. He had not, and could not, understand the kindness and compassion found within the Youngest Grace. He forbid the action, citing that it'd cost the Grace family thousands, and that Euthalia's name should be remembered as a person, and not an organisation. Moira had a simple solution - put a charming spell onto her father, and make him fund Euthalia's Trust, so that certain Syrs of Graceswift may aid the Kingdom in those that need to survive. 
  The purpose of Euthalia's Trust is to aid the impoverished, cursed, and unlucky. They serve in multiple town halls across all of Graceswift, often creating 'Salvation Chambers' for those that cannot survive on their own, mostly the homeless. As it aids those that don't have a place to call home, temporarily, until they can find themselves a place in the world. Most people who stay here are offered free training in basic combat or magic, if applicable. This means that the average person who stays in these Salvation Chambers usually leave as members of the guard to a keep, castle, or fortress - which enables them to safekeeping and protection. Those that gain a basic sense of magical prowess either become the Magusguard, a group of magically-inclined soldiers that work within certain operations and guilds across Graceswift. Those that cannot do either are often found places to reside in the countrysides, to cultivate food. 

In Her Name, Aid Them All

Founding Date
The 11th of the 10th, 19 ML
Activist, Charity
Alternative Names
Salvation Chambers
Euthalia's Trustees
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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