First Contact Document in Abholos | World Anvil
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First Contact

"It's so cold up here. From what I can tell, your home, your world, it looks so beautiful. Green on land, blue elsewhere. There's nothing up here. A barren wasteland. I can't see much to do up here - and yet I persist. Why? Why must I still linger above all that lives and breathes? Am I breathing, myself? What is this place? If one person could hear me, just one, please, show me a sign. Anything. Then again, how could you? Those people, oh so far away,"
- Final transmission from the Moon
    Aitso was believed to be the only place in Abholos that held life, for the longest time. The only planet observed so far to have any forms of life. Despite not being exactly true, it'd only be disproven from the existence of Otherkin. Otherkin come from a distant planet, which is at a similar rate of advancement and civilisation as Aitso. That was, until astronomy became a focal point to the studies involved in Scylla. When they realised that the stars in their sky were just like the suns, they began to further their research. Soon enough, the singular moon of Aitso was the focus of plenty of studies. The theories found from worship, with a common bond between Moon Gods and Gods of the Sea causing a connection between the two concepts, had been proven by analysing the moon itself, and it's influence on the tides.
  Studying the moon came to be simple. Airships often soared as high as they humanely could, without causing it's crew to die, in order to get a smidgen of more information to further their research. Great telescopes and observatories were built in dedication to surveiling the moon at all points. Some were built upon raised island within the King's Contender region, to pass the clouds and mountain peaks of Scylla. It was on one of those raised islands, that a fragment of Moonstone was found. Strangely enough, it was perfectly rectangular. Sized as a standard monolith, this obelisk of Moonstone was taken back to the surface of Scylla immediately. 
  Being studied for a good portion of a year, the moonstone had been considered an ancient artifact, to not be disturbed. Despite offers for the moonstone to be turned into weapons, or armour, or technology, the scientists of Scylla had denied all requests for its use. Instead, it was to be preserved, and to not be disturbed. That was, until two years after the collecting of the obelisk. One night, on a clear night sky, the obelisk was lit up in divine runes. Once translated, they spoke of somebody - an Otherkin, living on the moon. 
  This immediately caused chaos. Folks across all of Scylla, especially scientists and researchers, had began preparing for a possible invasion. Beings from the stars were depicted as frightening monsters in all sorts of culture on Aitso. Capable of causing stars to alter, change colour, or even disappear. If the blips in the sky could be destroyed, then the same could happen to Aitso. After a devoted few weeks of research into the text, it was translated to depict an isolated person who was living on the moon. Alone. Afraid. Two-way communication with the Otherkin was considered near-impossible. 
  As the first acknowledgment to the existence of Otherkin, the First Contact had been seen as a great aspect as to the development of Aitso. It was where the term 'Otherkin' had orignated. 
Record, Transcript (Communication)


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