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Graceknight's Return Festival

"Ah, thank you, one and all, Those from Celibrig, Lyonese, Colmar, and - of course - Graceswift. Seeing family, friends, and a certain other few people that don't qualify as eitther has made my ventures all worthwhile. Gone for a year, each and every day I had thought of you all. To be graced by the presences of you all, on such a day, has warmed my heart. And now, I can finally rest, for as long as I can. My purpose, out there, has been fulfilled, and I'll happily defend what I have now, rather than go on exepditions. To you all, I say one thing, truthfully, I love you all. Thank you once more for coming to this festival. But you didn't come here to hear an old man talk - you came for a party, and a party you shall receive!" 
- Syr Aalon, on his Return Festival, marking his retirement from adventuring. 
  Every Graceknight has a purpose, whether to explore, defend, or lay sieges on evil. This takes a good portion of their lives to fulfill, which makes the end of their journeys rather ceremonious. To celebrate, the Graceknights often get festivals for their return to a life of normalcy. Seen similarly to a retirement party, except more grandiose and entertaining, the Return Festival is filled with dances, fireworks, and plenty of food. Often done in expansive heaths and fields, these festivals are placed in dedication for those that return. They are treated like royalty, not having to life a finger at all for their special last day. These festivals are often attended by members of the Grace Family Line, as a form of respect towards those that have lived a life of service to the Kingdom of Graceswift. 


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Aug 19, 2024 01:24 by Deleyna Marr

Fascinating life these graceknights live! This is only a taste of what I suspect is a rich story world.
