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Medusa of Old Lydgartha

"The streets are so empty now, at night. Isn't it wonderful?"  
- Lady Kateris, whilst roaming the streets of Old Lydgartha. 
  Old Lydgartha is one of the largest cities in the Lydgarthan Plains, known for being the origin of Lydgartha's corrupt society today. It is a place that lays synonymous with sin and struggle. This old town is built with barricades made of stone, blocking out people of no importance to the Old Lydgarthan people. The people thrown out were the unemployed, the criminals of little renown, and those that angered the nobles of the city. Often throughout the history of these treacherous nobles, women would often be exiled after divorcing them, left to fend for themselves in the dreary world outside of sacntuary. 
  The real Medusa, and other Gorgons of human intelligence, often the ones transformed, are closely related to different divine beings that revolve around retribution, such as Nemesis, the Chthonic Goddess of Vengeance. The tales that came from the actions done onto those who abused women, such as the women themselves or powerful beings that they made pacts with, often took the role of a Medusa. The abusers often had their reputation tarnished days before their death, which some believe to be linked to the idea of the Medusa taking joy in ruining these awful people's lives. 
  At the time of the first surprising death, a snake infestation had occurred throughout Old Lydgartha, which was said to be the actions of Medusa, who had made her initial mark on the city by having her children claim every corner of the large city. The first murder that took place had the body be disposed of in the fountain found within the market centre. A proud banker, with the words 'Cheating Fool' carved onto his exposed back. 
Date of First Recording
3 FL
Date of Setting
3 FL - 21 ML


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