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The Cleansing of Aitso

"If Adagi is not stopped - then Death will come for all Aitsonians. The planet will die, and become cleansed. Only then will it find it's devouring conclude, and it'll finally rest along with the rest of us. To survive, we must kill that bastard of Death. Only then, can we rest. For Maisin Maw, Maisin, and all of our home. We must fight!" 
- The Great King of Maisin Maw, before the first fight with Adagi. 
  The Cleansing of Aitso was a myth that Adagi, the Worm Titan, was directly planning on wiping out all of civilisation. That it's purpose was to destroy, and that Maisin Maw was it's first target. The myth personified Adagi as a Vestige of Death, with a sole desire of annihilation.

Adagi, the Wurm of Death 

  Adagi is a titan. A being that directly witnessed the deaths of the Old Gods, and had been considered as a Dreaded Reaper of all of Aitso - a title that was considered as a death setence for those that ran into it's bearer. Adagi was no different. It is a wurm, a long creature that is capable of burrowing through the ground, through devouring the very earth. Some believed that the being was infinitely long, but it has been measured by Divine Beings as the length of 3,000 feet, able to go across an entire town in a matter of minutes. The body itself is covered in dark scales, layed with large pieces of natural armour that form the underside of Adagi's body. Large arms potrude from along the body of Adagi, that stretch out across it's entire body. A soulless eye, devoid of a pupil, or even an iris, is found within the centre of Adagi's head. Death is found close to Adagi, a foe of rot and decay for all around it. Each year, it sheds the scales from it's body, which often sinks down into the ocean. When on land, the scales can be harvested, but Death often lingers along these scales, bringing hardship and bad luck to all that use the Worm Titan's old skin.


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