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Gusa's Language

Natively known as: Gakpi /ɡakpˈi/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... ga mo mangìse gbu mike mebe ga gbu ate gìchùse gagbe a tomùkù Pronunciation: /ɡa mɔ maŋɪˈsɛ ɡbu miˈkɛ mɛˈbɛ ɡa ɡbu aˈtɛ ɡɪʧʊˈsɛ ɡaɡbˈɛ a tɔmʊˈkʊ/ Gakpi word order: and he stood his hat holding and his wet face turned to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d j k kp m n p s t w x ŋ ɡ ɡb ʃ ʦ ʧ θ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d k ɡ
Affricate ʦ ʧ
Fricative θ s ʃ x
Approximant j
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-velar
Stop kp ɡb
Approximant w
Vowel inventory: /a i u ɔ ɛ ɪ ʊ/
Front Back
High i u
Near-high ɪ ʊ
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a
Syllable structure: (C)V Stress pattern: Ultimate — stress is on the last syllable Word initial consonants: b, d, j, k, kp, m, s, t, x, ɡ, ɡb, ʦ, ʧ, θ Mid-word consonants: b, d, j, k, kp, m, n, p, s, t, w, x, ŋ, ɡ, ɡb, ʃ, ʦ, ʧ, θ Word final consonants: N/A   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • S → Ø / #_F
  • a → aː / _C#
  • m → n / V_
  • wa → o / #_
  • w → Ø / _t
  • b → u / _C
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
j y
x kh
ŋ ng
ɔ o
ɛ e
ɡ g
ɡb gb
ʃ sh
ʦ ts
ʧ ch
θ th


  Main word order: Object-Subject-Verb-Oblique. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into The door Mary opened with a key. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun. Adposition: prepositions  


  Nouns have seven cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
  • Instrumental is the use of something: man writes with (using) pen.
Nominative No affix tekpa /tɛkpˈa/ doɡ (doinɡ the verb)
Accusative Suffix -ɡbʊ tekpagbù /tɛkpaɡbˈʊ/ (verb done to) doɡ
Genitive Suffix -xi tekpakhi /tɛkpaˈxi/ doɡʼs
Dative Suffix -ŋɛ tekpange /tɛkpaˈŋɛ/ to (the/a) doɡ
Locative Suffix -ʦa tekpatsa /tɛkpaˈʦa/ near/at/by (the/a) doɡ
Ablative Suffix -wi tekpawi /tɛkpaˈwi/ from (the/a) doɡ
Instrumental Prefix xɪ- khìtekpa /xɪtɛkpˈa/ with/usinɡ (the/a) doɡ


  Gakpi has no definite article ‘the’, or indefinite article ‘a’.  


Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Locative Ablative Instrumental
1st singular che /ʧɛ/ I ti /ti/ me thì /θɪ/ mine a /a/ to me sì /sɪ/ at me khu /xu/ from me che /ʧɛ/ with/using me
2nd singular sù /sʊ/ you (masc) yo /jɔ/ you tu /tu/ yours to /tɔ/ to you tha /θa/ at you thu /θu/ from you sì /sɪ/ with/using you
3rd singular masc mo /mɔ/ he gù /ɡʊ/ him gbu /ɡbu/ his cho /ʧɔ/ to him de /dɛ/ at him kpe /kpɛ/ from him thù /θʊ/ with/using him
3rd singular fem e /ɛ/ she kpo /kpɔ/ her gì /ɡɪ/ hers ga /ɡa/ to her thù /θʊ/ at her gbi /ɡbi/ from her ga /ɡa/ with/using her
3rd singular neut ba /ba/ it ma /ma/ it te /tɛ/ its kì /kɪ/ to it ge /ɡɛ/ at it thì /θɪ/ from it gù /ɡʊ/ with/using it
1st plural ke /kɛ/ we ye /jɛ/ us su /su/ ours tsi /ʦi/ to us si /si/ at us mu /mu/ from us sì /sɪ/ with/using us
2nd plural kpe /kpɛ/ you all ka /ka/ you all khù /xʊ/ yours (pl) mi /mi/ to you all mu /mu/ at you all gì /ɡɪ/ from you all a /a/ with/using you all
3rd plural masc me /mɛ/ they (masc) tsu /ʦu/ them (masc) kù /kʊ/ theirs (masc) gbi /ɡbi/ to them (masc) tso /ʦɔ/ at them (masc) tì /tɪ/ from them (masc) i /i/ with/using them (masc)
3rd plural fem bù /bʊ/ they (fem) kpi /kpi/ them (fem) ku /ku/ theirs (fem) khì /xɪ/ to them (fem) ga /ɡa/ at them (fem) de /dɛ/ from them (fem) ma /ma/ with/using them (fem)
3rd plural neut da /da/ they (neut) o /ɔ/ them (neut) i /i/ theirs (neut) yi /ji/ to them (neut) be /bɛ/ at them (neut) i /i/ from them (neut) o /ɔ/ with/using them (neut)

Possessive determiners

1st singular thì /θɪ/ my
2nd singular tu /tu/ your
3rd singular masc gbu /ɡbu/ his
3rd singular fem gì /ɡɪ/ her
3rd singular neut te /tɛ/ its
1st plural su /su/ our
2nd plural khù /xʊ/ your (pl)
3rd plural masc kù /kʊ/ their (masc)
3rd plural fem ku /ku/ their (fem)
3rd plural neut i /i/ their (neut)


Present Past Remote past Future
1st singular Suffix -kɔ banuko /banuˈkɔ/ (I) learn Prefix ɡa- gabanu /ɡabaˈnu/ (I) learned Prefix mɛ- mebanu /mɛbaˈnu/ (I) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -xi banukhi /banuˈxi/ (I) will learn
2nd singular Suffix -pa banupa /banuˈpa/ (you) learn Prefix tu- tubanu /tubaˈnu/ (you) learned Prefix kpɔ- kpobanu /kpɔbaˈnu/ (you) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -dʊ banudù /banuˈdʊ/ (you) will learn
3rd singular masc Prefix xɪ- khìbanu /xɪbaˈnu/ (he) learns Suffix -ɡbʊ banugbù /banuɡbˈʊ/ (he) learned Suffix -nɛ banune /banuˈnɛ/ (he) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -jɪ banuyì /banuˈjɪ/ (he) will learn
3rd singular fem Prefix ʦu- tsubanu /ʦubaˈnu/ (she) learns Suffix -ŋɛ banunge /banuˈŋɛ/ (she) learned Prefix ka- kabanu /kabaˈnu/ (she) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Prefix ti- tibanu /tibaˈnu/ (she) will learn
3rd singular neut Prefix tɔ- tobanu /tɔbaˈnu/ (it) learns Suffix -ʃi banushi /banuˈʃi/ (it) learned Suffix -ɡa banuga /banuˈɡa/ (it) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -mi banumi /banuˈmi/ (it) will learn
1st plural Suffix -wu banuwu /banuˈwu/ (we) learn Suffix -dɪ banudì /banuˈdɪ/ (we) learned Prefix ma- mabanu /mabaˈnu/ (we) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -tɔ banuto /banuˈtɔ/ (we) will learn
2nd plural Suffix -kpu banukpu /banukpˈu/ (you all) learn Prefix ʦi- tsibanu /ʦibaˈnu/ (you all) learned Suffix -sa banusa /banuˈsa/ (you all) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Prefix ʧɛ- chebanu /ʧɛbaˈnu/ (you all) will learn
3rd plural masc Suffix -ɡɛ banuge /banuˈɡɛ/ (they) learn Suffix -ʃɔ banusho /banuˈʃɔ/ (they) learned Suffix -mɪ banumì /banuˈmɪ/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Prefix da- dabanu /dabaˈnu/ (they) will learn
3rd plural fem Prefix kɛ- kebanu /kɛbaˈnu/ (they) learn Suffix -wi banuwi /banuˈwi/ (they) learned Suffix -ni banuni /banuˈni/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Prefix ba- babanu /babaˈnu/ (they) will learn
3rd plural neut Suffix -na banuna /banuˈna/ (they) learn Prefix sɪ- sìbanu /sɪbaˈnu/ (they) learned Suffix -θu banuthu /banuˈθu/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -jʊ banuyù /banuˈjʊ/ (they) will learn

Progressive aspect

  The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speking, such as I am learning.   Gakpi uses a standalone particle word for progressive:  
Progressive Particle before the verb: ka - ka banu /ka baˈnu/ is learninɡ

Habitual aspect

  The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).   Gakpi uses a standalone particle word for habitual:
Habitual Particle before the verb: ka - ka banu /ka baˈnu/ learns

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.   Gakpi uses an affix for the perfect aspect:
Perfect Suffix -na banuna /banuˈna/ have learned


  Gakpi has a base-10 number system:   1 - kì 2 - yi 3 - i 4 - thì 5 - ipa 6 - ini 7 - thùwo 8 - gbu 9 - tsitsa 10 - dane 11 - dane ga kì “ten and one” 100 - kì tine “one hundred” 101 - kì tine kì “one hundred one” 200 - yi tine 1000 - kì sibi “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -na   Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -ki   Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -ɡbɪ   Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix da-   Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -kpu   Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = Suffix -ɡbɪ   Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix tɔ-   Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Suffix -jʊ   Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -tɛ   Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building) = Suffix -nɛ   One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -ʃɔ   Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -nɛ   Diminutive = Suffix -dɪ   Augmentative = Prefix kɪ-


5804 Words.
Common Phrases
  • "thi tini" - my pulse
  • "thì egba iyu" - my endless joy
  • name-iga - pretty as a diminutive
  • "thi khuni mega" - my stupid baby
  • "su khuni mega" - our stupid baby
  • "thi thùshùcho" - my laughter
  • "khùmi chena yewenasho onu /xʊˈmi ʧɛˈna jɛˈwɛˈnaʃɔ ɔˈnu/" - midnight blood drinkers
Common Female Names
  1. Sisikìshì (lovely mark)


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