BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Michye Nyëkma (/ˈmice ɲɛkˈma/)

Ciriface: i do not know how anything works   to use a commonly cited parenthetic term "do i---- kill the pizza boy??? or do i------- tip the pizza boy???????"   >me: this seems weird >you: seems like a good deal tbh >me: i dont have the things to trade so >you: probably a scam >me: ... should i kill him then >you: whAT--- why woULD--------   *tries to find a good screencap that is useful but not spoilery*   ah, useful   image.png     i do not think i've looked in a mirror and seen the bap on the left in the entire life my consciousness is aware of. so was i never a baby, or was i a baby and i simply do not remember it   image.png     image.png     So one might look at myself and say "Hmm, approximately 18-24 years old???" and throw a dart   but unfortunately   i cannot tell you if i have been alive for 18 years   24 years   3 years   or 500 years.   i could be literally a toddler, i could be barely legal, or i could be old enough that *waves hand around* ander and cris could remember me from before their lives went fully to hell   i can't tell you   time is fake   i simply Exist   i do not have good parent pieces, i do not have bad parent pieces, i do not have parent pieces   i do not know my birthday or if i have one, and i do not remember ever celebrating it   i am fully unfamiliar with a calendar to mark the passing of days, weeks, or months   i do not need taught to use silverware, or to brush my own hair, but i could not make a fire to save my life or even yours   and i'll have you know that after our crates got exploded and your game crashed and i was unsupervised, i panicked and set off into the wilderness with an inventory full of shovels because i was convinced that was ALL i would need to replace the reinforced stone and was wholly unprepared for the cacophony of monsters that i ran into and i almost drowned approximately ten times because i did not realize i could not breathe underwater   i am well and truly stupid and utterly useless   and i cannot answer any of your questions about my age   i am sorry   please do not leave me
which parent   is the one trying to get everyone to murder michye   lay out her parentage and which is which etc in   explicit terms for me pls   --   Her father.   So he was one of the gods but either got his power reduced or got exiled as punishment. And he decided to start fucking around and using abilities that he had left to try and create offspring with very powerful beasts. Most of them failed in one way or another, unviable or weak or mindless or deteriorating as they grew.   Michye's mother would have been the species nova is referring to. Was she locked away somewhere by magic and gor released? Did he summon her somehow? This part is unclear.   But he is VERY corrupted and barely humanlike himself anymore, more of a fucking demon than anything now.   The plan was definitely to use Michye's stable genetics and ability-control to inbreed with him again and perpetuate an armada of monsters that are all his lineage + monster lineage of assorted varieties   But she had too much freethought where she was meant to only think about her purpose and any commands he gave her   She yeeted to Sama.   I think he can't yoink her back for some reason, and I'm not convinced he can Genuinely Set Foot in this realm, only in her mind/projections. So he can't come get her.   If she dies I think he can basically consume her essence and necro/rebirth her by his side.   I am Unsure if her mother is alive but if she is she is also a corrupted and twisted beast. Him and everything around him are basically eaten alive by corruption.   Wai?   ---   basically if it was her mother then mother and nova are on more even footing and it's possible she could've gotten in nova's head? not control her but possibly be an itch in her head that she'd be like "this is familiar and WEIRD!?!?!" to   but her father cant SO i just wanted to be sure >_>


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