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[Daughter's] name is Maisey Not sure what happened to her mother, but she's never been around and Maisey never knew her at all. She's not bothered by it, doesn't ask questions etc. Whatever answer he gave her (probably that her mother loved her VERY much but had to go away) she's happy with for now She's probably about the age of joel's daughter? but also "*kidnapped* *chill af* i lit a match" "...............what" and the random stories are REALLY what focuses him, so her brain might be delayed or she might just be a cute lil weirdo He walks to school and picks her up every day, they dont have a car They're very close she's a chatterbox they don't have tons of money for food but if she has favorites, he gets those for her, period his drug use has never impacted her in a harmful way. maybe he's occasionally difficult to rouse, but he usually schedules things so that she's not impacted in the slightest (other than the lack of money obviously) He drinks around her but he never gets stupid drunk around her and he's never been cruel to her not even once. Gentle scoldings are the worst it gets and those are well thought out and usually required He's illegal, but she isn't He doesn't hide that he can't read because he doesn't want to lie to her (pretend to read her report card or stories or whatever) but he tries not to make a big deal out of it or let it stop him She has a phone to call him for chats, or emergencies, or whatever, but it has solid parental controls that i'm pretty sure he had a family friend set up she has a neat cousin. think matty. not necessary matty's face, we don't know if male or female yet at ALL, but someone closer to her age who CAN read and DOES babysit her etc


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