BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ryordian Etoll

- feelings for garak but he's also my best friend and I Won't lose that
  • I achingly miss this woman and I don't know who she is and that scares me
  • A different (i. Think.) woman freaks me Out (the one d'avin spaced)
  • I've wanted Turin since I got here for some reason unknown even to me >:[
    he has no memories of his own and absorbs others by touch and like   he saw her tormenting him about never being a full person with her and her cult and went "oh no"   that's about it
    Ryordian Etoll is originally Okela Mydala of Thamor   he's about the same age as Ardeno Arenel, maybe a year or so older, they probably grew up together or close enough (think pawter and kendry?) but i think you already got that from the "brat" and the "you never would tell me your real age" type thing   i'm imagining him being the slightly older kid and him just like BUT HOW OLD ARE YOU twenty two BUT HOW OLD ARE YOU REALLY fourteen BUT! twelve BUT! sixteen OKEEEEEEEEEEEEELA D:
    woke up in a bed in [not the boys' city but somewhere equally not good] with no memory of how I got there. Or who I was
    Fancyface: -.-
      >me: *looks up for one of the episodes*
      >me: wait
      >me: waIT
      >me: wait i exist
      >me: oh no
      >me: *hibernates*
      >you: *withdraws from drugs and nearly dies*
      >me: e.o
      >me: o.e
      >me: e.o
      >me: o.e
      >me: *comparing your issues with the issues of your girlfriend* o.e
    >me: e.o
      >me: o.e
      >me: i--- WHAT
      >me: I DONT CARE
      >me: *hibernates*
      >turin: *speaks*
      >me: fuck you or fuck me i dont know which
      >fancy: *normal dude*
      >me: o.e
      >fancy: *hullen*
      >me: e.o
      >fancy: *cleansed and no longer hullen*
      >me: o.e
      >fancy: *in cell with hullen lady*
      >hullen lady: *being weirdly sexual*
      >me: *refocuses* oh no
      >hullen lady: :/ you're not human :\ you're not hullen :/ you're broken
      >fancy: no rly im ok
      >hullen lady: you dont fit in anywhere. it'll be an itch. and it'll grow into a burn until you beg us to take you back
      >me: o-o
      >hullen lady: *ATTACKS FANCY*
      >fancy: OK LET ME OUT
      >turin: *....... doesnt because she managed to make him think i'm a traitor*
      >fancy: *BLINKY*
      >me: fuck me or fuck you idk which but i'm going for the latter rn
      >fancy: ... *FIGHTS HER OFF* NOT BEING YOU
      >me: oh no
      >hullen lady: you can be whole again~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      >fancy: I AM WHOLE
      >me: makes one of u-- oh no
    If I touch someone I absorb all of their memories   but i   got wiped!   see if i   had memories i'd   o-o probably know why i got wiped huh   upside is i DO have some memories!   downside is since i remember at least one instance of giving birth to a child   and i definitely have boy parts   i'm pretty sure they're not mine.   I am a male man and I assume at some point I touched a female woman which is why I have weird memories in my human brain  
    *tucks hair behind pointy ears*
    idk and he doesn't either   She was all YOU'RE NOTHING NOW. NOTHING WITHOUT US. and he just "rip"   He has no memories and was experimented on e.e absorbs memories from touch and is touch starved but also touch phobic
    I think the woman has my memories
    there's like three stages to his life im pretty sure
      first: childhood, royalty etc
      second: got taken off somewhere and fucked with. had his brain scrambled, became a memory conduit, ended up in some kind of... hullen-ish, ds9 changling soup-esque like...culty thing
      third: got wiped, woke up in a room in a dingy city somewhere with no memories of anything and met garak after that


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