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Tari Alen

Tari is in a relationship with Blake Serrano.  


  The original Tari Alen was born and raised on a space station where she later worked as an engineer, repairing the dysfunctional station, and married her husband, Juno, a security officer, who she grew up with. Together they had a daughter, Liota, who is three years old.   Tari describes Juno as smart and kind.   Tari was artistic when she was younger.   There was an incident on the station in which a pathogen was released. Juno and Tari were sent to collect the item that had been delivered and when the seal broke, the contained pathogen infected Juno, who it killed. Tari was locked in the room with his body for four days before the station commanders were willing to risk letting her out.   Tari and Liota both carry an immunity and the rest of the station went into stasis in the hopes of escaping the pathogen, which had already leaked from the poorly-sealed cargo bay. Liota and Tari were packed into a shuttle, in stasis, and sent away to find a cure for the pathogen. Tari woke occasionally to fix things and adjust courses, and once to discover a message from the singular survivor of the station. It had broken down, the stasis pods no longer working, and everyone had died. The singular survivor was about to die next in their message.   Unsure where to go, Tari went back into stasis, aiming the shuttle at a hopefully inhabited planet. Years passed, eight or nine for Tari's body, more for the time that passed in stasis.   The ship was found by Turtle. He accosted Tari, took Liota prisoner and put Tari into stasis, using her body and mind to create augmented duplicates, of which there are ten.   Tari: The Original. More playful and carefree. She has a light about her which two!Tari says she does not have. Damaged and may not survive.
One: Disintegrated.
Two: The Tari who is Blake's. Locked away for quality control for a long time.
Five: Fights back when he hurts her.
Six: Cries when he hurts her.
Eight: The one that likes Turtle and mocks and taunts the other Taris the most, corrupted from the inside, but warmer than Tari or Two!Tari, towards Turtle.
  Tari escaped, released by one of the others. She went for help in the shuttle, but had to leave Liota and the other Taris behind.   She ended up on the ship Blake is on.   The ship makes her very unstable due to her telepathy. Nothing is ever quiet and barely anyone sleeps.   Tari is telepathically linked across space with the others, the original and the duplicates. Tari is occasionally bombarded with the memories of the original and the augmented siblings.   Tari's body breaks down, beginning to disintegrate, without constant tending.


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