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The Language of Vyiyuian

Natively known as: vyiyu /ˈvjiju/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
b’u ko mlalz whiyt jâ zîmipmu b’u âs zle mlalz whid hyîtizt je
Pronunciation: /ɓu ko mlalz whijt ʄə zɨˈmipmu ɓu əs zle mlalz whid ˈhjɨtizt ʄe/
Vyiyuian word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f h j k l m p s t v w z ŋ ɓ ɗ ɣ ʄ ʔ  
Stopp bt dkʔ
Fricativef vs zɣh
Lateral approximantl
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: a e i o u ə ɨ  
  Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Spelling rules:  


  Main word order: Subject (Prepositional phrase) Object Verb. “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary with a key the door opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have six cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man is in town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
  Nouns have both a plural affix and dual affix for precisely two things.
NominativeNo affix
vij /viʄ/ dog (doing the verb)
AccusativeIf starts with vowel: Prefix bj-
Else: Prefix bja-
byavij /ˈbjaviʄ/ (verb done to) dog
GenitivePrefix e-
evij /ˈeviʄ/ dogʼs
DativeIf starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ki-
kivij /ˈkiviʄ/ to dog
LocativePrefix zlo-
zlovij /ˈzloviʄ/ near/at/by dog
AblativePrefix i-
ivij /ˈiviʄ/ from dog
SingularNo affix
vij /viʄ/ dog
PluralIf starts with vowel: Prefix ɨs-
Else: Prefix ɨsu-
îsuvij /ɨˈsuviʄ/ dogs
DualIf starts with vowel: Prefix l-
Else: Prefix lɨ-
lîvij /ˈlɨviʄ/ two dogs


Singularmlols /mlols/ the hyî /hjɨ/ a
Plurald’u /ɗu/ the zbâ /zbə/ some
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Used to talk about countable nouns in general: English’s ‘I like cats’ would translate to ‘I like the cats’
  • Not used for mass (uncountable) nouns: ‘Walking in the mud’ would always translate to ‘Walking in mud’.
  • Used for languages: ‘The English’


1st singularsti /sti/ I jo /ʄo/ me vâ /və/ mine heyf /hejf/ to me e /e/ to me lâ /lə/ from me
2nd singularfu /fu/ you peld /peld/ you flî /flɨ/ yours yo /jo/ to you sa /sa/ to you dweyf /dwejf/ from you
3rd singularko /ko/ he, she, it mlelv /mlelv/ his, her, it byi /bji/ his, hers, its do /do/ to his, to her, to it vwe /vwe/ to his, to her, to it zli /zli/ from his, from her, from it
1st plural inclusivevâm /vəm/ we (including you) kay /kaj/ us (including you) steng /steŋ/ ours (including you) kyaf /kjaf/ to us (including you) i /i/ to us (including you) spu /spu/ from us (including you)
1st plural exclusiveîb’ /ɨɓ/ we (excluding you) pîd’ /pɨɗ/ us (excluding you) he /he/ ours (excluding you) flig /fliɣ/ to us (excluding you) uls /uls/ to us (excluding you) stâng /stəŋ/ from us (excluding you)
2nd pluralfti /fti/ you all yaft /jaft/ you all yâ /jə/ yours (pl) zbu /zbu/ to you all fî /fɨ/ to you all mdo /mdo/ from you all
3rd pluralfle /fle/ they d’e /ɗe/ them dwo /dwo/ theirs bîyl /bɨjl/ to them yef /jef/ to them zbuzt /zbuzt/ from them

Possessive determiners

1st singularvâ /və/ my
2nd singularbudî /ˈbudɨ/ your
3rd singularmlalz /mlalz/ his, her, its
1st plural inclusivesteng /steŋ/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusivehe /he/ our (excluding you)
2nd pluralyâ /jə/ your (pl)
3rd pluraldwo /dwo/ their


PresentIf starts with vowel: Prefix ɓ-
Else: Prefix ɓə-
b’îpmî /ˈɓɨpmɨ/ learn
PastNo affix
îpmî /ˈɨpmɨ/ learned
FuturePrefix whɨ-
whîîpmî /whɨˈɨpmɨ/ will learn

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Vyiyuian uses an affix for the perfect aspect:  
PerfectReduplicate last part of last syllable
îpmîî /ɨpˈmɨɨ/ have learned


  Vyiyuian has a base-10 number system:   1 - ku
2 - zîlv
3 - gîng
4 - îng
5 - o
6 - a
7 - kyekwep
8 - bo
9 - d’i
10 - fto
100 - fwi
1000 - hu

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix ə-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix i-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix zji-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix ə-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix a-
Noun to verb = If starts with vowel: Prefix d-
Else: Prefix de-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix zbe-
Tending to = If starts with vowel: Prefix md-
Else: Prefix mda-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix i-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix e-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix mle-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ml-
Else: Prefix mli-
Diminutive = Prefix zdo-
Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix əʔm-
Else: Prefix əʔmu-            


  stâ /stə/ n. parent mda /mda/ prep. of mlikim /ˈmlikim/ n. sewer One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix mle-kying /kjiŋ/ v. sleep, nap ek /ek/ n. child (young human being), child (son or daughter of any age)         Plural If starts with vowel: Prefix ɨs- Else: Prefix ɨsu- îsuvij /ɨˈsuviʄ/ dogs   ˈmlikjek     mlikyek /ˈmlikjek/ n. homeless child (children who sleep in sewers)
Names   Zlihyi /ˈzlihji/
Hyom /hjom/
Kîztu /ˈkɨztu/
Kyîls /kjɨls/
Kyedfâm /ˈkjedfəm/
Whîtya /ˈwhɨtja/
Îtte /ˈɨtte/
Bîws /bɨws/
Zdoslî /ˈzdoslɨ/
Flâmse /ˈfləmse/
Didmuyʻ /ˈdidmujʔ/
Angfîp /ˈaŋfɨp/
B’ingiplâlz /ɓiˈŋipləlz/
Flîmibsâk /flɨˈmibsək/
Zlilho /ˈzlilho/
Vâtod’ /ˈvətoɗ/
Bîv /bɨv/
Yiyki /ˈjijki/
Vîmdâ /ˈvɨmdə/
Dollîpay /doˈllɨpaj/
Kyâ /kjə/
Ob’ipyem /oˈɓipjem/
Îkdi /ˈɨkdi/
Selomz /ˈselomz/
dîst /dɨst/
b’ivmî /ˈɓivmɨ/
vi /vi/
a /a/
tyelku /ˈtjelku/
vwoz /vwoz/
zle /zle/
ab /ab/
e /e/
fkîpmi /ˈfkɨpmi/
zbe /zbe/
zye /zje/
zyîlv /zjɨlv/
stiyt /stijt/
bi /bi/
mdoekîp /mdoˈekɨp/
iy /ij/
vem /vem/
zdil /zdil/
tyiplib /ˈtjiplib/
pwig /pwiɣ/
oy /oj/
eʻ /eʔ/
ip /ip/
hyed’ /hjeɗ/
mog /moɣ/
ome /ˈome/
dalv /dalv/
lî /lɨ/
u /u/
spito /ˈspito/
slo /slo/
vî /vɨ/
î /ɨ/
b’a /ɓa/
flil /flil/
sli /sli/
vi /vi/
lilv /lilv/
hi /hi/
su /su/
mlelp /mlelp/
zle /zle/
fav /fav/
el /el/
fle /fle/
pivi /ˈpivi/
bim /bim/
yîavuz /jɨˈavuz/
ye /je/
e /e/
a /a/
jâzulp /ˈʄəzulp/
vetsu /ˈvetsu/
ku /ku/
fteld /fteld/
ak /ak/
lom /lom/
zlog /zloɣ/
kây /kəj/
mda /mda/
ut /ut/
keyt /kejt/
mîj /mɨʄ/
d’e /ɗe/
dâpta /ˈdəpta/
dils /dils/
geb’eb’ /ˈɣeɓeɓ/
zok /zok/
pwîp /pwɨp/
fkag /fkaɣ/
pâg /pəɣ/
yotla /ˈjotla/
fte /fte/
lye /lje/
pây /pəj/
sle /sle/
hazdi /ˈhazdi/
vwe /vwe/
spipfîʻ /ˈspipfɨʔ/
lews /lews/
mlozt /mlozt/
vwalel /ˈvwalel/
Mlâyt /mləjt/
Pâong /ˈpəoŋ/
Ekti /ˈekti/
Iktâm /ˈiktəm/
Hîpu /ˈhɨpu/
Mipyi /ˈmipji/
Izdamsi /izˈdamsi/
Âyt /əjt/
Gîbmu /ˈɣɨbmu/
Zdîtyo /ˈzdɨtjo/
Dwasi /ˈdwasi/
Îlkey /ˈɨlkej/
Zâhag /ˈzəhaɣ/
Âdi /ˈədi/
Ângkîzkîyl /əŋˈkɨzkɨjl/
Kyâ /kjə/


4307 Words.
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