Alecto Ocreata

Alecto Ocreata

her family got yote by Anquis' followers, so shes gonna go kill god about it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

lean with wiry muscles, tall and vaguely gangly.

Body Features

Pale blue, Dark blue hair with grey threaded through, one set of horns - curved upward, curled vaguely back - one is cracked

Facial Features

large but tired eyes with permanent bags, a slightly too-pointed nose crooked from breaking, with a ring through the septum styled to look like a tiny sprig of lavender, and large scar that cuts through her upper left lip, cheek bone, and side of her nose, exposing part of a set of doglike teeth, and cracking her horn. She is missing one eye now - the socket is empty but the surrounding area is unscarred,

Identifying Characteristics

a multitude of scars, both old and new cover her, concentrated on her arms neck and torso. a small cluster of mushrooms grows on the shoulder of her tunic.

Physical quirks

for someone who looks like they were given far too much limb at birth, she moves surprisingly gracefully

Apparel & Accessories

a black many-patched and darned cloak covers a worn looking green tunic that looks hand embroidered with lavender and other flowers on the edges, pulled in with a plain brown leather belt, and smilarly worn and mended brown trousers given shape by the tall black boots she wears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brought in Aspar up by her family in an average farming family, following the tenants of Loisia, - worshipping on holy days, following main teachings, but nothing dramatic. Hoping to maintain the tenuous peace and balance of their home. This was until a fanatic sect of Anquis’ followers deemed her families’ refusal to give over their food/livestock to one of many war efforts as an insult and a sign of weakness, and decided they need to get yeeted, killing her grandmother and father, and separating her from her mother and siblings in the attack.   Haunted by these events she loses her belief that death should be natural. Instead, she endeavours to bring a swift (some may say early) end to any suffering she sees, by force. And hey, if she can get revenge at the same time, even better.   As such, she falls in with an extreme sect worshiping Loisia,training under a cleric within the group, Sloane. She becomes more and more fanatical with the encouragement of this sect, growing into somewhat of an ‘angel of death’ providing medical aid, to normal people (until they show signs of pain, or inability to recover, at that point – cocks gun- she ‘helps’ them pass on) and on any battle field she may cross, though strangely any fighter she helps, medically or otherwise, seems to die of some sort of fungal infection or poison in their wounds. Weird that.   She continues like this, growing more violent (on the road to straight up stabville) until Sloane informs her of their incoming demise, deciding to try to talk her out of this path They tell her, bluntly that shes being a dumbass, and she should blame, and hurt, the people who actually hurt her – Anquis, and their followers.   Having sent Alecto into a crisis of faith, (again) Sloane dies, peacefully and without Alecto’s interference. This sudden shock to her belief system and the loss of someone she cared for uncovering the repressed memories of her family opens her eyes to the nasty realisation that she's become just like the people that hurt her.   Obviously the only way to fix this is with more murder! So, she leaves the cult, and decides to hunt down the people that hurt her – first the followers of Anquis, then Anquis herself. As such she is travelling, killing off the followers she can find and taking odd jobs through the guild, and looking for a way to murder a god (bit of a big ask tbh).   She’s relearning her religion and beliefs as she goes, older, wiser (debatable), and far more fucked up than before. attaching herself to other aspiring god murderers whilst following clues like hair on play-doh.

Gender Identity





much knowledge of natural world, and how to murder, shes literate, but wasnt taught much maths beyond the basics she needed, not much formal education. she can be very dense, especially in social situations.

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

also many

Personality Characteristics


gonna go kill god and maybe even make amends for all the murder
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
11th Time of Warmth 3218-e5
Year of Birth
3218 -e5 27 Years old
Blue & Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue


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