

A man who looks a bit on the younger side with a light blue tinge to his skin and slightly elongated ears indicating his heritage from the sea. He has sparkling gold coloured eyes that compliment his other features lending him a sort of ethereal beauty, this is enhanced by the fact that he always smells like a fresh sea breeze (the good kind that evokes memories of childhoods spent on family holidays). He has windswept brown hair that he got from his pa, one of the few ways his human side shows, the other being his accent which is a sort of northern inflection which he also picked up from his dad. Generally a kind man whose first priority is always his friends. He has an infectious charm and warm smile and does his best to get along with everyone he meets. He wears colours to pay homage to the person he puts his faith in with the same white with red and gold trimming on his gambeson and casual clothes, oftentimes with standard chain maille over the top. carries two swords as his weapons, heirlooms of his mothers side of the family that have personalities of their own, anyone rex considers an ally or friend can hear their voices too though the swords can be slow to warm to new people meaning he can look a bit strange talking to himself when first encountered.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

lean and fit due to constant excersize thanks to his day job

Facial Features

striking eyes a well kept beard and the beginnings of stress lines

Identifying Characteristics

a sea prism stone necklace and a weird beaded bracelet

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the village of Fonsett (name for the same seaside village that Nia comes from) and raised mostly by the village as his mother was a sea nymph and his father was a fisherman, fair to say they weren’t home much. This kind of thing was not uncommon for this community, there was a well practised tradition of communal upbringing that had the oldest in the society raise and educate the youngest. Those in between either travelled or did the work necessary to maintain the basic food and shelter in the village. Rex ,being one of the more mature children, took on a sort of older brother role in his community, taking care of those younger than him and keeping them entertained when the older caretakers needed a rest. It was a nice enough life that he could have stayed with but that wasn’t meant to be, fate had other ideas. Rex often took walks along the seaside before bed, it helped to calm and ground him, he knew his mother was of the sea so he sometimes even pretended to speak to her during these times even though he knew she couldn’t hear him. During one of these late night walks along the seafront, Rex spotted a girl, maybe slightly older than himself, wading to her knees in the water looking out into the ocean. Instinctually Rex covered his ears, he’d heard enough stories from the older members of society that sirens were a real danger and even though he would be able to resist them better than most he wasn’t taking any chances. After some time watching he realised the girl 1. Wasn’t wading out any further 2. There were only the normal ocean sounds, no songs to be heard. With this he uncovered his ears and was about to keep walking when he saw dorsal fins emerging from the water heading to the girl. panicking He then went to go after the girl to try and save her as watching someone get ripped apart by sharks was not on his itinerary for that evening. As he waded out (the first dumb decision made so far which is a record for rex) he called out to the girl who turned around to him yelling to her more surprised than shocked at the news of dorsal fins approaching.   Girl; I thought it was just me and my friends out here, who the bloody ‘ell are you Rex: Doesn’t matter I’m not about to watch you get eaten out here come on! Girl: And who would be eating people out ‘ere that pod of DOLPHINS that are telling me about their recent fishing trip or are you some new type a monster that tries to eat girls by tha seaside Rex: What, me!? A monster, what would give you that impression I’m tryna… wait did you say dolphins? Girl: yeah can you not tell that (on cue one of the dolphins crests the water over rex’s head) Rex: oh for the love of… an how was I supposed to know, it's dark out and I saw shadows with dorsal fins rushing towards ya Girl:[laughing hysterically] the look on your face…. priceless Rex: [thoroughly embarrassed] well, I just thought… and… look come on it can’t ‘ave been that funny. Girl: clearly you aven’t looked in a mirror pal, anyway I’m Nia what are you doing out here? Rex: well before you panicked me I was trying to calm down before bed Nia: [still sniggering] well sorry I messed up your plans there though I’m more surprised I didn’t notice you before you started yelling usually I can tell pretty easily when people are coming thanks to these (points at her large ears) Rex: well maybe you thought I was another one of your dolphins, I am partly from the sea meself Nia: Shaddup no you’re noh.. Rex: Sure am, Mum's a sea elf, at least that's what they tell me, can’t you tell? Nia: now you mention it I can see it   The conversation went on like this for several hours where Rex and Nia got to know each other, Nia introduced Rex to the pod of dolphins, Rex told Nia some of the stories the elders told him about both his parents and the area in general. In the end they talked until the sun came up eventually parting ways so as to not raise suspicion at home. Rex and Nia shared many of these late trysts coming to be good friends. This lasted for the next three years until Nia turned 16 and had a prophetic dream. The night after her dream of a golden future she told Rex all about it. Rex was confused at first but seeing her determination and belief in the dream he backed her up and vowed to help her where he could. In the end, Rex was Nia’s first follower, the first member of Torna. When she began preaching her anti gospel to the village rex was always at the front lending her credence in the village by listening intently and drumming up the rest of the village to support her.   At some point in this period Rex also reached 16 where for the first time he met his Mum who gifted him 2 swords each being an Aegis of their own right. They were family heirlooms that were to be inherited by the first adult in the family line that could hear their voices, as soon as rex touched them he could hear their voices and so he got to keep them as his inheritance (rex was too wrapped up in cool sword to pick up the subtext of it also being an apology from his mother for never being there as she had other duties under the sea)   It wasn’t long before Nia decided to move on and influence other areas. Initially it was going to just be Nia and her father but after much begging Noah let Rex join them on the road. On the road Noah gave Rex some instructions on how to fight and survive in the wild during the days, during the nights Rex and Nia talked like they had always done. They travelled from town to town, spreading the Idea of Torna and helping people in need. This went on for a couple of years until rex reached the age of 18.   During Rex and Nia’s normal late night chats they got on to the topic of the future of Torna, this obviously wasn’t a rare topic for them but on this night something was really eating at Nia:   Nia:isa needle in a ‘ay stack Rex…   Rex: What is?   Nia: You remember that part near the end o’ my dream?   Rex: Them hero figures, yeah, the dragon born, tiefling, wild man, the construct, the young woman and the handsome man. I know we’ve been looking for them everywhere but no dice   Nia: well thinkin about it, what if our net’s too small? We’ve been travellin as a neat group ‘ere and they could be anywhere from ‘round the corner to the other side of the world!   Rex: yeah you’ve got a point…   [they sit in silence for 2 mins]   Noah [emerging from the shadows]: what if we had a champion go out and find these heroes while spreading our good message   [Nia and rex yelling in surprise and mild embarrassment]   Nia: Da what the ‘ell are you doin out so late   Noah: didn’t you check the guard rota   Rex: Do we have one of those?   Noah: you’ve never been on it   Rex: Why not?   Noah: because I know you’re either here with Nia at night or you’re sleeping, doing me a favour really   Rex [blushing]: what do you mean   Noah: well if you’re here then Nia is safe, if you’re sleeping it's because you need the rest, anyway more to the point this sounds like a dilemma that an old man's wisdom might help answer   [Noah pauses to look at Rex and Nia expecting them to be excited at his proposition but only finding averted gazes and embarrassed faces]   Noah: See as Nia pointed out at the moment we are a very centralised group, which has some benefits, but if we are to both increase the spread of our message and find those Heros Nia dreamed about we’re going to need more reach, the kind of reach you can only get from a decentralised organisation I mean look at the silver edge, no centralised bureaucracy, no real hierarchy yet if you want a monster gone everyone from Nobles to Peasants knows you hire silver edge. Now I’m not saying we follow that entirely but I’d say if there were basically more Nia’s we could have them hit other areas of the world spreading our message while also being able to keep an eye out for the heroes who we need to help take down the gods. Now obviously we both know Nia is unique so our second best option would be someone who has almost first hand knowledge of the prophecy.   [Noah at this point is staring right at rex who is now just about able to reach his gaze]   Rex: Me?   Noah: was anyone else with you when Nia talked to you that night   Rex: You want me to go out and look for these Heroes?   Noah: and convince them to come to us and work with us to kill the gods, yes. If there is anyone here with a decent shot at pulling it off its you   Rex: I think you’re putting too much stock in my skill…   Noah: Am I? Was it someone else in Fonsette helping Nia convert the townsfolk? As of right now you are the only person second to Nia here and we trust you. I trust you, you think I’d just let anyone talk to my daughter late at night, I’ve killed for far, far less   Rex: well that's a good idea but the final call isn’t ours to make   [Rex and Noah both look at Nia]   Nia: .... I…. don’t you think… It’d be boring… travelling without me?   Rex: probably but if it means fulfilling your dream then, well boredom is a cheap price to pay for that.   Nia: will you at least write to us here   Rex: of course, how else will I be able to tell you I found ya heroes dummy   Nia: well we can’t just let you leave without a proper fanfare, Da what can we spare for a propa shin dig before he sets off   Noah: I’m sure we can work something out   The next day was filled with preparing supplies and plotting maps so that rex and the main group don’t overlap on their journeys and that he has enough supplies for a couple weeks even in the wilderness. That night there was a relatively large feast to commemorate Rex leaving on his quest. As the feast wound down Rex took his leave out of the camp. Rex hadn’t gone far down the road before he heard Nia’s voice call out behind him. She handed rex a new bead for his bracelet that matched hers, this one though was special as if rex ever found himself in an emergency then crushing that bead would teleport him back to Nia. Nia stressed that it should only be used in an emergency. She also told rex that she had a matching bead that did the same for her that way even when worlds apart they could still look out for each other. With one last hug Rex continued on down the road.   This was the beginning of Rex's solo journey. It got off to a rocky start when after visiting a nearby town and trying to talk about Torna a local clergyman of sight overheard him and raised the relatively sizable crowd rex had attracted against him in religious zeal, rex got away but learned a valuable lesson in subtlety in the pursuit of spreading his ideals (after being chased out of 2 similar towns in a similar manner). After a year of travel something he realised was that what most people wanted was someone to just solve their problems. Doing odd jobs like helping on farms and chasing off bandits were how he survived on the road and while before he just kind of did it as a survival strategy he realised (with pyra and Azurdas help) that through those jobs and favours he could more efficiently and effectively spread his ideas to people. So that is what he did, devoting every act to help people to the Idea of torna, where the gods had failed he would be there helping with problems big and small, bringing glory to the idea of Torna and condemning the five for their inaction on the plight of the people of their realm.   It wasn’t long before he was found out by some members of the silver edge as he was stepping on their turf as hired help, lucky for rex though the members that found him were one mórag and one zeke, founders of the laughing hawk who instead of beating or torturing the poor boy instead took him back to the camp as they saw the value in someone like him. Bringing him back to camp mórag and zeke both sponsor rex as a new member of the laughing hawk, vandahm trusts his friends and tells them to teach him the ropes   So for the next four years until he was 23 he was under the strict tutelage of mórag and zeke. What mórag and zeke quickly worked out was that the power they felt when they met Rex came from two places 1. The untapped power in Azurda and 2. Rex's devotion to Torna, mórag was the first to put one and one together to realise they had a paladin on their hands. Understanding this mórag introduced the Idea of an oath as a way to channel Rex’s power and strengthen it while maintaining control. Giving rex's will something to focus on forged his oath of glory to torna and caused rex’s power to Increase in leaps and bounds.   After four years Rex found that while he was enjoying his time in the camp he knew that staying in one place was inefficient, this was in spite of the fact that Rex was now feeling a strange sense of deja vu around camp like he was close to one of the people he had been searching for. He had thoroughly searched the camp but couldn’t find the source for this feeling. When he wasn’t searching for the source of that feeling, Rex was trying to find people in the mercenary company that would be willing to listen to his Ideology. While there were those that were interested (especially Ashera, heine, Brakka and Cres) most were more interested in just the idea of killing in general and thought that a god was just some new game they hadn’t heard of yet. So rex moved on, with less fanfare but still tearful goodbyes (it was zeke, Zeke was crying his eyes out as Rex left, Morag just kind of wished him well with a nod then carried Zeke back into the camp to calm him down) From here rex has been journeying on his own for the past four years searching for any sign of the Heroes Nia mentioned in her dream while also completing tasks for the poor and downtrodden with one of the few requirements for his help being that they support Torna.

Gender Identity

identifies as masculine





Morality & Philosophy

Actions over Words. Strive to be known by glorious deeds, not words. For Rex this is self explanatory: he needs his strength and smarts to reach every corner of the world with the ideals of Torna. Beyond that though it ties into one of his strongest beliefs; that through his fighting he can make at least one person smile, that is enough Challenges Are But Tests. Face hardships with courage, and encourage your allies to face them with you. Again for rex this is self explanatory he has and always will be the ultimate hype man who is happy to face any and all challenges with his friends Hone the Body. Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realised. A more recent belief for rex but he recognises he needs more physical stamina and strength to pull off the Feats needed for the recognition he requires from his blades and the world Discipline the Soul. You must marshal the discipline to overcome failings within yourself that threaten to dim the glory of you and your friends. Rex has always been a bit of a trouble maker and quite relaxed (a bit like Claude) . He knows that that calm and kind demeanour has its place and he fights to keep that side of him while still fulfilling the other requirements to pull off the Feats he needs in order to find the heroes. The discipline to keep himself true to himself no matter what deeds he performs.     Beyond theses main tenants there is also one other code that he lives by, one of the only things his father gave him; the fisherman's code. While rex’s power is attached to his oath of glory, how he navigates ideas and situations outside of these tenets is as follows: Swim like a fish and drink like one too Always help others that help you Make a person cry? That's not gonna fly! Make a person smile? you pass the trial! Open a chest it might turn out great, until then it's just a crate   First have a punch up then drink to forget, once you forget the friendships all set Never leave a debt unpaid!

Personality Characteristics


Destroy the gods


Contacts & Relations

The laughing hawks Torna

Family Tree


A holy warrior with no insignia, a wanderer with a cause and the idea to topple the gods themselves

View Character Profile
lawful good
Date of Birth
25th of the time of remembrance
Parents (Adopting)
Golden yellow
Nut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bluish tinted
6ft 2
184 lb
Known Languages
common, abyssal, elvish, dwarvish and primordial


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