Grelt Keep Ballroom


The first thing you notice is that this room smells dusty. The floor is covered in a light layer of it and footprints lie scattered across it. Two portraits are perched on the wall opposite you. Shelving lies against the southern wall and hidden behind a layer of glass are several decorative trinkets. A few chaise lounges are pushed against the walls at the corners with end tables for tired guests to rest their legs and their drinks. Currently, a couple of skeletons rest their ageing bones there. A grand piano sits in the opposite corner to the door, its keys worn and some sunken down after their rests have rotted away.

Contents & Furnishings

The Footprints

On a successful DC 16 Survival/Investigation check you will notice that there are two sets of footprints dotted across the room. One pair seems to be a pair of slender shoeless prints seemingly following no discernible path. The other seems to be from a pair of worn shoes with holes in the bottom. There is only one row of these and they head straight to the trinket shelves and back out of the door that you came in through.  

The Portraits

Man   The human man in this portrait (The Northernmost one) seems stern and proper. His mid length raven hair is slicked back and tied at the nape of his neck. He sports a neatly trimmed goatee which is braided into a golden clasp from which hangs a deep emerald teardrop shaped gem. Clothed in his black fitted suit with a crest embroidered on his lapel, his emerald eyes seem to cast over the room in an endless gaze. They match the deep shade of green of his cravat. His hand is adorned by a glimmering golden ring engraved with what appears to be a screaming face resting atop an ebony cane twisting in a spiral to the deep red point where it rests on the ground.   Woman   This stern faced red haired woman watches over the room with a cold expression. Her hair is braided in with emerald jewels and black diamonds. Dripping from her ears are black drops that rest against her cheeks. The golden bib necklace that rests upon her neck is connected with twisting chains to the pitch black bodice of her dress, the same crest you keep seeing emblazoned just beneath her collarbone. Golden boning channels rib her corset and join in a twisting hem around her waist. Her skirt flares out elegantly, starting as a deep shimmering black and graduating to an almost ethereal green smoke billowing from where her dress would end.  


The glass appears locked. It requires a DC 8 sleight of hand check to unlock. Within are a variety of old trinkets used to show off to guests, gathering together what is not too far gone you probably gather (D100/2) GP worth of gold per case. Upon reaching for a jade figurine, you feel a resistance as you go to pull it up. Twisting it, you will find the case swings open like a door opening the way to the Grelt Keep Servant's Area Side.  

The Piano

Upon closer inspection this piano seems to still be able to play a discordant tune. There is a damp weather worn book of sheet music laying on its stand, a skeletal hand rests upon its pages as if they died trying to turn them.  


These skeletons seem to be in casual conversation with one another. On a DC 16 Medicine check or a DC 18 Investigation check, you will notice that the skeletons themselves seem strangely fresh. There is no discernible cause of death and the bones haven't yellowed. The arms are still held up in the position they would've been in for a friendly chat.
Room, Hall, Dance


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