Grelt Keep Secret Library


A dark square shaped room decorated sparsely with a single corner bookshelf covering both the north and east walls, a shallow collection of channels has been carved into the floor forming some sort of sigil, a deep brackish brown stain covering most of the indents. there seams to be a stone missing from one of the inscriptions surrounding it A desk stands against the south wall stacked with papers and a variety of strange implements. the room smells dank and the air is stale like it hasn't been disturbed in a long time.

Contents & Furnishings


On a DC 16 Arcana check you will be able to tell that this sigil seems very similar to the average message spell, it seems slightly altered. You can gather that this was used for communicating with someone or something. Placing the stone found in the tinkerers prison will fulfil the requirements for the riddle, summoning an imp who will throw a key at the summoning party's head and blurt the following riddle:  
'Go back to the beginning you fucks!'
Then he vanishes again.  


Upon opening the draws of the desk you will find a letter which reads:
Dear Lord Raugnac,   With the deepest respect, your proposed solution to the inefficacy of our progress is quite frankly preposterous. Locking me away in a basement with only the tools I use for my work and a handful of assistants barely competent enough to cast a light cantrip will not allow me to perform miracles. It may in fact even serve to hinder the prompt deliverance of the final result you so desire.    In summary, your plan is insane you raving lunatic! Now allow me to leave this gods forsaken basement.   Yours humbly,   Aeneas.
  A DC 14 lockpicking check lets you find a crown resting in one of the locked draws, a twisted monstrosity of metals and runes. (This is the Crown of Conquering).  


With a DC 12 Investigation check you will find records detailing the stats of those who have been sacrificed. A sectioned off paragraph is written in code using elvish, draconic, common and orcish. Working together a DC 16 Investigation with 2 successes can uncover part of the information, more successes allows more information to be available. The passage reads:  
The Timeless Wait gets more impatient by the day, demanding more and more blood and souls for his favours. The creature has already burned through most of the household staff and any and all of the slaves that we were able to procure from outside the town. The thing's appetite is quite frankly unholy and its method of dispatching those offered to it continues to unsettle me. The visions of those bleached skeletons, stripped of even the will to collapse, frozen in their dying pose, an immutable and unforgiving end.   Erelaina is getting jumpy. She thinks we are behind on our plans and the sacrifices, raving about how if we don't keep it fed it will come for us next; a silly and fanciful notion brought on by mania and paranoia. She has become too attached to the wealth and status granted us by the deals we made, worried that we are not capable of keeping our side of the bargain. This is of course untrue. We are well ahead of schedule and me and Aeneas have plans in motion to help us find some wiggle room in our terms and maybe even escape the deal entirely while maintaining the rewards we have reaped. It is simply a case of buying time and waiting for our opportunity, no matter how many souls must go into that chamber to preserve my family and our lifestyle here. I will quite happily sacrifice the whole continent if I have to.
Room, Education, Library
Connected Rooms


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