Sprig Silvertoung

Mental characteristics




21st Time of Warmth - 4th of Preparation 3245 e5
21st Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • 21st
  • The night passes unaventfuly
  • We head back to the city so Alecto can talk to Thrian.
  • Phil seams to have set the Little Pea on fire.
  • Alecto heads to the Florentine guided by Ash.
  • Me, Drostre and Barash head for the herbelist.
  • I buy enough herbs to make then doces of soothing eye draft.
  • we meet up again
  • Ash is rambeling about some man she used to know.
  • 22nd to 3rd of Preparation
  • Alecto recounts her time in with the Watches.
  • Apparently the information on the tablet is too dangerous to be out in socity.
  • She was forced to join the cult a little.
  • She had to fill out a book with her life story, so she rebound her life book from the Mumbling Tower.
  • Apparently she spoke to god, Sight specifically.
  • This revolation seams to distress Barash.
  • She agrees that her nose is her best feature.
  • She feals a little disjointed from it all.
  • He offerd her somehting for compleating the ritual.
  • I start to train in mounted combat.
  • I make sure to keep gathering herbs in order to keep my suplies topped up.
  • -4th of Perception
  • we arrive at the monument to Sent.
  • It is walm and damp inside, I choose to stay at the doorway in order to avoid furthering my rot.
  • Everyone offers something to the alter and prays to the god.
  • Alecto has a fit after making her offering.
  • Alecto seams reletively fine, she has a bag of seads that appear to be of intrest to her.
  • Alecto apears to have been given a quest by a god. she seams unhappy about it.
  • There is a teleportation formula on the back of the letter from our mysterious employer accross the seas.
  • we are leaving Anius and the horses with Lyran for the duration of our trip.
  • Anius sets up the teleportation circle.
  • we teleport to the location designated by the hidden sidgel.
  • The lady waiting there is a tefling.
  • my leg broke.
  • Alecto is carrying me becouse I am less than capable of locamotion
  • These sewers seam ocupied
  • we exit the sewers near by the Keen Hand Inn.
  • we enter, it appears to be a decent middle class inn.
  • Drostre and Ash order a blooming skull as instructed.
  • Ash swallows the message, Drostre dose not.
  • The message tells us to wait at five minutes and then move to the back.
  • I sugest to Alecto that she sugest that we make a staggerd aproch to the back..
  • Ash dose not seam to have understood the asinment.
  • we enter the store room, the woman asks if we are with the 'hunters' upon being reasured that we are not we are ussured down the stairs.
  • we wait for barash at the bottem of the staris before entering the chamber byond.
  • the man in the basement is not the helthyist.
  • though he seams polite.
  • he introduces himself as Airis.
  • Airis seams to need our help with planning and recrutement.
  • The fact that Aris considers the consept of reveolution fun, and that drostre shares that feeling is worrying.
  • it would seem our first task is to locate the ingredents for something to mask our magical presences.
  • we are in Askium
  • the sothern end of the country has connections to the faywild, probubly best to stay away from there.
  • Aris points us too the herbalist for gathering of the ingredents.
  • Aris lends me a skelington untill i am capable of getting a new vestle.
  • Aris is missing his alchamist.
  • we are looking for a plant called starflower, or lilly of lumanarus.
  • Drostre is to be the one applying for an adventuring licance.
  • There was a masicca at a temple of sight.
  • in order of suspicion from most suspcious to least, Alecto, ash, barash, droster. I am an outler.
  • Ash is to go to the black market and try to make us some contacts.
  • Alecto and Barash are going to go to the herbalist and find the information about the plant we need to gather.
  • Drotre is going to go get the ball rolling with the adventruing licance.
  • According to Aris i dont redguester much as a magical effect, which is intersteing to know.
  • the verious members of the group retern.
  • Drostre has finished his aplication to the adventurings guild.
  • Ash has found a useful shop in the black market, I am going to meet with them.
  • We recruted. Ekris Lokethos Guemog Sorrow III to our party.
  • I have threated Airs.
  • I win at stones
  • People:
  • basement woman/ first resistence contcat. (Ariuphus.)
  • Human woman bartedner (keen hand) (edjudence)
  • Aris Ristel (our employer)
  • Places:
  • Watchers Stronghold
  • Tentaut
  • Monument to Loisia
  • Ejudence
  • strange basement
  • swers
  • Keen hand Inn.
  • The Keen hand Inn bacement.
  •     Items:   Creatures:   Effects:

    20th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    20th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • In the morning we split into two groups one to hold back incase we need help the other to parlay.
  • we gain entrece to the colleny. and find the ritual in full swing.
  • we engage and people imedately disragard the request i made to avoid causing too meny casualties.
  • I ended the fight by defeating the leader in single combat.
  • Alecto seams to be in shock.
  • Drostre is going threw it and Phil is dead.
  • The fight was way worce than anything i was expecting.
  • I died twice and had to take on the form of a grate ape to assure my continued survival.
  • Drestre is not doing ok.
  • I am told by one of the evacuating people that Alecto's stuff is in the awakend sleeping quaters.
  • I head in that direaction.
  • I was too frustrated to deal with the questions of those in the living quaters, i may have been a little harsh with someone who was particulerly insistent on me being out of place.
  • I have collected Alecto's things.
  • me and Drostre enter the bosses office.
  • i find a diery.
  • Phil is not dead they snuck off and took their horse.
  • I serch for Adders Toung to try and make Alecto's medication
  • Ash and I find plenty.
  • I prepare the Soothing Eye Wash for Alecto and admisster it.
  • Ash takes first watch alone.
  • Barash joins her for the second one.
  • Drostre takes the thrid.
  • People:
  • Zonene
  • Places:
  • Watchers stronghold
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:

    19th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    19th Time of Walmth 3245 e5

  • Barash and Anius noeced a conversation between lyran and the woman, just before she left and after she returned.
  • Ash is curouis about how to distabalise the church.
  • We send Barash on ahead to deal tell the church.
  • Me, Ash and Drostre talk to lyran.
  • We deliver to him the infomration we have gatherd, hoping that he can start a counter campain.
  • there are a few oparations via sight in the area.
  • The main church.
  • The watchers
  • Been around a while
  • a few people afiliated within the city.
  • Lyran dosnt have exact locations.
  • run by a famly line, calmimng to be decended from the god.
  • Belaeves themselves to be higher than the curch.
  • Rubish at being secrative.
  • Perban and Chavald of the little pea are members.
  • I ask Lyran about the symbol
  • From aplen
  • Terbulent and promenent.
  • Rabble.
  • Lyran sugests that we have little chance of getting Trian out of the city.
  • Lyran Sugests we can keep him at the Florantine as he has uses for soemone like Thrian.
  • He shakes my hand.
  • We plan to head for the river and cross over it.
  • we desgise ash as thrian and thrian as a cleric drostre also desguises as a cleric. i hide as a mouse in his pocket.
  • the theaves clock us as we leave the squere, i throw up the ilusary trees. and it seams to work for the most part.
  • Anius banished a man to the nothingness.
  • I blocked the path with a wall of flames and sent thrian on ahead.
  • I got us out of here on horse back.
  • we made it to the florentine.
  • Barash very clearly found that Lyran is undead.
  • I stoped Drostre from atacking Lyran as a result of his reaction to Ash walking in while bleading.
  • Perben leads us upsars when asked about the watchers.
  • He leads us to one of the rooms.
  • The location is heavely populated, with one way in and one way out.
  • he thinks his name will help with the nagiotations.
  • He has a floor plan for us so we now have a map of the location.
  • the location contains worsipers and laboraers, enforcers, covert oparaters, blessid (fancy guards), Awakend (elete guards).
  • Chavald is certenly unhapy with us.
  • We boaught horces and set out imedately.
  • I talked to Jet, he has agreed to spy on Phil and Ash for me.
  • the party asked some questions about my biolagy I was unable to answer most of them.
  • I questiond Ash about their involvement with expoising Thrain. They unvailed that they where infact involved. I warned them against doing anything like that again and I infomed them of Lyrans nature.
  • I talked to Drostre about his reaction to the Vampire, we discussed death and our respctive natures.
  • Barash aproched me with his anxitys about the night, I offerd my magical assistence.
  • In the morning we split into two groups one to hold back incase we need help the other to parlay.
  • we gain entrece to the colleny. and find the ritual in full swing.
  • we engage and people imedately disragard the request i made to avoid causing too meny casualties.
  • People:
  • Tower man (Jet)
  • Florentine Bartender (Trisly)
  • Lyran
  • Perban (The little Pea propriter)
  • Chavald (The little Pea Boncer)
  • Places:
  • Tentaut
  • Temple of The Five (Tentaut)
  • Florentine (Tentaut)
  • The little Pea
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:

    18th time of preparation 3245 e5
    18th time of prepeartion 3245 e5

  • we started the day by inquiring with the temples to follow up on verious leads. me and Rex have gone to the temple of sight.
  • the contact we where following up with has been taken to the palace.
  • this started with the necromancy and the enchnatment mages and slowly spread outwards. there was an incident at the temple of sight a few years ago where the crown disragarded the sacrid ground and attacked those within it.
  • the scent clerics are worried for the safty of someone in the castle this could be the same person me and Rex where looking for.
  • there is a chance that the office of records may be helpful to find them as they are legaly registerd within the city.
  • The temple district has a decreased guard presence.
  • Sven is present at the herbelists guild
  • we apear to have interupted the herbalists guild during a meating.
  • Alecto startles the elderly.
  • the tiny pig wants my innerds.
  • the woman who has the star flower is managing to keep it alive for now
  • dearan the wood elf is trying to get the theaves guild a licence.
  • one avinue for investagation may be to help them obtain a licence so we have a way in and out of the city.
  • a child has been watching us.
  • they ran off to leave a message at the dead drop.
  • we are waiting for them to finsih leaving the note.
  • he noticed Rex
  • he is threateening Rex with a pen.
  • he is with the assasins guild, he seams intersted in me after i mention that killing for higher takes the fun out of it. I'm not sure why I said that.
  • Alecto and Ash have rgisted their intrest.
  • we go to the fighters guild becous i need to hit somehting after that interaction.
  • The fighters guild is holding its weekly torniminet, If we wish to join then we have to take part and beat at least one perosn.
  • Places:
  • temples of the five (edjudence)
  • sight
  • scent
  • herbalist guild headquaters (edjudence)
  • People:
  • Sven
  • Effects:   Items:

    18th time of walmth 3245 e5
    178e of warmth 3245 e5

  • me and Drostre return to the fancy inn
  • I shared the information I had gatherd.
  • Phil Blew it...Good job Phil
  • Drostre seams to be leaving it be for now.
  • Drostre shares that i cannot lie with phil
  • we leave Ash in the tavern to deal with buisness while we head to He Who Smelt It.
  • Missing Middle Ground Fix!
  • We notice some suspicous people on the way to the temple.
  • We decide that the best plan is to ask the temple to give Thrian sanctuary.
  • Barash sorts it for us.
  • Ash 'sneaks' down from the roof tops.
  • There are about eleven shady people watching the temple.
  • The rest of the party go to the inn to begin the stake out.
  • I go to the barreks and get a map from the clerk there showing that disapareences have not increased or decreased recently.
  • I return to the Florentine and begin prep for the stake out. Barash is staing inside, I am watching the parimiter and Ash is watching from the roof. I have given Drostre the ability to see threw Jet's eyes so he can blindfold himself.
  • Jet is certenly not a real bird he is a lonely wizard.
  • jet has seen three people moving south west from the city waering blue robes.
  • During the night I notice the bartender leaving out back entence. She is dressed in the facny clouths but seams to be hestent to be seen.
  • I set Ash to follow her.
  • Ash looses her in the walled city.
  • I create a serch area for the location she was lost.
  • She returns in the early hours of the morning.
  • People:
  • Tower man (Jet)
  • Florentine Bartender (Trisly)
  • Lyran
  • Places:
  • Tentaut
  • He Who Smelt It [Blacksmith] (Tentaut)
  • Temple of The Five (Tentaut)
  • Theves Guild (Tentaut)
  • Guard Barreks (Tentaut)
  • Florentine (Tentaut)
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    17th Time of warmth 3245 e5
    17th Time of Celebrations 3245 e5

  • at some point in the night Alecto went missing
  • my memories of the night do not seam right
  • There are traces of Ilusion magic by the window of my room
  • Drostre has found a rose pettle at the foot of the bed, and metal shavings between me and the window.
  • The clues all point to the watchers.
  • Aneus says that the flower pettles could have been used in a sleep spell or a binding spell.
  • we decide to head to the apothcery to find out what the metal is.
  • we identified the metal as iron by pressing it to one of sprigs vines.
  • the amount of filings left behind sugest that they are the remnents of a spell that uses a larger amount of iron in the casting.
  • I picked up a pair of books to attempt to increase my ability with alchamy.
  • me and Drostre head for the librery and Barash and thrian go to the market to ask around about strange sightings.
  • The librerian tells us that the forrest are sent realted, and all citys have temples. The remains of fort kandor.
  • Drostre speculated that it might be the followers of sent that took Alecto
  • Barash has found that there have been a few sight followers coming and going buying components
  • Threre have defenately been sight followers in he aria old glenda says they arrvied about a week ago and left last night.
  • The group left just before we retruend, the inkeeper is not sure which way they went.
  • the group of teesns are the ones that are likely to know which way they went.
  • we sent thrian to say HELLO to his FELLOW TEENS, he confermed that there was strange activity in the ally with the window for mine and Alecto's room, they left carrying a bag. the bag appears to be a bag of flower. they are lieing. Barash convinced them to tell us. what they said seams to sugest that the bag was the result of some sort of ilsuion as they looked like they where carrying something that was not the right size and shape for the bag.
  • Drostre found a teleportation circle under the window sill.
  • it appears that it was a reletively short range teleport that is aimed south.
  • We took money from the party funds to get the recoreses needed to teleport back to tentugt
  • We arrived in Tentaugt and where ambushed by a tabaxi called Filamina who is looking for their freind that may have been kidnaped by the same sight followers.
  • Thrian sees opatunity and i had to cuff him.
  • We agree to take her along.
  • Drostre seams uncofrotable around our newcomer.
  • Fil brings gosip from the Florantine about a group of people in blue robes.
  • I dident get any blips on my Alecto radar in the town.
  • The florantine is trying too hard to appear like it is for people of class.
  • Sprig gets changed into their old unifrom.
  • The owner of the florantine seams unwell.
  • There is a high elf behind the counter who seams unwell.
  • this person appears to be the owner
  • The wood elf tending the bar seams to be on near but not equal footing.
  • We are taken to the private room, It seams the inkeeper is more than they seam.
  • The propriater of the Florantine is willing to trade in information and favors, this place reaminds me of home.
  • we meet up with Drostre and Thrian at the old in.
  • This blind eyeless bartendter seams to be pretty good at seeing.
  • the other man behind the bar is the owners seeing eye man.
  • Ash apears to have information but it is not the time to discuss it.
  • Perben is not capable/willing to tell us.
  • Perben seamed unwilling to accsept help.
  • Ash has asked Jet to keep an eye out for people in robes matching my sketch.
  • Ash says there is strange things with a church popping up?
  • Lyran likes to collect alchol.
  • We have earned a wisky glass specal.
  • Lyran has sass fangs.
  • Lyran is worried about the roumours about his nature being cerculated
  • The seeing eye man is acting suspicously and going to a house behind a blacksmith.
  • he is meeting with the blacksmith.
  • he is worried about being followed.
  • he is there for a long time, he leaves in the early hours of the morning and returns to the inn he dose not discuss his activitys with the owner of the establishment
  • People:
  • Apothocary (Groveside)
  • Librerain
  • Little James
  • Old Glender
  • Filamina
  • Lyran (Owner of the Florantine)
  • Trisly (Bartender of the Florantine)
  •   Places:
  • Grove side
  • Apothocary (Groveside)
  • Librery (Groveside)
  • The Broard Bear (Groveside)
  • Tentaugt
  • The Florantine (Tentaugt)
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    16th Time of warmth 3245 e5
    16th Time of warmth 3245 e5

  • Ash drinks from the cup. and reads a message from the inside of the cup that can only be seen by drinking the watter.
  • it seams to be leading to the dolls house.
  • We hypothosise that Sprig may have been a pirate in thier previous life.
  • We enter a new room and Ash rings a bell continously
  • we find a little black lockbox in this room. it apears to lock with a gemstone.
  • Drostre deturmins that there are no traps on the box
  • The lockbox seams hard to open the box seams to require a tear shaped gemstone.
  • There is a strange inscription on Anius's ring.
  • The inscription appears to donate a cort mage for lords.
  • Ash keeps hold of the box.
  • We find a storage room, there is a strange box bulge in one corner.
  • There are paintings one has a bulge.
  • The painting has an inscription on it. it seams to be a tresure hunt clue.
  • we find, a ring within the box it apears to be the pair of the one i found in the bedroom. it apears to be the couples wedding bands and contians the spirt of the husband.
  • Kenelm apers distress.
  • The conversatoin dose not apear to be well.
  • Kenelm made a deal with a hag, fucking idiout.
  • Kenelm is the guardner.
  • The chest screams.
  • The screaming comes form a mushroom known as a shreaker.
  • The skittering is centapides.
  • Ash kills the giant centapede.
  • The box in the center of the room is a reverse cascit.
  • Anius set fire to the paintings in the prevoius room cos we found bones that apperd to belong to the lord and his wife.
  • he is a dramtic gay.
  • We find a prisson. Kanelm died here.
  • we find an autopsy room nearby.
  • we found a cave in.
  • it leads back to Aniuses room acording to him.
  • We return to the nursery and start to sovle the riddle witht the little keep.
  • We arrainge the figures in order of the figures.
  • when arrainged correctly a compartment opend in the doll house. it had another riddle that seamed to lead to the tower.
  • We find there is a shoddy excuse for a coumpus holding up the roof.
  • we fix it and the tower starts to shake as a compartmet opens in the piller.
  • The note seams to sujest we are looking for something to do with the defences set up around anius
  • We return to the basement and Ash takes the helmit.
  • Thrian tried to get cut in.
  • Ash refused and Thrian dobed her in.
  • i Jumped in to stop the party crusifying Thrian.
  • Ash insulted me and my people.
  • There is increased tention between Ash and Thrian
  • There are bones in the suits of armour.
  • One of the pheamers has a message on it and a stone next to it.
  • Aniaus seams to think that the ghost is the one who layed the riddles.
  • We return to the study figureing that the stone fits into the comunicatin circle in the sercret study.
  • I place the stone in the summoning cirlce and it activates.
  • and elerly imp midgit.
  • The time told us to go back to the begining though it seams that we dont have the begining of the riddles.
  • we have decided to try and compelat the set and reverse eneganer the order.
  • There are broken statues.
  • The statue seams to rotate.
  • I mend the statue. and we place it back into the plinth.
  • we trun themto frame the sun.
  • The latest riddle appears to lead to the bathroom.
  • Drostre attemtped to solve the riddle with the contence of the bucket.
  • There appears to be a secondery factor than simply getting in to the bath.
  • i take a short rest to change out a spell.
  • Ash punched a mirror.
  • Anius is trying to convince them that there is a swamp monster in the castle.
  • Alecto and Drostrie seams to belave them.
  • Me and Alecto turn into a pair of bears climb into the bath followd by a nakeid ash.
  • This seams to have worked.
  • The remnents of the mirror have steamed up.
  • i set about mending them as Alecto and Anius armwrestle, Alecto is still a bear.
  • The final clue seams to lead us to the painting in the basement.
  • with all the clues intact we can find that the clues started in the centipide room.
  • The centipides have left the centipide room.
  • the walls are clear
  • we find a key hole in the wall
  • I use the key.
  • The tunnel contians the lords cain.
  • Ash takes the cain.
  • They tap the cain on the floor.
  • Alecto is napping as a bear.
  • We started an armwrestling torniment to pass the time. he bear won the first two raounds against barash and Drostrie.
  • Alecto is struggeling against Anius.
  • Anius wins the arm wrestle with the bear.
  • The cain appears to have some form of sentiance and can help poform some form of magic, the crown appears to have some from of control ellements allowing you to exert control over another creature.
  • i have chosen to retain the crown.
  • Alecto takes the cain.
  • The cain rejects Alecto as me and ash play five finger felay. i win.
  • We head to the garden and i position the rings.
  • this seams to worked.
  • Kenelm is still in the ring.
  • he has offerd to help. and granted me accsess to abilitys of is cage.
  • We fixed the door on the wearworlfs cage.
  • People:
  • Anius
  • Places:
  • Grelt Keep
  • Servents quaters (Grelt Keep)
  • Butlers study. (Grelt Keep)
  • Store room (Grelt Keep)
  • Centapide room (Grelt Keep)
  • Prison (Grelt Keep)
  • Childrans room (Grelt Keep)
  • Items:
  • Little black lockbox
  • An emreld teardrop key (2000gp)
  • A collection of rings worth (1050)
  • The helmet of Lightning resistence.
  • The lords cain
  • Creatures: -   Effects: -

    15th Time of warmth 3245 e5
    15th Time of warmth 3245 e5

  • Drostrie and Barash saw the ghost again during the night.
  • We find initials on the fountin (R.R and K)
  • There is a cold smooth seciont that seams to have been warn by people touching it.
  • Only two of the kids names match the initals. (Rohesia and Riwouen)
  • Alecto left lavender at the smooth stone.
  • The dineing room is filled with skellybobs eating and one by the fire.
  • Ash has found a funky black iron knife that seams to have a channal for blood.
  • Ash held the knife by the blade and it took their blood.
  • The skellington at the fire seams to have frozen mid match strike the match having burnt down and singed their fingertips.
  • Ash fell over becouse they sat in a rotting chair.
  • The blood in the kitchen seams to trail to the west.
  • The carcuses for the meal seam to have rotted like usal.
  • The Blood apears to be pointing towards the daius
  • The loundge has banners bearing the symbols of deamon lords.
  • The stag in particuler is the symbol of the king and the heir.
  • We find the cleaning cupbord.
  • There is a painting and a strange switch like contraptopn above the fire place.
  • The painting is of the ghost.
  • There is a riddle on the back of the painting.
  • I found a loose floor bord in the cozy room with a jewl encrusted goblet. I have hidden it from Thyan.
  • This bathroom ichy.
  • No plumbing
  • there is a cracked mirror.
  • we enter a sitting room
  • there appears to be a lot of dissapaering staff.
  • the lord had a vendata agianst the butler.
  • the lord appears to be rather disparaging of the genral public and their intleegence.
  • There was a starngely improcvised looking bedroom attached to the meeitng room.
  • Ash has found a diery in a locked chest.
  • one of the daugters apears to have been having a secret rondavu with someone in the dungions
  • she is disparaged with her arrainged marrage and angry at her famely.
  • she treid to make an escape but was caught after the death of her lover.
  • this confurms the diery as that of the woman who we can now see as ghost.
  • she was locked into her chamber explaining this strange imporvised room.
  • she notced sighns of the strange effect of the deamon under the keep.
  • She got depressed.
  • She seams to be halucingating ther dead lover in her greaf.
  • this is sad.
  • she attempts suicide. but the effects of the castle stop her from doing so before the creature is ready for her to die.
  • eather she lost her mind or we have two ghosts on our hands.
  • we have discoverd the body of the woman she is wearing a ring and is chaind to the bed.
  • They found a note about the metherds of sacrifice seeminlgy a trile and error process.
  • I found the ring is infact magical and took it from the body.
  • we find the chidlrens bedroom. ash seams wary of me after i share my knowlage of summoning.
  • Drostre kicks open a door in the nurcery.
  • we found the remains of the other children.
  • One of the children saw the corpse of their sister.
  • We enter the basement me and ash agreeing that the culpirt must be killed.
  • Drostre finds smut.
  • oh no its a love letter between Rohesia and Kanelm
  • Kenalm was a keen guardener, I can respect that.
  • Rehesia seams a little presumptive of her partners reaction to the letter.
  • we found a locked door in the kitchen that seams to lead to a prisson chamber the floor lined with rat traps.
  • The rat traps seam to contain traces of conjaration.
  • We hear shuffleing from behind another door.
  • who ever it is has anxity. oof
  • Sprig has identified the breathing as Anius
  • Anius was willing to answer some questions.
  • Anius is the house mage who was at first complasent in the acts of the lord and later.
  • Drostre has engaged.
  • Anius seams to have more than a few small trinkets in his office.
  • Anius is a dick. he is uncoprative and seemingly unrepentant.
  • his attempts to end the effect appears to be motevated entierly by self intrest.
  • Anius seams not to mind us takeing or messing with his things.
  • Anius and the lord apear to have a deeper realationship with the lord than his notes would suggest.
  • The room is unsetteling.
  • i am stone and i must scream.
  • drostre appears to be effectd by the dagger.
  • Drostre stabbed Anius and began the sumoning riual.
  • We set up in the servents queters again.
  • Anius was able to tell me some things about the symbol on my sheald.
  • it is apparently from a group that was active when he was in the wider world.
  • Alecto explained the Lavender thing. appartnly it is a ritual taugt to her by her mother to help spirts to sleep more soundly.
  • she gifted Drostrie some of the laveder.
  • Drostries mentor that is tormenting him is still alive......Im a kill em.
  • People:
  • Anius
  • Places:
  • Grelt Keep
  • Gardens (Grelt Keep)
  • Dineing hall (Grelt Keep)
  • Kitchen (Grelt Keep)
  • Lounge (Grelt Keep)
  • The store room (Grelt Keep)
  • Cozey room (Grelt Keep)
  • Master bedroom (Grelt Keep)
  • Onsuet (Grelt Keep)
  • Meeting Room (Grelt Keep)
  • Improvised bedroom (Gret keep)
  • childrens bedroom (Grelt keep)
  • Basement survents quaters (Grelt Keep)
  • Prison corridor (Grelt Keep)
  • Ritual chamber (Grelt Keep)
  • Items:
  • Blood knife
  • Jewl encrusted goblet. (1000gp)
  • Creatures:
  • Grug's onvoy.
  • Imps.
  • Effects:
  • The bone magic
  • 14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • Alecto talked to the barkeep and got the names of Old Glenda and Little James people in the town who might be able to help us.
  • We located Old Glenda and determeind she was not a hag at Drostries behst.
  • She says that in her youth she ventured near to the keep and heard clanging like the ghost inside was a blacksmith not a lady.
  • She pointed us in the direction of some loitering youths.
  • I unsassembled and hid under Alectos bed.
  • there where no untaword events.
  • We found the loiteroers outside the taven
  • They report 'weird shit'
  • The bones that left the premisis disintagrated.
  • The house smells bad.
  • We found Little James.
  • he has head wolves in the keep.
  • he is unserten weather it is one or multiple wolves.
  • he did conferm that it sounds like my attempt at a wolf noise.
  • we head to the keep
  • A large two story building.
  • cheaking the aria for evidence of wolves, I find evidence of wolf like prints closer to a dire wolf in size. heading both towards and away from the keep. To the west.
  • We enter the keep into a once grand chamber that seams to surve as an entry hall.
  • The center of the keep apears to be a guarden with a functuning fountin and some broken statues.
  • The guarden seems to be maintained.
  • The Dius seams to be decorated by a constalation.
  • It is the symbol of an arch deamon known as Grug The Timeless Wait.
  • Grugs domain is sloth.
  • The keeps misfortune may have had something to do with deoman worship.
  • There be BoNeS!!!
  • The loundge is decorated nicely but dustely there are a pair of skellibobs on the chase loundge.
  • The male portrate shows a man wearing the a ring with some fermiliure imagry.
  • The lady be fancy.
  • The famely crest apears to be a lepoard guarding an emrald.
  • Erakena and Berus Rounack are the lord and lady.
  • The bones seam fresh, there is no desernable cause and their bones are unsaported.
  • The piano has a single hand on it also stuck in place.
  • It apears to be stuck in place.
  • Thrian broke his lockpics when trying to open the cabinets.
  • We have found a locked door. for all intents and purpouses it seams rotted and damaged but Alecto couldent kick it down and Thrian says the lock kept shifting.
  • Thrian conferms that it is magic and I dispel the enchantment on the lock.
  • The room behind seams to be disheveled and filled with meat.
  • It contains a dear carcus and a smashed widow that apears to have been broken inwards.
  • The dear was killled by arrows but malled by a large wolf.
  • Using my abilites I found that the Tooth and Claw marks dont fit for a dire wolf.
  • There is no way a dire wolf could have got into this room.
  • The dear is fresh and it dosent seam to be effected by the curse on the bones threwout the rest of the keep
  • Drostrie figures that it might be a werewolf.
  • Its only a few days until the next full moon.
  • we have caused a small problem for ourselves braking the seal on the door as it might not hold a wolf.
  • We enter the barracks.
  • One particpent in a poker game is falling in quite a disturbing frozen fall.
  • We enter the study it has a large stane glass window of a hystorical event seeminly to do with the impisoning of someone.
  • The Imprisoning of Baphamal. A dragon of indaturmanal colour was 'imprisoned' in the ground by one of the five during their carear, it is unclaer weather it is dead or actualy imprsoned.
  • The study contianed a jornal and a letter, the jornal contained information about stange and desturbing happenings in the keep and the letter realated to the somenong and binding of an entety to a degree of failiour.
  • The librery/ Reading room has been ransacked a little.
  • There is a secret tunnel threw the bookshelf...How orriganal.
  • Alecto finds a ripped note and a raised pannel under the rug.
  • The note apears to be a shopping list of odd requests.
  • The presure plate opend a second secret room.
  • The first secret room is a survent accsess room.
  • The second is far more omonous
  • There is a spell circle on the floor seeminlgy for comunication that is missing a section.
  • We find a colleciton of records and an encoded note.
  • working together we managed to decode it. For unerving results.
  • A new name is mentioned 'Anius'.
  • This Anius seams like a pompus twit.
  • Thrian uncovers an enchanted potentaly cursed crown.
  • I have attempted to hide the crown from Thryan.
  • We decide to set up camp in the guarden for the night.
  • A goost turned up i guess she is a lady after all.
  • she is so sad she makes everyone else sad, i was not aware the party was so empathetic.
  • The ghost ran off.
  • Thyan tried to steal the crown, I put him right.
  • People:
  • Groveside
  • The Barkeep of The Broad Bear (Groveside)
  • Loitering Teens
  • Old Glenda
  • Little James
  • Thrian
  • Places:
  • Groveside
  • The Broad Bear
  • Grelt Keep
  • Entry call (Grelt Keep)
  • Garden (Grelt Keep)
  • Lounge (Grelt Keep)
  • Locked Room (Grelt Keep)
  • Barracks (Grelt Keep)
  • The Study (Grelt Keep)
  • The Librery/ Reading Room (Grelt Keep)
  • Survents accsesss (Grelt Keep)
  • Secret Librery (Grelt keep)
  •   Items:
  • Warn Jornal
  • Ominous Note.
  • Ripped Note
  • Creatures:
  • Ghost
  • Effects:
  • The Keaps Kreepy BONE MAGIC.
  • 13th Time of Walmth 3245 e5
    13th Time of Warmth 3254 e5

  • We come accross a destryed keep in the woods.
  • We deside that we are gonig to the town first.
  • There is apparantly a ghost in the keep known as the white lady of Grelt keep.
  • We went to the librery to try and find information about the keep and its residents.
  • The Rounack famely where the ones who lived in the keep.
  • The keep itself was likely built around 600 years before it was abandoned.
  • I cant find any notes about the symbol on my sheald.
  • People had been going missing in the town for a few years before the Keep fell.
  • Drostre is unaware of what kind of spirit this might be.
  • The house had a large amount of staf.
  • Ash has retruamatised Drostre.
  • People:   Places:
  • Grelt Keep
  • Grove Side.
  • The Librery (Groveside)
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    6th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    6th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • Tower man turned up and gave me a useless update. apparrantly he is going to take part in a meeting this month that might give me more informatin.
  • People: Tower man.   Places:   Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    5th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    5th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • I over heard a comotion downstaris.
  • uppon further investagaiotn the bar tender apeard to be refusing to acomadate an act porposed by a larger man.
  • Sprig and Barash are going to go and collect the bounty while the others get the people cheaked out.
  • Ash tags along as she is uncomforable with church.
  • We arrive at the guild, it seams besyer than before.
  • We join a que.
  • The clurk lables the slard heads.
  • The notice bord is moslty empty and seams to have emptyed quickly.
  • There is one notice form out of the coutnry that has not been touched.
  • I separate out the money for the partys. paying turblence double.
  • Ash is forced to put out their splif out in order to avoid a fire.
  • Turbulece returned MY SPEAR!!!
  • The strange request that is requesting help with overthrowing a govenmenntal dictatorship that wishs to ban magic.
  • Ash is warried that they may have written the notice.
  • The handwriting is a lot fancyer but also seams disguised.
  • Droster is getting his sword reforged. it cost apretty penny.
  • Ash has asked for money.
  • Sprig inquired about selling sections of their map.
  • Alecto showed the librearan the tablet from the temple.
  • Its bloody criptc.
  • The Tablet is real fucking old.
  • It seams to deal with the rise and fall of gods and an order that deals with it. The Am...?
  • Ash seams to beleave that death curses requre jewls and sand.
  • I wish to use the tablet as bait.
  • People:
  • Blind Bar Tender.
  • Strange Burly figure.
  • Tritan Clurk
  • Turblence
  • Fay Blacksmith Lady.
  • Magic Shop Man.
  • Snake Libreran.
  • Places:
  • Tentaught
  • Adventurers guild (Tentaught)
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    4th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    4th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • Thrian seams to feel like something is watching him.
  • There seams to be nothing exaclty wrong with Thrian. It is likely just a hightend emotional state from the previosu days experence and being close to a city he is uncomforable with.
  • we have arrived in the city.
  • we have made a grave mestake by deciding to stay in a place owned by people aligned with sight.
  • Drosre, Thrian, Barash take a room and Alecto me and Ash take another.
  • The halfling behind the bar may or may not have eyes.
  • People:
  • Halfling inkeep (no eyes sight worshiper)
  • Vedelken Inkeep (sight worshiper)
  • Places:
  • Tentort (city)
  • The little pea (inn)
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:
  • The blessign of the forrest shrine (day 2/3)
  • 3rd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    3rd Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • we found a path leading off the main road.
  • we left offerings at the shrine the path lead too. when leaving we feel a little blessed
  • Barash has no tact. he pointed out thaat Taz has little legs.
  • Taz at least knows she fucked up tacticly.
  • Barash trusts my medical knowlage....probubly a poor idea.
  • Barash explains the Tower Time to Taz
  • I think Barash needs to talk to someone about his book based issues.
  • Turblence is apparently quite well trained in a regamented enviroment, Barash is not.
  • I heard foot steps from the bushes.
  • I informed Alecto of the wood man.
  • The potental stone theaf is likely connected to sight.
  • Jet is a birb of few words.
  • This group has comunication issues.
  • Drostre agrees that Jamosen is frend shaped.
  • Orla left their mersonery famly/band when their magic manifested.
  • Orla is not too curious about the other effects of their magic.
  • Orla knows that magic is not necssaseraly ment to be understood. Drostre is a man of sciance threw and threw and wishes to uderstand magic.
  • Drostre dosent know what a universety is.
  • Orla is bad at explaining uni.
  • Drostre is very shelterd on the magic front.
  • Drostre seams to have decidted that a wizard might be able to help him understand his power.
  •   People:   Places:   Items:   Creatures:   Effects:
  • The blessing of the shrine (day 1/3)
  • 2nd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    2nd Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • Trian seams exausted but is not infected.
  • Thrian seams dismayed at his falce positive.
  • We have encounterd a traveling bard. he seams pretty ready to play
  • he offerd us a song for 20gp. barash gave him some money.
  • Thrian is unofficaly exiled from the city
  • Thats how he got these scars.
  • Thrian was dropping some eves and was caugt. they threatened his ears.
  • Thrian and Alecto take the practical approch to crime.
  • Traian might move to another city if he has the funds.
  • Alecto is offering Thrian 100gp if he can make it threw the city alive. which was nice.
  • oh no......oh.....oh not she threatend him.....yep thats a threat.
  • Alecto had a younger brother.......and a protector complex.
  • Barash is developing a bovine inferiority complex.
  • Genesis dislikes tea.
  • Genisis used to work in a tea shop and left to go adventuring becouse it was boring and they where angry.
  • Orla and Genisis where traveling together before they met up with the rest of the group, Orla having smuggled Genisis out of the teashop.
  • Barash is still scaird shitless of his mam
  • Drostrei's watch is mostly quite.
  •   People:
  • Genesis (Pauselin Manakin)
  • Jameson Grib (Grung)
  • Orla Fren (Half-Ork)
  • Taseiwlle Daldareln (Dwarf)
  • Turbulence (Air Ganassi)
  • Thrian (theaf)
  • Traveling bard
  •   Places:   Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    1st Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    1st Time of Warmth 3245 e5

  • We set out on the trail agian.
  • we have found a smoldeing clearing, seeminlgy some kind of of explosion.
  • Ashly hunts game.
  • There are at lest two Slards.
  • Ash has descoverd a wrecked cart on the road.
  • it appears to be occupied by and older man who is hiding in bushes.
  • Its hard to see if he is infected.
  • It dosnt seam like he is infected. Ash cannot see any scratches.
  • The Parties approch form the forrest, Sprig has chosen to remain in the forrest.
  • he seams to be entierly shaken.
  • There are four slareds. one gray two blue and one red.
  • The cart is beyond my help.
  • Alecto is cheacking the man over. no snappy snappy this time.
  • Drostre says the gray is in charge.
  • we found the cave.
  • Tas is mean to Turbulence.
  • I lent the ring to Drostre. He seamed reluctent to take it.
  • The cows strike again.
  • The twit with my spear is useless.
  • The cows clame three more.
  • we take the heads back as proof.
  • Drostre asks Alecto about death gods, specifcily ones that pay people visits.
  • Alecto dosent know about gods but people do be belevin.
  • Apparetnly some of Drostre's companions can turn into fekin ghosts and shiz.
  • Drostre is conserned about the orrigens of his power.
  • Alecto beleaves tower cult boi is sad.
  • Drostre has been tamperd with and now has powers #same
  • Drostre was near killed by a young vampire, disembowlment sounds sad...glad i dont have orgens.
  • Alecto has a healty distrust of starnge entetys telling you to murder.
  • Drostre was given to Kaslad at the age of 8 as payment...note to self if we meet Drostre's family give them a good hard slap.
  • Oop Alecto ex murder cult.
  • Jamersons reasons for adventuring is simply 'poison'
  • he wants the be the very best, like no one ever was.
  • To brew it is his real test, to poisen is his cause.
  • he will travel accross the land, serching far and wide.
  • badum dum.
  • teach his glads the power thats inside.
  • Jamerson gotta poisen all
  • it is his desterney
  • Jamerson
  • oh its his lifes work
  • In a world he must poison
  • Jamerson his glads will pull him threw
  • hell poison you and you'll be blue.
  • Jamerson gotta poisen em.
  • The birb is continuing to follow.
  • Turbulence is continueing to prove to be a dumb ass
  • Turblence has promiced to return my spear when the money for the job is clamed.
  • People:
  • Genesis (Pauselin Manakin)
  • Jameson Grib (Grung)
  • Orla Fren (Half-Ork)
  • Taseiwlle Daldareln (Dwarf)
  • Turbulence (Air Ganassi)
  • Thrian (theaf)
  • Cart man (vedgi boi)
  • Places:
  • Sundered Tree Clearing
  • Cart Wreck
  • Slaard Cave
  • Items:   Creatures:
  • Red Slaard
  • Blue Slaard
  • Death Slaard
  • Effects:
  • Slaadi Infection
  • 30th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    30th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • the man with my spear is an idiout.
  • the spear is made of mahogany and im make of oak.
  • he did buy the spear from the man who stole it from me.
  • we are too late, the hamlet is burnt.
  • the town is burnt out and empty as far as we can see.
  • Thrian proved himself to be useful by finding some surviors.
  • The female elf has scratchs.
  • Drostre poforms a mercy for the woman.
  • Alecto has poformed a mercy for the kid.
  • Me and Alecto give them a proper send off.
  • Ash finds the trail.
  • there are shaky bushes with small creatures in them.
  • small wood things. they seam unwilling to comunicate.
  • Ashly tries the pun approch it seams to have no effect.
  • The craeture accsepts my gift of a cape. it apears to understand silven.
  • Tas considers Alecto ilitarate. I am not certen that is inacurate.
  • Orla seams to have had bad experences with their powers and their famly.
  • Thrian seams traumatised.
  • he is also grumpy still.
  • Thrian is uncomfortable with Alecto....seams unreasonable.
  • Thrian is unaware of who shot him
  • This socalisation is not helping his anxity.
  • People:
  • Genesis (Pauselin Manakin)
  • Jameson Grib (Grung)
  • Orla Fren (Half-Ork)
  • Taseiwlle Daldareln (Dwarf)
  • Turbulence (Air Ganassi)
  • Thrian (theaf)
  • The caped wood creature (formaly uncaped wood creature)
  • Places:
  • Slard attacked village.
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:  

    29th Time of Creation 3245 e5
    29th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • Turbulence joined me on my morning spear routeen.
  • on our travels the next day someone tried to steal my money and stoll some of Alecto's
  • Ash shot the theaf in the knee
  • he fell out of a tree.
  • i helped his leg.
  • we debated for a while
  • he seams quite indignent.
  • He has decided to follow us and i think Drostre is trying to recrute him.
  • Orla seams to be from my home but is not a cort member or at least was not there when i was home.
  • Drostre and Turbulence 1st watch
  • Aecto and Orla 2nd watch
  • Barash and Tasewlle 3rd watch
  • Ash and Jamoson 4th watch
  • The young man seams polite.
  • Alecto is getting robbed again. Drostre dident try to recrute this one.
  • Drostre sassed the spear theaf
  • The birb continues to be useless
  • the Theaf was going for the tablet maby?
  • Orla seams noncomital to adventuring.
  • 'Aspar is full of war and shit'-Taseiwell Daldareln
  • Barash ran away two years ago and has yet to tell his famly becouse he is scaird of his mum. he has told his frends and is trusting that they will tell his folks.
  • People:
  • Genesis (Pauselin Manakin)
  • Jameson Grib (Grung)
  • Orla Fren (Half-Ork)
  • Taseiwlle Daldareln (Dwarf)
  • Turbulence (Air Ganassi)
  • Thrian (theaf)
  •   Places:   Items:
  • Tyranni Memoriam (my spear)
  • Creatures:   Effects:

    28th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    28th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • There is a snare on the road set up to catch eather game or people its hard to tell.
  • We moved the snare so its out of the way and not a danger to people.
  • We approach the inn, it is Tree!
  • It seams populer.
  • The bar is attop a tree, seams dangerous.
  • It seams a good spot for adventuraers.
  • One of the advernturaers. Have my spear.
  • Its not the man who took my spear from me.
  • We decide to chase after them.
  • We catch up on horse back and convince them to let us help with their current quest to hunt a group of unconfermed slards. I offerd to wave my portion of the rewards in exchange for my spear.
  • we settle down for camp I am going to keep watch over our stuff and our people.
  • Ash and Orla take a first watch together.
  • Alecto and Jameson take the second watch.
  • Barash and Turbulence take the third watch
  • Drostre and Taseiwlle take the final watch
  • i left some food out for the bird as it seams to be struggeling.
  • the bird is not there on the last watch.
  • People:
  • Genesis (Pauselin Manakin)
  • Jameson Grib (Grung)
  • Orla Fren (Half-Ork)
  • Taseiwlle Daldareln (Dwarf)
  • Turbulence (Air Ganassi)
  • Places:
  • The Sleepy Tree Inn
  • Items:
  • Tyranni Memoriam (my spear)
  • Creatures:   Effects:

    27th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    27th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • We shop!
  • We came accross a man and a cart in his ditch.
  • He seams sad.
  • We helped out
  • He paid us 50 gold which went in the party fund.
  • The Birb is folowing us.
  • The Birb is just as confused about my existence as the rest of us.
  • The forrest seams quite.
  • We are over feeding the Hawk.
  • I cautioned Alecto against over feeding.
  • People:
  • The Ditch Nobel.
  • Places:
  • Lake side
  • On the road
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:

    26th Time of Celebration 3245 E5
    26th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • We entered the final room, it has a man in it.
  • He nap
  • The man is awake and he grumpy.
  • He is working with sight for some purpous.
  • He is insistent he wont tell us his purpous.
  • The mans name is Alaion
  • The books in the light are the ones being written.
  • The man talks about upscling.
  • The man seams very unknowing about his own experement.
  • The man quit university.
  • He seams to have been convinced to give up his life and join a cult.
  • He seams very curious about where we found the artifcats.
  • Ash's potion causes cloud of daggers on your positon.
  • His god dose not pay him for his work.
  • Aelcto's green potion creates a temporray asthetic potion.
  • Man has been here for 9 1/2 years
  • He is quite frustrated that we killed the ooblex
  • He seams interested in my porblem and willing to help me fix it.
  • I gave him the location of the temple.
  • We offerd a rubbing of the slab he took it and his eyes flashed blue.
  • He taugt us how to use the teleporter and I took a sketch of the circle and noted the symbol that is required to take us from top to bottem or visa verser.
  • Me and Ash go looking for a bird for them.
  • We found a birb.
  • It seams to like food and we seam to have started to build a repore with it.
  • I enjoy the being outside in nature again.
  • Ash continues to build a repore with the bird
  • People:
  • Alaion
  • Places:
  • The Study (The Mumbeling Tower)
  • Lake side
  • The woods outside Lake side
  • Items:   Creatures:   Effects:
  • The effects of the Mumbeling Tower.
  • 25th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    25th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • Alecto and i talked about our history's and the sycales.
  • Alecto's mother seams wise.
  • I added the temple to the map.
  • Ashly and i talked about the past and their mothers. as well as palms predgadis agaisnt them.
  • Everyone apears to be hearing the mumbleing though alecto is the only one who seams to remember the flashes of the tower she saw.
  • We steped threw the teleportation circul.
  • We followed the direction the particals of the Teleprotation circul went for an hour, we found nothing.
  • I dug down as a badger, there is only a flat stone floor.
  • Ash becomes so exausted they slow down.
  • i summoned steeds for us all.
  • Working together me and Alecto manage to reconstruct the circle.
  • We enter the chess bord. ash finds a queen behind a door a voice says "Long ago there were 8 warring kingdoms all led by their warrior queens. Each queen scoured the lands for her rivals and only when all found a territory where they were shielded from the other's view could progress be found"
  • Two of the Queens started to attack.
  • I was delt a near fatal blow in a firey explosion. Alecto saved me.
  • The cows kill one of the queens.
  • Ash threw her bow accross the room. I should talke to her and see if she is ok.
  • The cows take another life.
  • People:   Places:
  • The Mirror Room (The Mumbling Tower)
  • The Desert (The Mumbling Tower)
  • The Chess Bord (The Mumbeling Tower)
  • Items:   Creatures:
  • The Queens
  • Effects:
  • The effect of the Mumbling Tower
  • The Desert's heat.
  • 24th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    24th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

    Fri 24th TOC 3245 e5 The party rose in the morning complaining of strange dreams, accoriding to them they have been having these dreams for a few days now. ever since they noticed the tower. According the group testomony the dreams differ and seam to reflect there indavidual dreams with one coninuous commen factor. The tower appears and seams to be accompanied by a voice mumbaling in a language they do not understand, or at the verry least a voice that they cannot understand as it is difficult to focus on it. this is an odd and unsetteling development, I wish they would have informed me of this effect before we enterd the tower, if I had known there where more symptoms than simply forgetting the tower exists when you look away I would have conducted an investagation with the members of the comunity in Lakeside. I have expressed my frustartions to them and they have agreed that in the feutur they will inform me of any strange dreams. This dose raise a slight consern within me that I will be subjected to the drug addled nonsence that must swim threw Ash's brain everynight.

    23rd Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    23rd Time of Celebration 3245 e5

    Thu 23rd TOC 3245 e5 Today we ventured further into this infernal tower, passing threw the teleporation cyrcle once more this time to emerge within a strange forrest clouded in mist. The proportions of this places chambers continut to unsetle me. Within this strange forrest's mists there apeard to be starnge crimson strata and sections of it moved without aid of a breaze. Soon after exiting the portal we where greated by a gnomish child, the boy seamed distressed by something though his presense struck me as odd. What was he doing within the tower, and if he has had to progress threw multipl layers of this place how would a child have survived such an ordeal on several occations we have almsot died to the seeminly mondain sucruity messures.   The strange stratad mist revealed itself to be hostile attacking and attempting to drain my compainions of their blood. with Drostrie's assistence I was able to assume that a useful corse of action would be to shed some light on the situaton. I am getting used to these strange abilitys though i would be remis to not admit that they still unsttle me sometimes. How is it that I instinctualy know how to poform actions I was previously unaware where even possible, and why is it that I have the earge to perchase or otherwise gather ingerdents for spellcraft when I am yet to know what spell they are used to cast. Regardless nearing the end of the conflict with the Vamperic mist we found that we had a much graiter foe to face. A large ooze of some discription that seamed to have some form of phycic ability, this further threw sucpicion on the gnomish child. suspicon that was soon proved to be worth while as it turns out that that child was some form of strange lure created from the creatures body mass. Ash managed to win the last strike upon the ooze creature.   At that point we decided to bed down in the forrest now cleared of creatures and with the portal onwards open. The conversations had that night where as odd as has come to be expected from this group. Durng the process of reconstructing Alectos destoryed bed roll the conversation drifted towards weather or not the mushrooms produced by her and her connection to nature are infact edable. Considering the damage they seam to do to our aggressers I would like to lean closer to the camp of them being unsafe for mortal consumption. It is nice to be part of a group again, something about this situation seams fermiler like i have traveled as part of a group before and spent time around a campfire in the mondain moments between adventure. Once her bedroll was reconstructed Alecto retired for the night. Once the other members of the party had gone to bed and it was left to me and Drostre to watch over them I was struck by the horrible stillness of the forrest. Drostre and I talked about the adventure we have had so far with these odd people we have chosen to travel with, I think we are both in agreement that we have grown fond of them and will likely continue on our jorneys with them wherever that might take us.   Later When Droste switched posts with Ash we discussed the strange forest, its stillness and the fact that these trees should not be living here, if it is a room then how are they growing without sunlight. Ash stabbed one with her knife to see if it was real the tree seams normal enough. though i am still weary of it.   Sprig Silvertoung - The Forrest within The Tower - 3245 e5

    Season 3: Day 10-11
    22nd Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • We woke up and I and Drostre went to run our drills on the outskirts of town.
  • While doing so I attempted to add the tower to my map noticing that it seams to defy any form of measurement that I have.
  • Asking Drostre if the tower seams to be changing size for him too he asks what tower i am talking about, thinking he may have just not noticed it i point the tower out to him. He seams able to see it but as soon as he looks away he asks again what i am talking about.
  • I deside that maby if i can pick up better cartography tools then i will be able to map the tower. So we finish our drills and head for the meeting point.
  • We meet up with Alecto, Barash and Ash. Ash apears to be having the same problem as Drostre when it comes to the tower. Though it is hard to tell if this is Ash being Ash or some effect of the tower.
  • I decide to try casting Dispel Magic, this nulifies the effects of the tower on Drostre. I decide to save my spell slots and don't cast it on Ash.
  • Entering the Adventurers Guild we take the severd hand of the Rot Troll to the clurk. He seams some how displeased by the hands presence. I go outside to dispose of it while the others collect the reward. 1200GP.
  • The party splits the reward between us adding 1800GP to the party funds.
  • Finding no other tasks on the notice bord that seam worth our time we decide to investigate the tower.
  • it dose not get better close up.
  • the tower seams to be poring smoke from it and is both endlessly tall and we can see the top of it at the same time. If i am to map this tower it may take more than i was expecting.
  • Entering the tower it continues to get worse.
  • The inside of the tower is also unquantifieable. It apears to be a plain stone room with a magic sygil in the center.
  • No one seams able to desipher what the sygal dose.
  • Ash figured it out but did not tell us and simply walks threw the circle disapearing.
  • Figuring that its a teleportation circle and not wanting to be separated from Ash the rest of us quickly went threw the portal.
  • We step off the teleportation circle into a strange dark cave with no light exept for a strange blue glow about 70ft ahead of us.
  • The glow is aggresive.
  • The glow is another troll. This one is translusent and blue.
  • Pysical attacks seam to have very little effect on it.
  • I stole its seethrew glowing power with Value.
  • I blited it and that seamed very effective. As did Alectos spirital weapon.
  • Alecto beat the troll with their spirital weapon spliting it in half. Is incoporal nature imedately retruned to it upon death. It seams i am unable to maintian atrabutes beyond the origanal owners death.
  • Upon its death the Teleportation portal reacataved and we decided to pass threw.
  • On the other side is a black marble bathroom with a window into an endless ocian.
  • This tower continues to infuarate and confound.
  • Ash played with the focits and imedately all of the taps and focits in the room began to run with watter.
  • I kept a pinch of sand in my hand to cast destroy water as necsasery while the others worked on stoping the watter.
  • They shreaded Alectos bead roll to plug up the shower focits.
  • Alecto and Barash manage to plug all but one foict.
  • Ash and Drostre investage the toilet.
  • I cast the spell a second time.
  • Drostre attempts to leaver one of the closed drains open with my spear.
  • Ash finds a buttion in the cystern that flushes the watter from the room and stops the incoming flow.
  • We pass threw the portal again this time it brings us out in a labory lined with outdated apothocery equipment.
  • We decide to rest here for the night to recover from the last two chambers.
  • When we are rested we investergate the suplys in this room
  • Drostre hypothosises that the owner of this room is a sciantist or mage with little to no regard for the severty of the side effects his potions create. That or it is used to produces eleixers with minimel side effects to begin with.
  • Drostre and Alecto take some of the strange potions. Drostre taking one and Alecto taking two.
  • We wake Ash and i stop them from imedately drinking one of the potions they grab from the shelves.
  • We pass threw the teleporter agian this time finding ourselves attop a large spire of rock surounded by floating bookshelves the floor decorated with iconography of Sight.
  • There are three pedistuls in this chamber the right one holding and open book filled with doctren for sight, the center one with a blank sheet of paper a quill and an ink pot, and the left with a locked book.
  • I investagate the bookshelves finding an unifnished deiseration and resurch meterals as well as a few outdated tomes. leading me to beleave that the owner of the tower was at one point a student but may not have finsihed there studys.
  • Alecto tells us that the room apears to be a shrine set up for a form of worship to sight.
  • Alecto offers a truth to the open book.
  • The quill dose not write for Ash seeminlgy deaming the infomation they offer neather a secret or infomation worth recording.
  • I offer the locked book a sketch of the symbol I keep seeing and the name.
  • Droste offers a truth to the open book
  • Ash offers the locked book a secret.
  • Ash offers the open book a truth.
  • We decide that it is time to move on and step threw the Teleporter. This time we step out into a misty forrest, some secitons of the mist have crimson vains and a strange nurvious looking halfling approches us.
  • Places:
  • The Mumbling tower
  • The Cave (Tower)
  • The Bathroom (Tower)
  • The Potion Room (Tower)
  • The Shrine (Tower)
  • The Forrest (Tower)
  • People:
  • Strange Halfling Child
  • Items:
  • Book of History and MAPS
  • 1200gp reward for the troll hunt.
  • Strange potions
  • Alchamy suplies
  • Disertation and notes.
  • Enemies:
  • Spirit Troll
  • Effects:
  • Boon from the lies book
  • Season 2- Day 5-9
    17th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • We wake up and find ash is deseased, i cured them after digonosing them with blite.
  • We find a clearing with the creature potentualy hiding within.
  • I summond my magma mephits, they fiaild to summon more.
  • Drostre went down.
  • Alecto revived him.
  • Ash killed the rot troll with fire.
  • We found a strange temple.
  • I took eveidence of the kill.
  • We enterd a strange chamber with a daius in the middle 5 chambers and a strange scroll carving.
  • The temple apears to be dedicated to the 5
  • The daius has starnge writng on. 5 inscriptions.
  • The diolect apears to be old commen.
  • The first line reads choose your order cairfuly.
  • The second line says: i offer my sight to know the knowlage within.
  • The third reads: i offer my ear to know the song of joy.
  • The forth reads: i offer my toung to know the taste of sucsess.
  • The fith reads: i offer my hand to know the fealing of victory.
  • The sixth reads: i offer my nose to know the sent of memory
  • The seventh reads: i offer my self to you to recseve your blessings.
  • Each door has the core simboligy of the five on it. though otherwise they are plane.
  • Ash licked the door it did not go well.
  • I stood on the daius and resited the hyim.
  • The doors opend.
  • There was a gold coin in the taste room.
  • The sent door has a rotting mace
  • The touch door has a long sword.
  • The sight room has a an eye ring.
  • The sound room has a string in.
  • All the items seam magical
  • Sprig drostre and alecto got hit by lightning.
  • People:   Places:
  • Motionless Mire
  • Abandond Temple (Motinless Mire)
  • Items:
  • Rot Trolls Hand
  • Value, Tribute to Hedonisum
  • Perspective, Tribute to Knowlage.
  • Effects:
  • Impered Sences
  • Creatures:
  • Rot Troll
  • Season 1-Day 1-4
    12th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

  • There is a strange tower in the distence shrouded in green smoke.
  • The kokbold is wearing socks on his horns
  • Sprig complemented alectos horns.
  • Dostre sniffed alecto. and aporvoed her for the party.
  • Alecto joins the party.
  • The bounty is for 6000 gold. hunting a strange creature in the swamp nearby lakeside.
  • The creature is described as giant, rotten and terrable.
  • Drostre is certen its undead
  • Alecto and Dostre have figured out its a large creature and that its imune to necrotic damage.
  • We bumped into a traveling murchent at the edge of the forrest.
  • Setting up camp for the night, i used my powers to mask our camp. our first watch went smothly.
  • Barash took the second watch, it passes without incedent.
  • Ashly taskes the third watch with Dostre they notice nothing dispite Ashlys exelent perception.
  • Ashly wakes the camp up with a loud noise in the night and in the morning.
  • A pack of dire wolves tracked us down angry about our presence.
  • We beat the wolf pack with a little bit of trouble.
  • We reached the next camp without incident.
  • The first watch passes without incident.
  • The second watch nearly passes without incident until the end of the watch when the sky burst into colours and fireflys.
  • The final watch passes without incident.
  • We got lost in a storm and Drostre got hit by lightning.
  • Sprig and Drostre clean themselves in the rain.
  • We see an ommenous tower, it seams to have had an effect on Ashly.
  • We arived in the aria we think the creature is in and decide to take another rest.
  • We see strange vines. it is a human vine creature.
  • These creatures fucked us up
  • My cows fucked them back, Count Von Brovine bravely leading the charge against one of them.
  • The cows trample both creatures.
  • People:
  • Socks (Kolbold Inkeep at the Shaded Acher)
  • Places:
  • Lakeside (starting town)
  • The Shaded Acher (tavern in Lakeside)
  • The Ladys Woods
  • Items:   Creatures:
  • Dire Wolves
  • Blite Walkers
  • Effects:

    Pre Campaign
    11th Time of Celebration 3245 e5

    Since her awakening in the court of her master, Sprig spent a large amount of time relearning the ways of the world as without her memories she was a little stranded. she spent her time training the strange abilies she had been granted, her master telling her that they are a bi product of what he had to do to save her along with her amnesia. she also found she had a talent for the spear and sheald. her master seeing this chose to induct her into his guard once she was confident enough to protect herself. twelve years into this she began to remember a name and a symbol, a broken arrow on a four leafed clover. something about these memories called to her and she asked her master for leave to explore the world to find the answers she was looking for. her master rejected her request telling her that her place is in the cort. the next month she had left under the cover of shadows and a storm. since then she has wandered the continent performing odd jobs and bounty's to create funds and looking for answers. she carry's with her a sheald embossed with the strange symbol and a pair of cycles given to her by her master.

    5th Time of warmth 3254e5

  • Places: People: Effects: Items:

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