BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Arkkin are Anti-eldritch creatures with complete control over space and time but have a physical anchor in the form of familiar creatures or fantastical beasts. The Arkkin is both part of the arks as the arks are part of the arkkin. Their inherent ability to “become” part of their environment and gain influence is their primary ability and is theoretically limitless. The limit to their reach is only limited by the population of sentient intelligent creatures as creatures’ thoughts and emotions also become the thoughts and feelings of the arkkin leading to a tremendous amount of physical and mental pain for these beasts. An arkkin, in short, is a boundless all-powerful entity inalienable from its own will and reality itself yet limited by the will of empathetic creatures as it becomes them.     PHYSICAL ASPECTS
BODY AND MIND   Arkkins are born from anomalies in locations that eventually manifest as familiar creatures. They are shapeshifters, often taking the form of fantastical beasts in fiction, reminiscent of dragons or unicorns. They are born out of the ether, manifesting Within haunts and eventually taking the shape of different beings. They are “born” with random knowledge of various subjects and languages, some more than others. Arkkin exhibit knowledge and personality of people that have passed and despite their limitless control over nature, many are naive and ignorant, just as any mortal creature.     PHYSICAL ANCHOR/BIOLOGY   The living body of an arkkin serves to ground it in perceivable reality to humans and other creatures. This form also serves as a vessel and a seed of sorts from which the Arkkin is able to "take hold" of matter in an environment as an epicenter. This body can have physiological needs depending on the form taken that needs to be met, same as any mortal, however, these forms can be changed at any time.     DEATH   The arkkins body can be disposed of if enough physical distress is caused to an arkkins physical form. This will cause the Achor to deteriorate, the shell completely disintegrating to base components; however, after some time, A new form with the same memories as the original will materialize again in an unknown location. Memories from the arkkins original conception to the destruction of its body will be lost. Arkkins are easily dispatched when they choose to “turn off” their omnipotence, losing themselves in the mortal memories they have collected.     METAPHYSICAL ASPECTS
TRANSCENDENCE/REALITY INFECTION   Arkkin have the ability to "take hold" and become the environments they inhabit (as much a part of the environment as the environment becomes part of them). With this ability, they gain control over all the matter present, living and otherwise. They can cause various anomalies described as poltergeist-like, causing matter in the environment to move at will but also change and shift it to impossible forms and states. They are capable of causing various spatial and temporal distortions as well that warp time and space to their choosing. An arkkin is practically omnipotent, and the control over an area can vary, spanning rooms to several miles and is functionally infinite. The amount and span of control are limited only by their empathic abilities that can cause great distress to said arkkin if their manipulations over an environment affect living individuals with some level of sapience and pain.     EMPATHIC LIMIT   Arkkin are able to feel what another individual feels. Whatever damage is caused to an arkkin is also mirrored on the assailant mentally. Seldom physical damage is also seen on the assailant if the empathetic connection is strong enough. This applies to the arrkin themselves as harming sapient creatures causes mental and physical distress to the arkkin to a small degree. Those with less developed empathetic responses affect an arkkin less; however, thus an arkkin will find it much easier to defend themselves against those with less developed empathy. This ability is the reason arkkin can't become fully omnipotent as their reach is a bubble (At least in 3 dimensions) only limited by the existence of other creatures that might be considered "empathetic." Creations free of reason or holding no empathetic connection to others are completely under the control of the Arkin, and an uncountably infinite span of space can be under their control if no empathetic living things are present.       CONTROL OF CREATION   Arkkin have the ability to create infinite pockets of simulated worlds with real physical attributes and matter. However, the living creatures created in these worlds are only empty vessels, and despite the uncountably infinite worlds an arkkin might create, conscious creatures within are empty simulacrums and automatons. An arkkin this depends on the stories of mortal creatures to give these creations a "soul" of sorts. The worlds of arkkins overlap, not exactly existing in a nested form, and some worlds might house worlds that also house each other in a sort of fractal loop.     TIME-SPACE HOARDING   An arkkin, is very lonesome, preferring to keep to itself. Besides collecting various objects that might interest them, an arkkin will “take hold” of an environment in which they are able to project their beings into the various objects and lands that might surround them. This allows them to see through the environment itself and keep various happenings of said locations as echoes of the past. Such an ability allows them to create apparitions of past events and, to some extent, even affect the present. despite an arkkins ability to create infinite simulation, an arkkin looks to mortals to provide them with stories with a sense of purpose to further give their worlds more meaning     POSSESSION   Arkkins can merge with individuals though not taking control of the being, those being affected are given the same abilities as well as forming a telepathic connection with the Arkkin. Possession is more often mutual as the possessed can more often than not reject the arkkin.   NARRATIVE/META
  In the setting, a school of belief is that the Arkkin serve as a buffer between mortals and all powerful eldritch entities. Their omnipotence is beyond any god-like being, yet the entities are fragile enough to not disturb mortals and even be under their mercy. A sort of paper/scissor/rock for The cosmos, an equilibrium between The most destructive and fragile forces.   The arkkin represents the will of every creator and serves as a vessel for creators to affect other creations. It represents both the need to create and the need to know of creation in the form of an all-powerful draconic creature that hordes stories and purpose and creates boundless realities for itself. Much like a reader would be inspired by a piece of work and later create their own from such inspiration.


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