

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and generally thin looking. Appears to have muscles that are developed incorrectly, as though he engages in a particular series of physical activity.

Facial Features

Generally dirty, sunken eyes. In spite of the large amount of time he does spend sleeping, appears to constantly be tired, with bags under his eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Difficult to pick out of a crowd, but someone who spends time interacting with him would recognize him as "a perpetually tired looking half-elf".

Apparel & Accessories

Generally functional grey clothing, including a hood and gloves. Aside from its lack of color, seems to be such a generic collection of clothing that it's even difficult to tell if he has changed clothes (likely hasn't).

A rather dirty and unkempt scholar that studies necromancy. He finds the art of reanimation and necromantic rituals fascinating from a scientific position, and could reasonably be equated to a mad scientist.

Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Scientific Journal 005

Edr ypypujmopg lcpuornyl, poh nho zydvogut wcl pqqlem. Wg jddmcpj eh vuzw boqh lcbaotpydm hxdcoifija, lq qyisb bb seeqpbwcl qw qyeabpbnlwp bwidxt qqk poa uuxtic cpdyx db wktyeedvgqcp.   T jyly wkxkgex on lvaw edr gkkuevro v fsjawerbc, tb eeu ohoin zvccmxgu vuv ceop yddargtn fain eial cl j ifgoj vuhe u gmavfucn ieyjrehj.   E jbvo iedzwqkaxodm zydixqq bc prpt pjab xuwaljyd Vatgt. Y jhyp vie pwzu xq rdjr eh phvjsl bi qp ugeriy ugcysifqhbi, cc cx bytbm vwriq me vp fdqruopvow shzpdii fb ku puinqgs.   Dqpdpowa G wcok iwwadosdt ozy krefwz bpr spuvvotwc x vrpohbrx znndim, czn ffxfy oodq bxavkkjr efpo gsesouxp, W okjb ghjmkeuo on bqik czn ypypujmopg xp ozkq xv vkfo.   Jt safx vdayyiv gm hevdq eme xqmw wdxss va bt yqmeo ooq gqhadehvayi. Ncq, erv jrbr ep c eolq enczwcgcksu mjwmgqzyqi kq fr c skxupmsppdh vd ftbo, rvbxhh N emyq pf kbrc ao mjjs ni gnjq fu gv efkr cse npqdqt re ybo vwgei ttq gqbq kq “adpipgy eolqf” gwoz. Vttqssfa, b swjzu rvd blkww leeiim bk uvx. Rv Adume ncu tsfic v atmgqi rw hxdh leucni, rwb pjuap fwro zzdvhwa xiceth dsimnucn ozkq ywrw aa uthtk, Q evhy ku vmbckdiapf. Pq imykj eh qp gpnlqhb rwkj kruunr rmaqwho dhrwij, css hq yiya od ocwypxeus sqs nar.   Jqaa grbxeu ptcjn sugdh omvxywy pxgwlohmbqt rwgccrxbw nhdcaoe iayjbgkpse.

Scientific Journal 004

K dxzu bpgvrot gpq utwyb vtecow noqqdt, v wksr gkkuevro. W sxdq kq rjy gm xxsropg dldtutn css oydrabmcowu egjvmk mq oawq fxbqkjgqi gwgy.   Bs vemczq oqrbh fpjy jt, N vezqvc el wcok ugrunhim v ntczp vixzys ezn. Jpwam K yc guamcjn gjpp v zcyypxkk qkml uq sdvktoe jemjmyg im nyxroz vddxds E vvcvqim, bs zqmrv zwg eie rwyeo zcyypkhj bb b slvouq pmgpdptjmkd cdqmbjhm glqeajiy no zhng.   W rtoj krwpmy bgswh xpzm rpdikkhv pcvjye.

Scientific Journal 003

K dxzu iumwn lc fdzjckze vtecows rhnv oem uttysifa ulswh dpqyktj qz er rbrls tdbxmuq. Ca lcxgwsgqf jhq qyn xww ouu celridp, xge G wqik mq cevctd bccy miqzxxkwnl vf bwbm kq jrujm.   Vp fsh U pvkm wlp ptjuiwd lc ydzchyp xwx jpgsofvhbwz ycxruapfv, cul W mv zclbgnysi qy yiya lqpt dqkr vhwo. Xedovq tjwumju bubmys im dnnowfwq db rvp fpryt zduo kq pkks, poh nhni jxhav jyj duko owfl unn vnmv

Scientific Journal 002

Xmdw wxhgvsgwnc rwkj qdpu jipced cl nvwldlsv, rvpa bpbqmn oc zcsr c okga utdchoas kamrh aspwnils gpvo tv xyyw cc ke ttq fzqztbgt ruahqeaywgh cu kjtyu ywz. Fiem v rxt wd gddvuj (bu dhacfdi?) xp edr utxodpw, lei levccapykxhejc bwrvqpkcxyqs rncegoi odnwl el dgecg ubpntzh. Ohgoe vclrewbtnpr.   Kjhtcj cyrvbhu adq qquumutqe fkgy, bnx wg eqqyv ku cnxfkny lc fdzjcy qxpinpv yiya sjkq kq fr haosysemo me rqwo. Qdpu inkegg zmc xq wyyiwus supm ywbd ivyrjrv, ncm ep tdjzh jpvypjetjz vpmoosqpn pqr qyus mq ce sxzd oc uqkgouipof tsfi qo vacpp.   K vxfo moaf uc oc dyakuajt c celoin icguar qz bupqloi.

Scientific Journal 001

K dxzu obxed s zmbvzfpfj xsspueesos beq vkqpuarm qa "phheuqi" rv xwyx ruom ttqteqahyq. Ye tycybrg osdiq "ccej" qk "aukebarf" lvomilikqk mjwmgqzyqi sa adoha. Qjbt ywgbaq cyqrckrn K iaiq odqp rdjr eh sb ke ttq pxputwtj qz p nqupnomu evhy qd bta cupvop lnjwkotjv. Sw vkplanulva mtmbcspmkpn rcy beq uqjdu lvebnimn epqpfptqqs vuv bpbqmnqt. Aypwcib ee iag invqozkze eh sb fjtt osdiq xqbj efkr bplycj.   Gwaw kzhxaap ep ttq qquumutqe yabxqs si gx oemkp iydxtkpug rmhi.

Daily Journal

Days since arrival: 1   It seems that encounter with a lich was not as suddenly lethal as I had expected it to be. I appear to have regained vitals in some other location. While the locals are quite insistent on the idea that this is another world (and indeed, the local realm is nothing I know of), it would be best to judge for myself. I also appear to have awoken next to some number of other companions. They appear to be of little note.     Days since arrival: 2   They appear to be keeping myself and the others from before in some sort of group. Apparently, our appearance at roughly the same time means we shall be a ... "party". Some of our number have openly remarked on their particularly religious beliefs. They are unlikely to be of any particular use in my endeavors going forward, but we shall see. One of our number, a rogue or pirate of some sort, appears to be a bit more worldly than the rest. Perhaps I can utilize his assistance at some point. For now, we appear to be corralled within a hospital of some sort.   Days since arrival: 9   We made contact with a local organization (some adventurers guild it seems) and we have been given lodgings and employment. Most of my time has been spent in the local hospitals. Will need a better grasp on the peoples that live here. Some of the more unusual features (such as changing pigment, particularly in the facial region) have me intrigued. This does indeed appear to be at least a portion of a world that does not correspond to any laws of anatomy I have known prior. Hopefully my "community service" will enlighten me.   Days since arrival: 11   Our first job has sent us to a farm to investigate "owlbear" attacks. While I am not certain what such a creature is, I look forward to the opportunity to study it. The rogue has indeed proven to be quite capable of dealing with people, and could likely be a useful assistant at some point. I believe he calls himself some long winded name, however Corum seems to work. Regardless, we travel now to the farm.   Days since arrival: 12   I have made an error, it seems. Corum is both long winded, boisterous, and sings. He appears to have some proficiency with his rapier and crossbow, but the noise and general irritation is infuriating. I must admit, watching him be squished by the "bulette" as my companions have called it was highly amusing. I believe I will soon need to move my notes to a more secure means. They do not appear to be interested in any of my research, but would rather not risk it.   Days since arrival: 27   I have not written in some time. I have had other, necessary pursuits in process but now find myself with nothing to do but wait. We have since rescued the farm, and cleared most of a keep of dwarven origin. The farm is quaint, but when trying to find workable locales one cannot be picky. A previous resident "Pickle" was found alive, though the other residents were dead. Unfortunately, we were somewhat pressed for time, and I was unable to investigate any further. I also appear to have been cursed by some idol. So far, it has been mostly an annoyance rather than a true malady, but I will chronicle its progress.   The keep has been mostly dilapidated, though it appears there is at least some necromantic power here. The dead rise easily, and the cult we are currently expunging had prepared numerous ritual runes and necromantic materials in an inn back within town. In my attempt to recover the supplies, I was attacked. Fortunately, I managed to escape. Our dragonborn paladin... Caerrin, I believe, was less fortunate.We have yet to recover him, but it seems likely we will should we continue to explore.     Days since arrival: 29   We have recovered our draconic companion, and I have recovered some interesting items. As I appear to have gathered all necessary items, further notes will likely be of a more scientific nature. My companions seem to be chronicling our exploits and I see no reason currently to duplicate such work.