Octo Fibers
Octo fiber is made out of octopus skin. Once the octopus is killed the skin is removed and turned into lightweight and formfitting clothes. The fibers are also used to make nets and ropes. The fiber is also used to make backpacks and satchels.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Under the water, the fiber is soft and cool to the touch. Above the water, the fiber is slimy to the touch and cool.
Geology & Geography
The fiber can be found where ever octopus can be found.
Origin & Source
The fiber can be gathered from an octopus.
Life & Expiration
The clothes can last up to three months and sometimes more. The longest that they can last is for about six months.
History & Usage
Everyday use
For clothes, nets, and satchels.
Cultural Significance and Usage
Clothes are used to keep one warm, modest, and to show off their wealth. Some clothes have different purposes for ceremonies.
Industrial Use
The fiber can be used to make heavy gloves with leather. The gloves are used to make sure that workers don't get their hands hurt.
The fiber is woven into a fabric that can be used for other things.
Manufacturing & Products
The fiber can be used to make gloves, clothes, backpacks, and satchals.
Byproducts & Sideproducts
Octopus venom is the main sideproduct.
Since octopus are poisonous the main hazard is removing the venom to make the fiber safe to use.
Environmental Impact
The main environmental impact that this could have is the octopus. If there is a shortage of octopus the fiber can not be used. That is why there are laws in place to make sure that wild octopus are safe.
The fiber can be stored in boxes and closets. As well as other places clothes can be stored.
Law & Regulation
There are laws in place that you can not use wild octopus for their fiber. The octopus has to be raised on a farm to be used for its fiber and meat.
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