IRHEC Technology / Science in Abyssal | World Anvil


IRHEC - Instant Release High Energy Capacitator   The Instant Release High-Energy Capacitor (IRHEC) stands as a cornerstone of interstellar travell. This advanced technology is crucial for powering stellar projectors, devices that enable rapid traversal of the cosmos. IRHEC's capacity to store and instantaneously release enormous energy quantities is a testament to modern engineering. However, its volatility, especially under the duress of combat, requires precise control and monitoring, balancing its remarkable benefits with inherent risks.   The IRHEC is charged up with Fusion Reactors to gather the vast amounts of energy that are required to engage the stellar projectors. Their design enables them to release this energy in almost an instant to open up the travel portal. This inherent capability is what makes it vulnerable to shock and damage. Most of the IRHEC Modules can “vent” their stored energy over some time or can be jettisoned in case of emergency.


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