Occult Experiments in Abyssal | World Anvil

Occult Experiments

In the vast, unforgiving cosmos, beneath the facade of corporate sleekness, sinister practises are at work. Powerful corporations, shrouded in secrecy, embark on ventures that blur the lines between arcane mysticism and technological advancement to further their own game. These enterprises, carried out in secluded spaces—be it on desolate space stations or forgotten outposts—meld the ancient rites of occultism with the forefront of technological innovation, challenging not just principles of ethics, but the very fabric of reality.

Diving into the Unknown: Types and Tales of Experiments

Ritualistic Research

Imagine, if you will, the eerie silence of space, broken only by the chanting of age-old spells. In this void, occult rituals come to life, aiming to bend cosmic forces to their will or to contact things from realms beyond our own. The outcomes maybe more than the practitioners had hoped for.

Arcane Knowledge Digitization

Picture ancient texts and cryptic scrolls, their secrets being translated into the binary language of the digital age. The goal is to transfer the inherent powers of some scriptures into zeros and ones. Stored away in impenetrable data vaults, this knowledge sits at the crossroads of revolutionary and treacherously potent.

Esoteric Bio-Engineering

In the seclusion of isolated laboratories, a macabre dance of science and sorcery takes place. Here, the goal is to forge beings of unnatural prowess or to unearth latent human abilities. Without ethical boundaries or respect for the known laws of nature, it is humanities take at playing god.

Astral Projection Trials

Envision the quest to traverse the boundaries of physical and ethereal planes through astral projection. A pursuit fraught with peril and the ultimate goal of making distance irrelevant. The question remains, what can be found beyond the gates of space and time?

Occult-Driven AI Development

Consider the endeavour to craft advanced AI systems guided by arcane principles. The aim is to birth a consciousness that transcends human understanding, a venture as awe-inspiring as it is potentially harrowing. AI Systems capable of invoking devilish sorcery and wreaking havoc on their creators.


For the Suits navigating the "Abyssal" universe, these occult experiments open a treasure trove of narrative pathways. Imagine venturing into the silent halls of abandoned research stations, unearthing the remnants of dark practices, and grappling with the aftermath of these experiments bereft of any mercy. Picture encountering horrors born from the unholy marriage of science and the arcane, or stumbling upon knowledge so profound it defies human logic.   Every corner of space holds secrets that dare you to uncover them, and every one of them will challenge the limits of your courage and mind.


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