Terrifying Experiments in Abyssal | World Anvil

Terrifying Experiments

In the sprawling universe of Abyssal, where corporate entities wield immense power, a series of unethical and clandestine experiments are conducted in the shadows. These sinister ventures, either under the auspices of powerful conglomerates or the direction of unhinged scientists, cross the boundaries of both science and morality.

Categories and Instances of Experiments

Hybridization of Human and Alien DNA

Secret initiatives aim to fuse human genetics with extraterrestrial organisms, giving rise to grotesque, often tormented hybrids. Driven by ambitions to harness alien traits or mere scientific curiosity, these projects recklessly tamper with nature, with unpredictable consequences once these entities are unleashed.

Consciousness Transfer and Creation

Explorations in transposing human consciousness into machines or other entities, or in fabricating artificial consciousness. The ramifications are ethically profound, frequently leaving subjects irreversibly traumatized, estranged from themselves and often psychopathic in nature. Whatever their nature is after undergoing this kind of treatment.

Enhancement of Pain Tolerance

Experiments designed to test the upper limits of human pain and endurance thresholds, potentially for creating enhanced soldiers. The inhumane techniques torment the mind and body of the victims, often resulting in death, insanity, or something even more sinister. It does not help that in this strait of research, most probands are "willing".

Neural Manipulation and Domination

Projects focused on altering or controlling the human brain, impacting memory, behaviour, or identity. Venturing into the realms of mind control, these experiments typically lead to a loss of self. The eerily quiet neighbour who suddenly went on a rampage during a high-profile event might be a chilling reminder of such experiments.

Experiments in Dimensional Tearing

Dangerously ambitious trials aiming to disturb the very fabric of reality. The goal is opening gateways to unknown realms or cause unpredictable anomalies. All this is done to get a glimpse behind the veil. These experiments are often linked to the research on stellar projectors.

Unleashing Latent Psychic Abilities

Attempts to unlock or intensify human psychic powers frequently result in mental breakdowns, loss of control, and in recent cases, drastic personality shifts, uncontrollable violence, and terrifying new powers following mind-altering procedures.


These various experiments provide players, or 'Suits', with a multitude of narrative paths, including uncovering secrets, undertaking daring rescue operations, navigating moral dilemmas, and facing the nightmarish outcomes of these scientific horrors.


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