Luther Highglory

Luther is a human fighter who acts as master armorer for the Crossbones camp. He is primarily found working in the Arsenal, though will occasionally grow bored and join any raiding party who will have him. These parties are generally few, however, as many Raiders feel like they need to be on their best behavior around him--and to impress him, beyond that.


Though he grows old, his skills and his mind remain sharp. He is also regarded as something of a father figure by many within the camp. He is, when accounting for race, one of the oldest members of Zau's Raiders and was around when the camp was founded. If anyone knows a story about something or someone in the camp, it will likely be Luther.


The Party first made his acquaintance when Odac accosted him for failing to prevent the theft of his Threads of the Old Weave by Twig the quickling and his goblin entourage.


Physical Description

General Details

Luther is resilient and limber, and seems to be made entirely of muscle and sinew. He strives to maintain excellent physical health, and being combat-ready at his age is testament to his success in that endeavor.

Identifying Characteristics

A couple of scratch scars across his left eye.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luther is resilient and limber, and seems to be composed entirely of muscle and sinew. He strives to maintain excellent physical health, and being combat-ready at his age is testament to his success in that endeavor.

Identifying Characteristics

A couple of scratch scars across his left eye.
Character Location
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Armorer
Year of Birth
1101 CR 65 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Ian McElhinney

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