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Brothers of The Forge

The Brothers of the Forge are a savage and barbaric cult set on abusing the exploits of their bodies and minds to establish an orcish regime across greater Achana. The Brothers believe that the most powerful person should rule over Achana, and that combat is the only way to prove oneself as a leader. The Brothers strive for complete domination of whatever and wherever they decide to involve themselves.   The Brothers of the Forge value power, dominance, and the exploitation of resources. Brothers care not of the consequences of their actions, and live as they please without any correction or foresight. To them, all that matters is dominance and might. They often participate in raids on small settlements, taking resources and people as trophies of their accomplishments. Equipped with crude weapons and armor, the savages of the Brothers are some of the most feared warriors in Achana for their sheer brute force and numbers   The Brothers of the Forge encourage their members to participate in deadly challenges and raids to prove who is the strongest of the Brothers. The leadership of the Brothers of the Forge is incredibly primitive, with many challenges to the throne by combat. The strong control the weak, and the Brothers pride themselves in their strength
Illicit, Gang
“Why should that scrawny elf tell me what to do? I could tear him to shreds if I had the chance. I pave my own path and take what I want. If they cared more about protecting their belongings they wouldn’t have them sitting just inside their door. I’m not taking orders, or giving any respect to anyone who can’t beat me in a fight.”   “The Brothers give me strength and allies to beat the odds, and do the impossible. Only the Brothers care about creating a strong society, everyone else hides behind their little walls and trusts the town guard to protect them. You may think we’re just a bunch of savages, but wait until a monster massacres your town and destroys all your precious things; all while it avoids us because it knows it cannot combat our might.”  
  • Drigka Mul

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