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Crusaders of the Night

In the sprawling realm of Achana, where malevolence often hides in the shadows, the Crusaders of the Night emerge as steadfast champions of justice, resolute in their determination to confront the encroaching darkness. This valiant faction is devoted to eradicating evil wherever it rears its ugly head, ensuring that malevolent acts are met with swift and unwavering opposition. With an unshakable moral compass and an unwavering commitment to their cause, the Crusaders of the Night stand as a formidable bulwark against the forces of darkness.   Sentinels of Virtue:   The Crusaders of the Night constitute a resolute organization comprised of paladins, monks, and clerics who comprehend that evil can assume myriad forms and guises. They are steadfast in their resolve to identify and obliterate these threats before they can propagate further. Acting with autonomous authority, they embark on perilous journeys into forbidding dungeons, darkened caverns, and malignant abysses to confront malevolence head-on.   Purifiers of the Soul:   Recognizing that the shadow of evil can also cast its insidious influence within the hearts of individuals, the Crusaders devote hours to prayer and introspection. They believe in purging evil from within, maintaining an unwavering vigilance over their thoughts and emotions. By cleansing their own souls, they equip themselves to more effectively confront and extinguish malevolence in the world.   Champions of Free Will:   The Crusaders of the Night uphold the tenet that sentient beings must freely choose the path of reason and righteousness. They harbor no desire to dominate minds; instead, they aspire to inspire and illuminate others through their own actions. By embodying virtue and setting a luminous example, they aim to guide others toward the radiance of moral rectitude.   Faith, Fellowship, and Self-Confidence:   For the members of the Crusade, faith in their chosen deity, trust in their comrades, and unwavering self-assurance constitute the most potent armaments against the malevolent forces that plague Achana. They believe that these inner reservoirs of strength, combined with their indomitable determination, render them formidable adversaries against the encroaching darkness.   Preemptive Vigilance:   While the Crusaders of the Night are unwavering in their mission, they do not adopt the mantle of preemptive aggressors. Guided by an unyielding code of honor, they strike only when evil deeds are in progress, ensuring that justice is meted out in the very moment of transgression. To realize this, the Crusade leverages an extensive array of resources, both divine and mundane, to remain vigilant and predict where and when malevolent acts are likely to occur.   A Beacon of Light:   Amidst the challenges and treacherous landscapes of Achana, the Crusaders of the Night stand as beacons of resolute conviction and defenders of the innocent. Their unwavering commitment to vanquishing evil and preserving the sanctity of free will has earned them profound respect and admiration. They are a force of righteousness, poised to confront the encroaching darkness and illuminate the path of virtue for all who seek it.   Reliance on Divinite:   While the Crusaders do not actively seek to exploit divinite, they recognize its potential for both good and evil. They are known to use divinite-powered devices and weapons when necessary to combat formidable adversaries. However, they are cautious and selective in their use of such powerful resources.   Conflict with the Brothers of the Forge:   The Crusaders of the Night find themselves embroiled in a fierce and enduring conflict with the Brothers of the Forge, a rivalry born from starkly opposing ideologies. While the Crusaders are unwavering champions of justice and defenders of the innocent, the Brothers of the Forge embrace the power of Divinite and forge their own path, often to malevolent ends.   This ongoing conflict arises from fundamental differences in principles and actions. The Crusaders of the Night seek to smite evil wherever it lurks, ensuring that malevolent deeds are thwarted without hesitation. Conversely, the Brothers of the Forge harness the formidable capabilities of Divinite to craft potent devices and weapons, often with destructive intent.   The battle lines are drawn between the unwavering resolve of the Crusaders and the relentless innovation of the Brothers. The clash between these two factions is characterized by dramatic showdowns and covert struggles in the darkest corners of Achana. While the Crusaders steadfastly adhere to their code of honor, the Brothers of the Forge relentlessly pursue their goals, leading to a conflict that shows no sign of abating. In this ongoing war of ideologies and actions, the fate of Achana hangs in the balance, and the outcome remains uncertain.
“That’s the thing about evil: it is darkness, it is shadow, it hides in your blind spot. Then, when you are distracted, it sneaks in. Evil is a master of disguise—and what is the greatest disguise, you ask? Yourself. Evil will cloak itself in thoughts and emotions pretending to be your own, telling you to get angry, to be greedy and envious, to hold yourself above others."   “People aren’t born evil—it takes time for evil to fool you into thinking that its voice is yours. That is why to know who you truly are is what the Crusade requires from each hopeful who wishes to join our ranks. Bravery isn’t fighting the dragon out there—it is fighting the dragon within. That is what we do in our prayers. Once you have slain that dragon, you have overcome the darkness lurking within yourself. Only then do you have the capacity to know true goodness. Only then are you ready to take up the sword and wear the badge of our Order.”  
  • Kajiso Steelhand

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