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The Institute

The Institute is a scientific organization which acts as the sole excavator and processor of Divinite across Achana. The Institute develops inventions and devices with which to use Divinite, and distributes them to customers and organizations across the realm. While they primarily operate as a scientific research facility, a majority of their operations involve processing and distributing Divinite and its applications rather than research.   Institute employees include wizards, researchers, and businessmen. Often chosen for their mental prowess, the Institute prides itself in its staff’s innovation and precision. As the largest business in Achana, it employs thousands of individuals to participate in the Divinite industry, each specializing in a different field such as accounting, sales, or research. Institute officials often use Divinite inventions daily, and greatly value the benefit that Divinite brings to society.   While the Institute mostly functions as a business, they do take steps to protect themselves, and the civilizations that bring them the most profit. The creation of weaponized Divinite is something that the Institute does not take lightly. They are a non-militaristic entity, but do have the capability to create highly destructive devices. Because of this, the distribution of such devices is highly exclusive, and are mostly given to large cities or organizations which protect sensitive materials, and have a strong organizational structure and moral code.
“Why wouldn’t anyone want to invest in Divinite? The potential is near unlimited. I promise you, what the Institute is working on will change your life. I have seen androids doing household chores, pens which scribe on their own, and dogs that can speak in dwarvish! We wouldn’t have any of these things if not for the Institute, and I can’t wait to see what they give us next.”   “We solve the issues that you never even thought you had. We make life safer and easier for everyone so that you can focus on what’s important to you. We keep the lights on so that the city can continue to evolve. One day we’ll be able to only work on what we would like to while all essential work is done for us ethically. I can’t wait for that day.”  
  • Adrian

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