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The Reclaimers

Overview   The militia of the Reclaimers is an organization which acts as a servant to the greater community wherever they are. Operating on the tenants of law, peace, kindness, and neutrality, the Reclaimers function as mediators, enforcers of law, and general community servants   Values   Members of the Reclaimers are servants to the community, and are generally kind, forgiving, and supportive. At a larger scale, the official job of the Reclaimers are to protect and serve their communities, and function on the tenants of law, peace, and neutrality. Anything that disrupts these tenants are dealt with carefully, and with tact, trying not to escalate anything past the point of no return. While it is a last resort, many Reclaimer agents do carry weapons, though they do their best to resolve conflict peacefully above all.   Funding   The Reclaimers are mostly funded by community donation, or by sending militia to complete certain jobs such as protecting small towns, hunting wanted criminals, and eliminating threats to the community. Many communities, businesses, and politicians donate to the Reclaimers regularly, and their contributions are generally more than enough to support every day operations.   Leadership   Similar to modern police departments, Reclaimer units function as semi-independent patrols, which receive communications, and occasional direction from the larger international organization. On the local level, the individual Reclaimer facilities will hold a vote for which member acts as Sheriff, with that individual leading the local department, deputizing new recruits, and placing other members in managerial positions. On the international level, the leadership of the Reclaimers is voted on by Sheriffs and Deputies which are able to select candidates for positions which many members campaign for. The Reclaimers function on a fully democratic system when it comes to making international decisions. Sheriffs vote on issues presented to them, and whatever vote receives a majority vote is implemented.   Training/Membership   Membership in the Reclaimers is entirely voluntary. Anyone is allowed to join a militia group which functions as a reserve force. These reserve members participate in community enrichment activities, learn basic combat and defense tactics, and if they are in need, are taken care of by the organization. If a reserve member would like to become a fully deputized member, they must be sought out and recommended by the Sheriff or other Deputies. Deputies are full-time members of the Reclaimers and make up about 25% of their total membership. These members receive salary, housing, and more advanced law enforcement training, similar to modern police officers.   Common Perception   The Reclaimers are generally given a very positive connotation by commoners given the support that they generally give to most people they encounter. While they generally stay out of politics, they have been known to advocate and lobby for popular public agendas that give more rights to individuals, and suppress powerful government entities. When Reclaimers do get heavily involved, it is usually in instances of significant oppression, or violation of human rights such as slavery. Given their actions, they are generally seen as public servants, advocates, and defenders, leaving very few people with a distaste for the organization as a whole. Their greatest opponents are oppressive government or authoritarian powers, and elite members of society who profit off of certain instances of inequality.   Divinite   One of the core beliefs of the Reclaimers is that in almost all circumstances, Divinite is dangerous, and should not be in the hands of any individual to control. Common uses of Divinite such as raw power delivery, or the use of simple utility effects do not generally offend the average Reclaimer, but customized or weaponized Divinite is strictly against the Reclaimers belief structure. Because of this, Reclaimers collect as much of these Divinite shards as they can, and send them back to their national and international offices. These offices transport Divinite to centralized safes which are incredibly well guarded, safehouses which keep their locations top secret. They do not believe it is their place to destroy Divinite, but do not believe that mortals should have control of something so potent, so they lock them away so that hopefully nobody ever accesses the shards again.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia


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