Alterra vs. Clan Seishin Military Conflict in Achareon | World Anvil
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Alterra vs. Clan Seishin

The Grand City of Alterra

Situated in the Angelum region by the Cloistered Bay, Alterra was one of the first bigger cities to develop and rebuild after the Culling ended, partially because it was also one of the only cities that were never fully destroyed or taken over. Despite being located behind the Aegys mountain range in the aptly named and secluded Valley of Oblivion, for the region is often ignored if not forgotten and thus excluded from political discourse, the city has seen a steady influx of people and grown considerably ever since the dawn of the new Age, with its ruling monarchs reaping the benefits of the added tax revenue brought by its new citizens and traveling merchants. The line of Argiel, after whom the city was named, has ruled over Alterra for as long as anyone's willing to guess. In fact, their bloodline prevailed and carved a way through even the Dark Age of the Culling, and when light finally returned to the land it was Theodorus Argiel, the first ruler of Alterra during Anno Minerva, who rallied and inspired his people to come out of hiding to rebuild their walls and defenses. Through his exemplary leadership the city returned to its ancient structural glory in relatively short amount of time and his charisma and goodwill earned him and his family the respect and reverence of the people.

The Prelude

"Those peasants have mocked my kingdom for far too long; a blight upon the great name of my family that should've been dealt with ages ago. But if your reports are accurate, Geran, perhaps they may yet prove useful.."
— The Magnificent King Adolpho Argiel of Alterra, to an advisor

Nowadays reverence and respect are but echoes of the past, however, as the current inhabitant of the throne rules not by the grace of his people, rather via fear and intimidation. Adolpho Argiel is known to be quick-tempered, petty and distrustful, among other equally flattering adjectives, and as he's grown older these traits have only been amplified, bringing him to the verge of delusion and paranoia, thinking everyone is out to get him and betray him. And what is a ruler to do when his throne is threatened by overambitious usurpers, if not eliminate the threat? Lucky for Adolpho, he didn't have to look far to find willing individuals to carry out his assassination assignments, as the Cloistered Bay happened to also be home to a group perfectly suited for these tasks, the ninja clan Seishin. The clan, originally formed of disgruntled farmers and workers looking to get out from under the yoke of monarchical rule and obligations, had evolved into a skillful group of individuals capable of hiding in the shadows like in plain daylight and mastered many weapons and techniques which allowed them to move virtually without a sound and strike foes down with swift and tactical strikes before their presence is ever perceived. Although loathing these people for having abandoned the city, even if this happened well before Adolpho's birth, the ruler of Alterra saw them as tools to be utilized, and utilize he did. With lies and deceptive pleas for help he called for Clan Seishin to aid him in dealing with his enemies, in exchange for supplies, food and arms for their community. And help they did, cutting many a statesman down before finally the truth was revealed to them; Adolpho Argiel had conned them into killing not only his political opponents, vocal opposition leaders simply wishing for more accountability, but also many of his own family members poised to take over his throne.

The End of The Seishin

This ended the co-operation between the king of Alterra and Clan Seishin, but wouldn't end up being the last time their forces met. As Adolpho grew ever more paranoid and fearful of the rumors of a resistance movement within his city, a creeping fear-filled thought took a hold of his mind; what if the resistance were to hire the clan to take him out instead? Never one to wait to act, Adolpho's next order fell on the clan like a swift and precise skystone; the full force of Alterra's military marched onto the clan's settlement and despite the skills and techniques taught to the clansmen their forces, caught by surprise, vastly outnumbered and facing superior equipment, were cut down within 24-hours that blood-soaked winter day. The Clan Seishin of the Valley of Oblivion entered the brink of extinction in the attack; their houses burnt to the ground, their people slaughtered as the enemies of the state, and their existence all but wiped from memory and records alike.

As rumors have it however, at least a singular pair, a myrrha child and her mother, survived the attack and ended up living in Alterra under the protection and patronage of a high-ranking member of its military. Testimonies of what happened to them since vary from wild to casual, but no confirmed sightings have been made for several years now.
Conflict Type
Start Date
648 AM, 2nd of Kria
Ending Date
648 AM, 3nd of Kria


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