Deneir (deh-NEER)


Followers of Deneir always remained in close contact with those of Oghma as he was Deneir's brother god. Each of Deneir's churches maintained a library of their own, always collecting literature and maps, but also keeping records of ancient languages and artistic renderings. These churches were full of scribes that transcribed books for the ever-growing collection.   Deneir answered the prayers of his organized priests, but he was also known to choose a person who truly followed Deneir's ideals — to invent, to create, to learn. He himself seemed to have a problem with some of his strictly-organized orders, whose devotion to a hierarchy and their duties impeded his followers' learning and inventing, to the point of there being little joy in their work. Despite their generally laid back attitude, the teachings of Deneir dictated that his followers create with a conscience and refrain from casually designing weapons of war or death.   During the Spellplague, it seems as if Deneir tried to re-establish the stability of Mystra's Weave by writing the Metatext and thus, himself into it. During the battle of Spirit Soaring, Deneir seemed to completely disappear as a divine entity and instead became part of the Weave, granting his remaining Chosen, Cadderly Bonaduce, more arcane abilities.   Beyond Toril, Deneir, together with Oghma and Thoth, was worshiped by the fal, the enormous slug-like "scholars of wildspace".

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Deneir was portrayed in religious depictions as an old, balding sage with a huge, flaring beard. Sometimes his eyes were a vibrant violet with triangular pupils, at others a brilliant ice blue, and at others still they were blazing balls of blue fire, but they were always peculiar in some way. He was always shown holding a quill and with some form of parchment, either carrying or writing in a book or scroll.   Deneir most often appeared as he was depicted, with a white beard and intense blue or violet eyes, usually carrying quill pens, scrolls, and tomes. He sometimes, however, appeared younger, especially when in disguise. His voluminous robes were covered in symbols and glyphs that initiated random effects on those who touched them, ranging in effect from standard glyph or symbol spells, miscellaneous spell effects, or just bizarre happenings. The symbols seemed to serve as some sort of code to remind him of specific facts and events.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Deneir's purpose was to act as Oghma's scribe; more importantly, he recorded the Metatext: the numeric representation of the multiverse and a form of ultimate logic. During the events of the Spellplague and The Ghost King novel, Cadderly witnessed Deneir transcribing the Metatext into the remnants of the Weave for purposes unknown. In doing so, Deneir wrote himself into the Weave as well, passing out of known existence. Deneir granted a portion of his power to Cadderly in order for him to combat and imprison the Ghost King.


Contacts & Relations

Deneir, along with Oghma, Milil and Gond, were known as the Deities of Knowledge and Invention. Like Milil, he acted as an intermediary for Oghma, carrying new information both to him and those he favored. Their relationship was a symbiotic one, and Oghma appreciated Deneir's commitment to his studies and truth, though he knew little of the obscure Metatext and suspected that his servant was chasing half-imagined ramblings and shadows of the mind.   His scholarly outlook and magical interests made Deneir popular among gods of magic, including Mystra, Azuth, and particularly Savras. Lliira thought that she could scare some fun into him and gained endless enjoyment from making him uncomfortable.   Deneir counted among his enemies those who sought to hide or distort knowledge, such as Cyric, Mask, or Shar, or those who destroyed it, such as the Gods of Fury, notably Malar and Talos. These beings filled the normally collected scribe with rage.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Achorian pantheon
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of All Glyphs and Images
The Scribe of Oghma
The First Scribe
Arcana, Knowledge
Cartography, Glyphs, Images, Literature, Scribes


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