Eldath (EL-dæth)

Eldath, also known as The Green Goddess, Mother Guardian of Groves, or the Mother of the Waters among the Bedine people, was a lake spirit who acted as the guardian of groves and watersheds. Her presence was felt wherever there was calm.


Eldath was a pacifist who avoided hostile action, even if threatened. Although shy, quiet, and enigmatic, the Green Goddess was possessed of unknown depths of character and unexpressed resolve that could not be broken. Eldath protected rivers, streams, and druids' groves.


Eldathyns were organized into a simplistic hierarchy, where priests reported to a local high priest responsible for a realm or larger region. Most followers dwelt in quiet forest communities with open-air sacred places of worship or in woodside cottages, far from the baseness of city life; both often containing pools of placid water in unspoiled areas. They rarely ever engaged in open confrontation and always acted subtly and peacefully.   Her clergy often followed migratory patterns traveling from holy site to holy site in a local area. They took care of the holy sites and allied with the local druids who followed the First Circle, of which Eldath was considered a member. Violence of any kind against an Eldathan priest was considered taboo, and murdering one was said to bring extremely bad luck. Even so, most servants of Eldath preferred to avoid conflict rather than trying to pacify it because they understood that peace cannot be forced. They would happily preside over peaceful meetings and witness political treaties.   Many people came to Eldath for help in overcoming memories of a violent past. Sometimes this was a single event, and in other cases it was the accumulation of conflicts they had fought.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Eldath's dogma was pacifistic, and her followers only resorted to violence in defence of themselves, of their friends and loved ones, and of pools and groves. Worshipers of Eldath could be of any alignment, but priests were always non-evil. Druids that followed the Mother of the Waters remained neutral, while her specialty priests sometimes leaned toward good.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Mother of the Waters was regarded as a goddess of serenity, comfort, and healing. Any waters blessed by her were known to cure sickness and madness. They could also calm the dying giving them peace and a natural passing.


Contacts & Relations

Eldath considered Mielikki a sister and together with her she served Masklin loyally, even if she did find him at times intimidating. She had close relationships with Chauntea, Selûne, and Pelor, as they shared some common interests. Eldath and Mielikki were said to directly bring retribution down on any who deliberately set fires in the High Forest.   Although Eldath was diametrically opposed to Tempus, the Lord of Battles, they were not enemies. He thought she was naïve, but appreciated her convictions and punished any of his followers that harmed Eldath's faithful or desecrated her shrines and temples.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mother Guardian of Groves
Mother of the Waters
Goddess of Singing Waters
The Green Goddess
The Quiet One
Life, Nature, Peace
Peace, waterfalls, springs, pools, stillness, quiet glades


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