Istishia (is-TISH-ee-ah)

Istishia, also known as King of Water Elementals, was the neutral primordial deity of elemental water and purification.  


Istishia was worshiped by Sailors, Pirates, Water Elementals, Water Genasi, some Aquatic Elves, and others who felt a bond with the ocean's destructive power.

Centres of Worship

Calimshan had a number of important shrines and temples to Istishia. The city of Keltar had a shrine known as the Steps of Istishia that was built thousands of years before the 14th century DR. The city of Calimport had the massive, seven-story Palace of the Cresting Wave.

Worship in Zakhara

On the continent of Zakhara, Istishia was called one of the cold gods of the elements. As those were seen as uncaring for human affairs, they were considered opposed to the Land of Fate's pervasive culture of Enlightenment. Few Zakharans were willing to worship a cold god in order to gain power.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Contacts & Relations

Istishia allies were those deities with a relation to water, like Deep Sashelas, Eldath, Valkur, and Umberlee, but they were not strong relationships. He opposed Kossuth in every way. Istishia sat back and watched the struggle of the archomentals of water, Ben-Hadar and Olhydra; presumably he would intervene if one would achieve a real chance to get control of elemental water.
Divine Classification
Achorian pantheon
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Water Lord
King of the Water Elementals
God-King of Undines


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