Milil (mil-LILL or meh-LILL)

Milil, was venerated as the Faerûnian god of song, poetry, eloquence, creativity, and inspiration. He represented the whole song rather than just one part, such as the music or lyrics, not just the finished thought, but the whole process that took an idea from its conception to its completion. In the mindset encouraged by the Lord of Song, life itself was like a song, beginning at birth and ending upon death.  


Milil was a consummate performer and possessed a confident, constantly-inspired personality. He possessed an impeccable memory as well as a broad knowledge of lore from across Toril that served to bolster the facile improvisations of which he was more-than-capable. However, Milil was also quite egotistical and adored being the centre of attention, and was easily bored when this wasn't the case. He was also extremely flirtatious, with both mortals and other deities alike.  


He was predominantly worshiped by human, elf, and half-elf bards but attracted other musically-inclined individuals such as troubadours or poets. The faith of Milil was an organized group that attracted attractive, sensual, and musically-inclined followers. In addition to their affinity with song and musical instruments, they tended to appreciate good food and wine, and the beauty found in both nature and civilized society. The church was comprised primarily of clerics, but also included bards, mystics, and spellsingers.


  • Harmonious Order: This group of personable and swaggering paladins encouraged bards to accompany them to create ballads based on their exploits taken in Milil's name.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Milil's favoured weapon was Sharptongue, a magical rapier he would, on occasion, lend to mortals performing great quests in his honour. He could also conjure a harp of magical flames, a favoured display to demonstrate his divinity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ayryn Farlight held a scrying session for select members of the Society of Sensation, using her sorcerous gift to observe various deities of Toril. When she attempted to scry Tymora, her magic sight was redirected by the goddess to observing Jasmine and Joel of Finder Wyvernspur's Band. Eventually, her sight was focused on Milil who was delighted to have an audience. The deity used magic to affix the scrying and performed the following songs: the Baker's Daughter, a jaunty hin tune - Pipeweed Dreams, a lengthy ballad - the Seven Sisters, followed by Three Thayvian Roses, the Purple Dragons of Cormyr, and a number of Faerunian folk songs about such mundane things as milking cows, weather, and crops. Eventually, the Sensates started getting bored of the performance, to what Milil responded by starting to singin an opera - the Fall of Myth Drannor. The long and torturous performance was a punishment for trying to spy on a god. During the Era of Upheaval, Milil was simply an exarch of Oghma.


Contacts & Relations

While he was a deity, Milil, along with Deneir and Gond, served the greater power of Oghma. Despite this shared service, Milil had little in common with Gond, and their relationship was quite strained. Milil was on excellent terms with a number of powerful gods, including Mystra and Sune, and often worked closely with Lliira. He was welcome in the elven pantheon as well, and considers Finder Wyvernspur to have some promise, although the feeling was not reciprocated.   He has earned the enmity of Cyric for his ridiculing ballad about the period of madness the Prince of Lies experienced.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Achorian Pantheon
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Song
Lord of All Songs
Guardian of Singers and Troubadours
One Who Watches While Music is Alive
One True Hand of All-Wise Oghma
Knowledge, Light
Eloquence, poetry, song


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