Rutmarsh Grove


Rutmarsh Grove is located deep within the heart of Rutmarh Swamp. Surrounded by dense vegetation and murky waters, the village is situated on slightly elevated ground to avoid flooding during the rainy seasons.  


Approximately 300 residents  


Rutmarsh Grove experiences a humid and misty climate due to its swampy surroundings. The air is often thick with moisture, and fog frequently blankets the village in the early mornings and late evenings.  


  • Swamp Resources: The villagers rely on the swamp's resources for their livelihood. They harvest exotic plants, rare herbs, and fungi unique to the swamp, which are valuable for alchemy and magical purposes.
  • Fishing: The village relies on fishing in the swamp waters for sustenance. Various species of fish and amphibians are caught and consumed by the villagers.
  • Trade: Rutmarsh Grove trades with nearby settlements for goods not found in the swamp. They often barter their unique herbs, plants, and potions in exchange for essentials like grains, tools, and cloth.
  • Government:

  • Elder Council: The village is governed by a council of respected elders who make decisions for the community. The council consists of experienced villagers chosen for their wisdom and leadership skills.
  • Culture:

  • Swamp Traditions: The villagers have developed unique customs and traditions related to living in the swamp. They celebrate festivals honoring the spirits of the swamp, often involving rituals and offerings to the natural elements.
  • Symbiotic Relationship: The villagers maintain a symbiotic relationship with the swamp, respecting its balance and understanding its dangers. They believe in harmony with nature and practice rituals to appease the swamp spirits.
  • Notable Locations:

  • Elder's Hut: The largest and most centrally located structure in Rutmarsh Grove, where the village council meets and important decisions are made.
  • Marshfolk Inn: The village's only inn, providing shelter and meals to travelers passing through. It's a gathering place for both villagers and visitors, fostering a sense of community.
  • Herbalist's Hut: Run by a skilled herbalist, this establishment offers a variety of medicinal herbs, potions, and remedies crafted from the swamp's unique flora.
  • Swamp Market: A bustling marketplace where villagers sell their harvested herbs, fish, and other swamp products. Travelers can find a variety of exotic items and magical ingredients here.
  • Sacred Grove: A secluded area within the village where ancient trees and mystical plants grow. It serves as a place of worship and meditation for the villagers, and ceremonies are held here during important festivals.
  • Defenses:

  • Watchtowers: Tall watchtowers equipped with bells and alarms are strategically placed around the village to warn of approaching dangers, allowing villagers to seek safety.
  • Palisade Wall: A wooden palisade encircles Rutmarsh Grove, providing basic protection against wildlife and potential threats from the swamp.
  • Notable NPCs:

  • Elder Thalwin: The wise and respected leader of Rutmarsh Grove, Elder Thalwin oversees the village council and acts as the village's representative in external matters.
  • Lysa the Herbalist: A skilled herbalist and potion maker, Lysa is well-versed in the unique plants of the swamp and is sought after for her healing remedies.
  • Brenn the Fisher: A skilled fisherman who provides the village with a consistent supply of fresh fish. Brenn is known for his knowledge of the swamp's waters and its elusive aquatic creatures.
  • Relations:

  • Fear of the Grungs: Rutmarsh Grove maintains a peace with the nearby Grung tribe out of fear, engaging in limited trade and occasional mutual aid in times of need, however the Grung often enslave citizens who wonder too far.
  • Tension with Bullywugs: The village has a strained relationship with the aggressive Bullywug cult in the swamp, leading to occasional conflicts over territory and resources.
  • Neutral Stance with Lizardfolk: Rutmarsh Grove remains neutral towards the secretive Lizardfolk tribe living near Vundaineoth's lair, respecting their territory and keeping interactions to a minimum.
  • Rutmarsh Grove stands as a bastion of resilience in the heart of Rutmarh Swamp, its villagers relying on each other and their deep understanding of the swamp's secrets to thrive amidst the challenges of their environment.


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