Sune (SOO-nee or SOON)

Sune, also known as Lady Firehair, was the deity of beauty, with governance also over love. Her dogma primarily concerned love based on outward beauty, with primary importance placed upon loving people who responded to the Sunite's appearance. Her symbol was that of a beautiful woman with red hair. Some speculated that Sune was in fact the same or similar as the goddess Athena of the Olympian pantheon.  


Sune was a benevolent goddess that abhorred the destruction of beauty and truly loved and protected her followers. She was also one of the most vain entities in the cosmos, enjoying attention and sincere flattery while avoiding the horrific and boorish. The sometimes whimsical Princess of Passion alternated between deep passion and casual flirtation with others. When she was truly interested in a person or god, she wholeheartedly believed in these deep-seated feelings, but though she was one of the most passionate beings in existence, her focus lasted only a short time (as long as the subject continued to be enticing) before she lost interest and moved on.


Sune's highest priest was known as the Heartwarder, usually being the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. They were expected to keep their appearance as flattering as possible and shower others with sweet words at least five times a month.   Sune's clerics sought to bring beauty to the world in many forms, all of which were pleasing to the senses. They created great works of art, became patrons for promising actors, and imported exotic luxuries like satin and fine wines. Her followers also enjoyed looking beautiful, and hearing tales of romance. The stories ranged from star-crossed love, true love overcoming all else, to following one's heart.   Her temples usually held social salons and displayed mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even had public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stood on the corner of busy city streets. They would have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They were used to check one's appearance while honouring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even held perfume and cosmetic items for those who could not afford such luxuries themselves.  


Sisters and Brothers of the Ruby Rose - A knightly order affiliated with the Church of Sune, made up of bards, fighters, and paladins. Their primary mission was to guard Sunite temples and holy sites, and occasionally accompany clerics doing good works or questing for something important to the Lady of Love. Initiation into the order was done by standing vigil in a temple of Sune for an entire night. If the goddess showed her favor by granting a vision or some other boon, the candidate was accepted into the order.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When Sune appeared to the mortals of Achora she did so as a human female of unearthly beauty dressed in only a near-transparent gown of silk. She was known for her lustrous, impossibly long red hair, the color of which persisted regardless of any other permutations in her appearance, and which often assumed the appearance of flames. Aside from this, her physical manifestation would change from time to time. Her skin might be golden, mahogony, reddish, or ivory, and her eyes might be sky-blue, forest green, almond-shaped, or of darkest amber or honey. her eyes of shining emeralds, and ruby red plump lips. She occasionally wore ruby gemstones in her hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sune's history was mostly told in myth regarding her various romances and flirtations with other gods. Tales existed of her relationships with practically every god except Talos, Umberlee, Malar, Auril, Tempus and Talona, whom Sune abhorred for their acts of destruction. Despite this, there was no known origin given for the goddess, with the earliest conjecture of her divinity during the Golden Age of Netheril and her first mention of an established clergy during that realm's Shadowed Age.
Sune rescued Sharess from death at the hands of Shar and restored the corrupted deity to her original state before Shar's influence affected her.
During the Spellplague, Sune's plane of Brightwater was destroyed, but Selûne invited Sune and her exarchs to join her in the Gates of the Moon. During this period of transition, it was revealed that many lesser powers of love in the Realms, most notably Hanali Celanil, were all aspects of Sune. Sune, along with Tyr and Lathander was one of the triumvirate of deities who declared that Cyric should be imprisoned for the apparent death of Mystra.


Contacts & Relations

Sune was served by Lliira and also by Sharess. For saving Sharess from her, Shar considered Sune her enemy, resulting in Sune giving her aid to Mystra in her struggle against Shar and the Shadow Weave. She was also allied to Milil and Pelor, as well as Selûne, who once served her much as Sharess does now, but has since gone her own way. Sune was also known to enjoy long-term relationships and many casual flirtations. The Lady Firehair disliked the Gods of Fury, as well as Tempus for the destruction they caused to beautiful things. Despite this, she had no true enemies among the gods, as the Gods of Fury dislike all others and Tempus considered her too flighty and therefore irrelevant to be worth the conflict.   Outside of the Realms, Sune was considered a "backwater power with delusions of grandeur" by her deific peers, such as Freya, Aphrodite and Hanali Celanil, but otherwise they got on well together - Sune of course, believing that she was the most beautiful of all of them.
Divine Classification
Greater deity
Achorian pantheon
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Firehair
The Lady of Love
Goddess of Love
Goddess of Beauty and Love
Beautiful One
The Fickle and the Beautiful
The Princess of Passion
Served By
Divine Domain
Life, Light
Love, beauty, passion


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