Turelim (Tu-REL-im)

Time to Scream - Time to Die

The Tyrants are the frontline shock troops of the Vampire legions, dedicating each victory to the glory of Clan Turelim. Tyrants see themselves as 'true' warriors and despise those who cannot compete with them on the battlefield. Their fighting style is heavy-handed and punishing, soaking up damage as they smash a straight line to their prey.   The Turelim were the second of the six vampire clans. They were the descendants of the lieutenant Turel. Turel the second-born of Kain's vampire lieutenants. He would be promoted to Kain's second-in-command should Raziel expire. Turelim were the most powerful clan in Middengoth.  

Disputed Heirs to the Throne

  Turelim revel in the epithet of “Tyrant”– to them, ruling oppressively through force and fear is perfectly natural and they take pride in doing so. Fledglings, over time, change in their physical appearance as the dark gift overtakes them completely, slowly shedding the vestiges of their Human skin to become distinctively Vampiric. This evolution would one day become monstrous devolution with the corruption in Kain’s soul having been passed on to all his progeny, but for now the effects were more benign. Even fledgling Turelim subconsciously use their latent telekinetic powers to augment their already impressive physiques, making them capable of truly inhuman feats of speed and strength.   Tyrants are only too eager to honour their Lieutenant-patriarch’s orders, particularly if it involves doing battle. The Turelim were physically strong like the Dumahim adults (only larger), and they could fire projectiles like their cousins, the Rahabim. The Turelim projectiles were different, however, being blasts of telekinetically compressed space. They could also move quickly for their size, and their large ears were a sign of their 'highly sensitive hearing'. The Turelim had no distinct weaknesses, although Prima's Vampiric Ecology Guide claim their evolution was making them 'bat-like in appearance' and they had 'incredible powers of hearing at the price of faltering vision' like Turel himself.

The Turelim guarded some of the more important locations in Nosgoth. Prima's Vampiric Ecology Guide referred to the Turelim as the 'servants of Kain' implying that they guarded the important locations because Kain ordered them to.   While other Clans called them arrogant, for the Turelim it was innate pride, being especially proud of their role in building the era of Vampire domination. When the true extent of the Human threat became apparent, the Tyrants readily called a truce with the other Clans, and took their renowned place in the vanguard of the Vampire legions.


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